Traverser Management System

Chapter 157: Small pie

There are monks in this big city, as well as the people who had escaped from the Hundred Thousand Mountains before. The news spread in the city, and other monks talked about what they saw and heard.

They all knew that there was a great demon that was shocking and weeping, and Sanxian was not its opponent.

He possessed a phoenix, and it was just a phoenix that captured a scattered fairy alive. This ability shocked everyone.

Shocked is shocked, as long as it doesn't happen to yourself. Several people were still talking before, but suddenly, they felt a pressure approaching, and the phoenix had flown out of the big city.

These monks looked at each other, swallowing saliva, and sweating, not daring to talk about it!

The two sects outside this big city were not far from the city, and of course they also saw this amazing phoenix.

Before the news came, they also knew that there was such a fairy in the world, and he was a cruel fairy.

When this fairy appeared around them, everyone was shocked, and they didn't know what the phoenix or the real fairy was going to do.

The two sects are not big, because there is a small spiritual vein outside the city that can mine spiritual stones, so they have established a martial art here. Only they are willing to come and mine.

So they collected a lot of mortals, taught them the ordinary way of practicing Qi, and asked these mortals to help mine spirit stones.

The highest level of these two sects is not yet in the Yuan Ying stage, only the late Jindan stage. I don't know where the two sects have been broken into this kind of sect, what attracted this fairy!

"Master, the master is not good, that phoenix flew over our sect's head, what a big phoenix!" A fourteen-five-year-old girl ran to the door with her horns and pigtails. In the main hall.

"What kind of system is bluffing, why is the master bad? The master is okay?" As the master of the small sect, Lu Kexin's current cultivation has reached the late Jindan stage, and sects like this are in the realm of cultivation. Countless.

Lu Kexin was meditating in the hall, but fell asleep at some unknown time. At this moment, he heard An Qing's voice and opened his eyes in a daze!

"An Qing, where is your brother An Yu? Did you bully your brother again?" Lu Kexin frowned and pointed An Qing's head with his index finger!

"Master, I still have the heart to make jokes with me. I didn't bully my brother. He was watching Phoenix outside, and he is still yelling at this moment! Master, come with me, Phoenix They have all flown over our heads, you won't go out yet!" An Qing was very angry, this master didn't care at all!

"Is there really a phoenix? Go and take a look!" When Lu Kexin heard that An Qing hadn't lied to her, he immediately became excited. After finishing the messy clothes all over, he walked outside the door with An Qing!

"Wow, what a big phoenix, it's so beautiful!" Lu Kexin is not even as good as his apprentice. An Qing now looks unsmiling, staring at the phoenix in the sky tightly, as if he is facing an enemy!

Look at my master again, he looks like an idiot, watching the phoenix in the sky yelling and jumping, An Qing is full of black lines!

At this time, a little boy came over. He jumped to his master, took Lu Kexin's hand and said, "Master, there are people on Phoenix's back. I saw them just now. There are three of them!"

"What? That's amazing! Take me to see!" Lu Kexin became more excited when he heard the little boy's words!

An Qing grabbed the two of them and said, "You two fools, haven't you heard the rumors from the outside? Qingtian is really immortal! It was slapped to death, tens of thousands of cultivators' Qingtian!"

"This... so powerful?" Lu Kexin stopped, his face slightly straightened, and said seriously, "What is the immortal sent to our little sect?"

An Qing nodded, at this time the master had a little master look!

Above the phoenix floating in the air, Zheng Yu sat cross-legged, everything below was under his own spiritual exploration, and he knew everything that happened!

Among the small sects below, the one with the highest cultivation level is the sect master below.

The two children in front of the master of the sect were only at the cultivation level of the Qi training period. After that, the cultivation level of the entire sect of hundreds of people was so low that it could be ignored.

At most, it has reached the level of physical strength. This school can be called scum in Zheng Yu's heart!

Now almost the entire sect of people are below, all raised their heads, one by one exclaimed, without even a slight expression of fear, all of them are praising the beauty of the phoenix and talking about the people on the phoenix Who is it!

Let Zheng Yu have no interest in robbery at all. At this moment, he suddenly jumped out to robbery. How could he feel that the atmosphere was weird!

He is really embarrassed to bully such a sect, but this sect has mined a lot of spirit stones for a century, and there are tens of thousands. Zheng Yu doesn't want to let it go. Tens of thousands of spirit stones are the origin of hundreds of thousands, which is quite a lot. Up!

But it just went on like this and was swept away, and it seemed to be a bit of a loss. After thinking about it, I made a decision in my heart!

He turned his head to the two girls and said: "You two go down, talk to the master, see what they need, and exchange spirit stones with me!"

Lu Kexin didn't know what the people on Phoenix had planned for her sect. She looked solemn because she suddenly heard An Qing told herself that people above Phoenix turned out to be true celestial figures!

Such a big man, I am afraid that within a few seconds, his sect will be wiped out. The sect has been inherited for a hundred years and is based on spiritual stones.

Up to now, only the two apprentices An Qing and An Yu have been accepted, and the rest are full of coolies, that is, people who have been paid to help mine spirit stones, no different from miners!

To count, there are only three people in my own sect, and all the rest are made up.

The one above is a real fairy, his sect is small and broken, and he doesn't know where he can attract such great power.

She felt a little nervous, but she forced herself to calm her mind. The previous playful mentality has been completely discarded, but she did not show it in front of her two disciples!

An Qing is different from her younger brother. She has been smart since she was a child. She saw the change in the expression on her master's face, and she was also a little worried.

At this time, everyone saw that two girls flew down above the phoenix in the sky!

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