Traverser Management System

Chapter 164: Taoism

The head of the immeasurable faction was a little bewildered when he saw his only ally had left like this.

You can leave, at least tell me what is going on?

But at this time, the Dandaomen sect master had no time to pay attention to him, originally he didn't particularly want to come to Wan Jianzong to say anything.

You are also instigated to come to this Ten Thousand Sword Sect. Now that something big is happening in the door, the entire mountain of Dandaomen from bottom to top is almost emptied. Where can there be any time to quarrel with you here!

Zheng Yu looked at the people who were shouting and drinking, stopped, and laughed: "You come and catch me. If you catch me, I will return it to you! It looks like there is a medicine field in the back mountain. , I'm going there first!"

As soon as the end of the world flashed, Zheng Yu's figure disappeared instantly!

The medicine field of this Dandaomen is on another mountain, and the mountain is filled with all kinds of spiritual herbs and medicines, divided into various medicine fields, densely lined up from the foot of the mountain!

But this is also a part of the forbidden land. The reason why the forbidden land is forbidden is that it is a place where others are forbidden to come here.

The outside of the medicine field was also wrapped with a layer of formations, which covered all the medicine fields in order to prevent those thieves from stealing the medicine materials.

When Zheng Yu took this step, people were already standing outside the formation. He stretched out his hand and touched the formation. A mask appeared in front of his eyes. He chuckled, and the original point of the gift is not for nothing!

Immediately the entire formation disappeared, and the formation was also recovered by him. It seemed that there was nothing in this world that the system could not recover.

With the system, everything becomes simple and clear. You can accomplish what you want to achieve with only two words, that is: recycling.

Zheng Yu stood right above the medicine field and looked around. There were plants and herbs growing densely underneath. Zheng Yu waved his hand, a piece of wood and grass disappeared, and continued to move forward. All became bare open spaces.

When the disciples of the Dandaomen who came after saw it, some cried bitterly, some scolded, and even said nothing, with red eyes, they rushed towards Zheng Yu!

Zheng Yu himself came for the source point. All these things can be recovered at the source point. How could he let it go? Among the hundred thousand mountains, he could not bear to let it go when he could see a spiritual herb and elixir.

Here, densely from the foot of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there are so many spiritual herbs and medicines, Zheng Yu's eyes have long been green!

However, he came here only for the sake of origin. All these things are accumulated in the family's sect for an unknown number of years. After he took it all away, he was not embarrassed to destroy the family again. .

Just take things.

Zheng Yu confirmed this idea in his heart, so he didn't take action at these people, but he changed his body shape while walking, and no one could touch him.

Where he walked, everything disappeared, and there were no items with spiritual energy left. Those who rushed over with the magical instruments also found that their magical instruments had been taken away, and all of them were dejected. Since this hour, no one in the entire martial art can care about him!

Zheng Yu was walking, and suddenly stopped. He saw a spring hole of ten meters in the distance. In the spring hole, the clear and transparent spring water trickled down, and there was a tree in the spring hole.

The state of the small tree is strange. Each leaf is like a small person. From top to bottom, there are only more than twenty leaves, shaking on the small tree, like countless small people are playing games. , Zheng Yu's eyes brightened!

But the eyes of the monks of the Dandaomen in the distance were red!

"Don't attack Dao Seed!"

"Senior, please be merciful and let go of the Taoism!"

"If you dare to touch it, the whole Dandao Sect will never die with you!"

In Zheng Yu's heart, all these people behind had already been ignored. These people could not pose any threat to him, and he couldn't even get close to his 100-meter radius!

As long as they get closer, there will be an invisible force to throw them away!

He was pleasantly surprised at this moment. Such a thing in front of him is actually as high as 17 million origin points in the system's recycling bar. It is estimated that the entire Dandaomen will be recycled, and it will not be able to reach this small tree!

Zheng Yu stretched out his hand at the little tree, and when his fingers touched the leaves on the little tree, a refreshing fragrance came to his face and made Zheng Yu feel refreshed. He couldn't help but feel relieved. Hastily walked a few steps forward!

This thing seems to have improved my understanding of power a lot in just this moment.

He leaned forward to use his nose and took a deep breath, which made him feel stronger. He didn't plan to recycle this kind of good thing directly into the system and waved his sleeves. This one was called Dao-Zhong. The sapling disappeared!

This sapling was taken into his portable space by him. For the time being, no living things can be placed in the portable space. Shouldn't this little sapling be considered a living thing? After all, he has tried, putting that spirit grass and spirit medicine into the portable space, and it will not affect its growth!

In the future, I will look for opportunities to transplant this young sapling out. This thing is of great help to Zheng Yu at this time, and he no longer needs the insight of sitting there cross-legged.

In front of this little tree, take a deep breath, it is better than ten days and a half months of work!

All the cultivators of Dandaomen were already angry, with red eyes, roaring and screaming, rushing towards Zheng Yu!

Zheng Yu was happy at this time and didn't bother to care about these people, he continued to walk towards the top of the medicine field. Go all the way, continue to recycle!

As he walked, he stopped suddenly. He realized that the breath he had just taken had made his own power experience stronger, but it also made the instillation of power faster. He found himself unconsciously , Has reached a new level!

It originally took seven to seven forty-nine days to be able to encounter the catastrophe again, but now, it is estimated that it will only take forty days, and the time seems even more urgent!

Just as Zheng Yu stood in place, reminiscing about his power, hundreds of people suddenly appeared within the scope of his spiritual power.

The lowest cultivator has the Golden Core Stage, and the highest cultivator has reached the Tribulation Crossing Stage, so rushing towards the Pill Gate!

Zheng Yu didn't walk up the mountain slowly this time. He wrapped his spiritual power around the entire mountain and recalled it with a loud voice. All the spiritual herbs on the mountain disappeared.

Only a piece of empty medicine field was left, and then he turned and looked at the hundreds of people who were getting closer and closer in the distance!

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