Traverser Management System

Chapter 156: Decide

Feng Ling and Zheng Yu are connected with each other, and every look in his eyes or every thought can be directly transmitted to Feng Ling's heart.

Feng Ling rubbed his small head against his face, he touched its head affectionately, and said to Feng Ling, "It's time to go!"

Feng Ling's small and exquisite figure hovered around in the air, getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a giant, with the mighty power of a phoenix, and the temperament of a king over the world.

It was not the first time that Wang Xue and Wu Die saw Feng Ling's appearance. Every time they saw Feng Ling's appearance, they would be shocked.

Zheng Yu said to Wang Xue and Wu Die: "Come on, we will meet the monks in this world!"

Wang Xue and Wu Die didn't know why, but they sat on Feng Ling's back obediently and stood behind Zheng Yu. Zheng Yu nodded, sat down cross-legged, and gently patted Feng Ling's back!

With a long cry, Feng Ling spread his wings and flew out towards the hundred thousand mountains!

In the Ten Thousand Miles away, Yang Xiao looked at Yang Xinyu, nodded and said: "I haven't seen it for a few days, but I have reached the late Yuan Ying stage. Good progress!"

Then Yang Xiao pointed to the stone table in front of him, and said to Yang Xinyu, "Sit down!"

Yang Xinyu walked over respectfully and sat down!

"This world is overwhelming. It has been three times in a row in this period of time. The last one was like breaking the realm. There seems to be a lower realm of immortals. I wonder if you can be sure, that is the location of the new lotus boy?"

Yang Xinyu smiled, and then sighed helplessly, and said: "My sister's child, when I first saw it, I only had the foundation stage, but within a day, he reached the golden core. I saw him in a few days. It’s the primordial infant stage, and then I’ll be back!"

"I think that child is like a congenital Dao body, and his realm is growing all the time. During this period of time since I left, the heaven and earth have happened one after another in that place, and the pressure of heaven and earth has become more and more violent. I think it is my nephew's realm that has improved again. !"

Yang Xinyu sighed again. When this paragraph came out, he himself didn't believe it, but the real facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help refuting it.

"At that time, when he was only in the early days of Yuan Ying, I felt a huge coercion in front of him. The feeling of life threatening all the time made my creeps. I didn't even have the courage to stay in front of him for a while, so I'll be back!"

After Yang Xinyu finished speaking, he looked at his father. He didn't know why his father summoned himself this time.

"During your retreat, there was a piece of news that he killed a lot of both the Righteous Demon Dao and the casual cultivator in the world. At this time, the Dan Dao Sect and Wu Liangzong put pressure on me one after another, saying that the news was me. Come first, let us explain it clearly! Or hand over the person!"

"Several monks in the Dandaomen were killed by him, but since the Great Elder of the Wuliangzong left, there was no more news. They thought this matter was related to us."

"At the beginning, we persuaded the news about the birth of the fairy palace. It was the coercion brought about by someone crossing the catastrophe. It was not the birth of the fairy palace at all. They didn't believe it, and they blamed us for the loss of the disciple in the door! Seriously! Do you think we are easy to bully?"

Yang Xiao squinted his eyes, with a cruel meaning between each sentence: "Wan Jianfeng has not been born in a thousand years. At this time, do they want to try their edge?"

Yang Xinyu stood up from the stone bench long ago, and stood aside, without answering the conversation!

The whole Wan Jianfeng sent waves of killing and killing, and it seemed to sense Yang Xiao's heartfelt voice at the moment. Every generation of Wan Jianzong's Sect Master would sacrifice Wan Jianfeng again to achieve the point of mind-community.

This Wan Jianfeng is the foundation of Wan Jianzong's foothold in Zhongzhou and becoming the most upright school.

"The news from the outside world is that the two scattered immortals are not his one-to-one enemy. Don't say I won't hand him over. Even if I want to hand over him, I am afraid I will be powerless. People of these two factions want to beat us. Sword Sect!"

After Yang Xiao finished speaking, he carried his hands on his back and walked towards Wan Jianfeng. Yang Xinyu stood still on the spot, his expression changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking!

Zheng Yu took Wang Xue and Wu Die to sit on Feng Ling. He had already traveled out of a hundred thousand mountains. Every time Feng Ling spread his wings, he was left behind for several miles, flying extremely fast.

Zheng Yu's mental power was let go, and all within a hundred li radius were in front of him, those low-level monks, he didn't look at them, he was looking for the sect of the world of cultivation!

Now that a decision has been made, no one will be spared!

Wang Xue and Wu Die couldn't resist Zheng Yu at all, although the fairy didn't do anything to them, just let them be maids.

But the two of them don't even know what the maids should do. As cultivators, they only have the golden core stage, and they have not even reached the realm of bigu. Now they still need to eat, drink and sleep, and take care of themselves too busy!

In fact, after Zheng Yu accepted these two people, he was a little puzzled that he could easily reach wherever he wanted to go.

But now they are carrying two oil bottles, what should they do?

I don't need to make a bed or a quilt, and I don't know how long I haven't slept.

Not to mention the question of eating, where do I need to eat? The spiritual energy between the world and the earth can't support oneself, do I need to use spiritual power to break it down to eat food?

Zheng Yu thought for a while, and then he thought about it. It's not bad to take two of them to support the facade. He is alone and two charming maids behind him. Thinking of it, he has face!

Zheng Yu laughed. The two girls behind him didn't know what he was laughing at, but he seemed to be in a good mood. At least there is no need to worry that the two of her will be shot to death by him!

Although Zheng Yu has rescued them many times!

But the power of that palm is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the two girls are still trembling when they see Zheng Yu.

A big city in the distance appeared in Zheng Yu's spiritual power. He made Feng Ling turn his head and flew towards the big city. Within the range of his spiritual power, he found two sects and gates around the big city. There are a lot of middle cultivators, he wants to see it!

Feng Ling's flying speed was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye he had already reached the outside of this big city.

There are many mortals in the city, and the population of hundreds of thousands makes this city prosperous. Suddenly countless people exclaimed: "Phoenix, a phoenix flew out of the city, look at it!"

Of course, the eyes of mortals are not as sharp as those of immortal cultivators. They can only see the outline of the phoenix, but cannot see the three people standing on the back of the phoenix. Countless people knelt on their knees and shouted the name of the phoenix!

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