Traverser Management System

Chapter 155: Qingtian Zhenxian

At this time, the person in the passage was already angry, and he didn't expect that this time the lower realm would come to extradite the immortal Jie, he would be able to encounter such a strange flower! Want to destroy the access channel!

Of these cultivators in the realm of cultivating immortals, which one is not an effort to increase strength, survive the catastrophe and become a fairy, and then set foot on the realm of immortality!

I have never met anyone who wants to destroy the passage of cultivation and is unwilling to set foot on the world of immortals!

The immortal that this lower realm leads to is already the Xuanxian class, which is even higher than that of the day immortal.

Only the immortals of this class can withstand the pressure brought by the cross-border, and they will be rewarded with the merits of the immortal world every time they cross-boundary.

This time, he had finally managed to win the Netherlink, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

If the cross-border passage is not guaranteed, he might still fall into the turbulence of time and space. He is very anxious now. Now he has only two choices, either to use the fastest speed to step out of the passage and enter the realm of cultivating immortals, or to use the fastest speed to retreat and return to the realm of immortals!

Moving forward, the pressure of each step will increase exponentially, and moving backward, the pressure of each step will decrease exponentially.

There is still 1/3 forward and 2/3 backward. He now faces a choice, and at this moment the cross-border passage is already trembling, and it seems that it is about to collapse at any time!

This cross-border passage is made with fairy qi, and every strand of fairy qi that makes up the passage has its own unique function, just like a precision instrument.

If something is wrong, it will immediately cause a breakdown. Now Zheng Yu's crazy extraction below has made this cross-boundary passage unstable, humming and clicking sound in the trembling, causing the fairy in the passage to sweat wildly. ! Dizziness and soft feet!

Finally, this Xuanxian took a step back!

This step back suddenly reduced the pressure on him, so he took another step back, so far out of control.

He retreated and cursed: "You have reached the top of the lower realm. You will be squeezed by the whole heaven every moment. When you can't bear this squeeze, it will drive you into the turbulent flow of time and space. I don’t believe that you have not come to the immortal realm. I am waiting for you in the immortal realm. Don’t let me find you! You can wait for me..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already withdrawn from the other side of the entire passage, and this passage was turned into fragments in the void.

The entire passage collapsed, and after the collapse, no trace of energy escaped, but in Zheng Yu's eyes, this piece of heaven and earth seemed to be cracked!

The wind was violent, and this rift swallowed everything around!

At this time, he felt the arrival of plane consciousness, and the fissure in the sky began to be repaired. Amidst the roaring wind, it slowly turned into the original sky!

Zheng Yu sighed, it would be great if such a big fellow could recover all of it, and he would absorb a trace of the origin that has tens of thousands! It's a pity that this thing will explode when touched!

But luckily it exploded, otherwise the immortal in the passage would come to the world, afraid that he would not have his own good fruits to eat.

He thought carefully about what the fairy had said, and quietly felt the power of plane rejection that the fairy had said. It hadn't started yet, but then he left it behind!

After a few minutes, everything was calm.

And Yunxiaozi and Chisongzi, who were thousands of miles away, were also sweating on their foreheads. They looked at each other without saying a word, and turned around to set up the escape light, faster than before.

Wang Xue and Wu Die, who were dozens of miles away, still had weak legs and couldn't stand up at all.

Those other monks had already run away when Zheng Yu was fighting with the two Sanxians.

Zheng Yu stood on the spot and pondered for a long while, thinking about how to start his own raid plan.

But I don’t know that the people who were let go have already spread the news of his appearance: There is a great demon in this world, whether it is the righteous demon gate or the casual cultivator, it is his goal, the magic is boundless, and the two scattered immortals are not. His opponent.

This news is centered on Zhongzhou, spreading in all directions!

At this time, he was considered famous.

But everyone didn't know his real name, and they all called him Qingtian Zhenxian. This name was taken from the giant palm that covered several miles after he had just appeared in front of everyone!

This palm frightened the courage of countless free cultivators, scared away the righteous demon gate, scared two scattered immortals to take the road.

The name of Qingtian Zhenxian spread like wildfire.

And none of this is within the scope of Zheng Yu's thinking. Within the scope of his spiritual power at this time, there is no living thing except Wang Xue and Wu Die.

The immortal cultivator has long disappeared, and those snakes, insects, rats and ants will either die or escape under the continuous impact of pressure.

Close to the end of the world, under Zheng Yu's realm improvement, he also has a stronger ability.

Now he took a step forward, as long as he went anywhere within the scope of his mental power, he could reach it at will.

This ability is similar to teleporting supernatural powers. He took a step forward and came in front of Wang Xue and Wu Die.

After Feng Ling shrank, its voice became clear and sweet. It stood on Zheng Yu's shoulder, and disappeared on this small mountain as he moved.

He came to Wang Xue and Wu Die. The two had recovered a lot at this time and were already sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The continuous coercion just now went on and on, and the two of them couldn't compete at all. They suffered some injuries under such coercion, mainly because the realm was too low.

Zheng Yu stretched out his hand and touched Feng Ling on his shoulders, and said to the two girls: "In the future, you must be like a maid. From now on, don't call it a senior, just call me son!"

Under Zheng Yu's mental power detection, he found that both of them had some injuries, not trauma but mental trauma, he thought about it, and exchanged two spirit infant pills from the system.

"These two Ling Ying Pills, you two will take them directly. The Nascent Infant Pills should allow you to raise a few levels in the early stage of the Golden Pill, lest your strength is too low and you will not be able to bear even a little pressure live!"

This small mountain where Zheng Yu has spent three times in a row has never been since then. However, this hill is famous all over the world because of him.

The majestic aura he left behind hasn't dissipated here for hundreds of years, and everything that happened under this mountain was also widely spread in the world of immortality.

This place was the birthplace of the demon. When everyone later knew that the demon had crossed the boundary, this place became a place where all the cultivators often came.

This place has become a new fairy family bazaar, and there is no time limit. Countless cultivators have come here and built a city here, named Qingtian!

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