Traverser Management System

Chapter 165: Return aid

The hundreds of people flying in the sky were the group of people in the Dandaomen who ran to surround the Ten Thousand Sword Sect with the Wuliang faction.

Among them are the head of the Dandao Sect, dozens of inner disciples, and hundreds of outer disciples!

These monks together, wherever they go out, are a huge force, but to Zheng Yu, it is really a bunch of chickens and dogs that are not worth mentioning.

In this pill door, from top to bottom, inside and outside, the things that can be taken away by him are almost the same. Unexpectedly, outside this place, there will be hundreds of guys who give themselves the origin point.

At this time, everyone in the Dandaomen had already reacted. In the entire world of cultivating immortals, who would come all the way to specifically **** items with aura!

There is only one person in the entire world of cultivating immortals! Since that person was born, he has been doing this kind of thing.

The name of Qingtian True Immortal has spread throughout the entire world of immortality, and his deeds are widely spread.

But it's not a good reputation, it's sad to hear it, and tears to hear it. Whether it was a casual repair or a sect, when they heard the words Qingtianzhenxian, they either remained silent or yelled.

As a top-level monk in the realm of cultivating immortals, as a fairy, he ran to **** things with casual cultivators, ran to **** things with the little sect, and finally ran into the Dandaomen to **** things.

His series of actions made everyone feel grief and indignation, and this news spread once again throughout the entire world of immortality at this moment.

And when the head of the Boundless Sect in the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, he was nervous when he heard the news that the real immortal Qingtian had robbed him of the alchemy door!

The Wuliangpai is only a thousand miles away from the Dandaomen. If this Qingtian real immortal wants to go to the Wuliangpai for a round, it will be nothing more than a cup of tea.

Everyone in the Boundless faction looked at their head eagerly, waiting for the head to give orders. Are they continuing to contain Ten Thousand Sword Sect? Still rush back to the martial arts to help!

In the end, the head of the immeasurable faction led his disciples to turn and flew towards the martial art. This anticlimactic confinement issue came to an end!

And here, among the alchemy gates, from the head to the handyman disciples, all crying and mourning, gathered together in the original hall where they were!

Everyone's eyes were on Zheng Yu, who was standing on top of the Phoenix with a happy face.

"Everyone is happy. After all, I only grab things and don't hurt people. If I want to hurt you, your school is gone!"

The head of the Dan Dao Sect was crying without saying a word. The artifact on his body had already been cleaned by Zheng Yu. If it weren't for Zheng Yu to see that he was the head of the faction, even his artifact was lining. Will never leave him!

Zheng Yu calculated the harvest this time in his mind, and it turned out to be as high as 13 million origin points, and the small tree was not included in this.

If you count that little tree, it would have reached 30 million root points this trip, and Zheng Yu laughed loudly.

He said: "I will leave you with a pill for increasing longevity, and it will be assumed that you bought this longevity pill! Come, that master will pick it up!"

After Zheng Yu finished speaking, he threw the pill in his hand towards the head of the head, sadly in his heart, but he quickly took the pill in his hand.

Almost no one has the pill for increasing longevity in the entire cultivating world. Anyone who knows the pill for increasing longevity will get it in their hands at all costs.

However, the head of the pill sect really didn't want this pill to increase longevity.

But he has no choice, the situation is compelling, so he can leave some comfort!

All the people in the alchemy gate looked at the phoenix figure that was drifting away in the sky, looking at each other, grief came from it.

Some people wept bitterly, others yelled at them, but the head of the Dandaomen didn't care about them anymore. It's okay for everyone to vent.

There were houses in the mountains, and the head of the Dandaomen returned to his room and sat down cross-legged, not knowing what he was thinking.

But at this moment, Zheng Yu had already flown thousands of miles away. He looked at the mountain in front of him and grinned again!

"Hehe, Wuliangzong!"

Zheng Yu was about to set foot on the site of Wuliangzong, but suddenly stopped. He frowned tightly, looking at a small house on the mountainside of Wuliang Mountain, and muttered in his mouth: "How could she... Here?"

Chen Wenqin had just worshipped the Boundless Sect just half a month ago, and had gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, begging all the way, and was turned away by countless sects.

Her aptitude was not good, her personality was soft on the inside. After coming out of the small mountain village, she separated from Liu Ziqiang, and she embarked on the road of Xunxianwen Dao alone.

I have had a lot of suffering along the way. I dress myself up and sloppy every day, and use dust and dirt on my face to change my appearance, so that no one will be malicious.

On the road, I also met good-hearted people taking her all the way, so she reached the boundary of Zhongzhou.

It is not a secret to cultivate immortals in Zhongzhou. Everyone in Zhongzhou knows that there are immortals in the world.

Although everyone knows that there are immortals in this world, not everyone has luck to encounter them. The most is to walk on the ground, but occasionally I see a streamer passing by in the sky when I look up. This is what the immortal raised when he was on his way. Escape!

On that day, Chen Wenqin was resting in the woods, and saw a streamer passing by and falling into the woods in the distance.

Chen Wenqin knew that the opportunity was coming, so she ran in that direction. For dozens of miles, she was a mortal, and in a hurry, she finally came here.

Everyone has their own luck. At this time, it is Chen Wenqin's luck.

This is a middle-aged female Taoist with a sallow face and a languid breath. She was sitting cross-legged in the same place and running aura, seemingly injured.

If Zheng Yu met such a person, maybe he would walk forward happily, knocking out and taking it away.

But it was Chen Wenqin who met her.

This is a monk in the middle Jindan period, and a deacon of the Outer Sect of the Boundless Sect. This time, following the elders in the gate, they will go to the outskirts of the Shiwan Mountain to find the treasure!

Unexpectedly, a shocking giant palm photographed her, and she escaped by hiding between her fingers, but she was also seriously injured. Persevering all the way to this place has exhausted her spiritual power.

Chen Wenqin's fortune began at this point, and she took good care of the middle-aged female monk until the monk was almost recovered.

She just put forward the idea of ​​letting this monk accept her as an apprentice!

That day, after her pleading, the middle-aged female monk agreed to put her into the gate wall and bring her into the novice school.

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