Traverser Management System

Chapter 167: Arranged properly

"Sister Wenqin, I have a copy of Blood Rebirth Dafa here for you. Practice quietly by yourself. Don’t let others know about you until you become stronger!" Zheng Yu took out the Blood Rebirth Dafa again and handed it to Chen Wenqin. Hands.

The most powerful part of this exercise is to save your life. If you practice it to the deepest, you can be reborn with a drop of blood. Therefore, if you leave it to Chen Wenqin to practice, you can protect her to the greatest extent.

Zheng Yu took out several small porcelain bottles from his arms, and there were a few pills in each bottle, everything from the foundation pill to the rising spirit pill to the Lingying Pill.

Chen Wenqin took these pills step by step, and within the fastest speed, she could practice her **** rebirth Dafa to the extent that she could protect herself.

"There are also a few pills here. Taking them before each practice will allow you to absorb the spiritual energy at the fastest speed and improve your realm."

Chen Wenqin's face was full of surprise. He didn't expect that his childhood playmate could easily come up with such a powerful technique and so many high-level pills.

She had only heard of these pills, even the lowest level of Jidan, it was not something that a little monk like her just entering the world of immortality could touch.

Thinking of that Ling Ying Pill, if you take out one by yourself, it is estimated that it will cause countless people to fight, and Zheng Yu just handed it to himself so easily.

As soon as Chen Wenqin wanted to refuse, he waved his hand and said, "It's not a good thing either. There are many of these things here. Just accept it with peace of mind and work hard to cultivate!"

"I don't know how many years I will come back here, and we may not see each other again for a long time, so you can take these things with ease!" After finally handing these things to Chen Wenqin, he closed his eyes and thought for a while.

"This is a four-image formation, which can prevent an hour's attack by the Nascent Soul monk. This is the Nine Heavens God Thunder Orb, with the full blow of the Mahayana monk!" Chen Wenqin was surprised every time he took out something! In this short period of one month, I don't know what happened to Brother Yu.

"The two **** will leave once they turn around in Zhongzhou. If the Boundless Sect stays uncomfortable, go to the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, find a person called Yang Xinyu, and report my name. Now!" Zheng Yu scratched his head. At this moment, he was just Chen Wenqin's childhood playmate, not the Qingtian immortal who stunned the immortal world.

"From now on, the Boundless faction may have a lot of changes. Remember what I said, if you don't like staying in the Boundless faction, go to Wanjian Sect!"

"Why?" Chen Wenqin suddenly realized that Brother Yu in front of her was a bit strange, and she was no longer talking as much as she did at the beginning, and since she saw Zheng Yu, she always felt that the person in front of her was already standing above those nine heavens. Not mundane.

Far away, you can wait and see, but don't dare to approach.

"As for why, I won't tell you now, you will know after a while, but you must keep the secret!" Zheng Yu laughed.

He stretched out Chen Wenqin's hand and said to Chen Wenqin very seriously: "You don't need to worry about revenge anymore. I will take care of this matter, so you can cultivate with peace of mind!"

"But...!" Chen Wenqin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zheng Yu.

"When you hear which school in this world has been destroyed, you should know that the enemy has been swept away by me!" Zheng Yu's decisive tone when he said this made Chen Wenqin feel that he would be able to do it, although he didn't know this. Where did the feeling come from.

At this moment, Chen Wenqin was just a mortal who had just come into contact with the cultivation technique of immortality, and had not even reached the stage of Qi refining.

Zheng Yu taught Chen Wenqin the method of converging the voice. This method is not very useful. The only effect is that even if you are in the Nascent Stage, you can converge to the level of the Qi training period. Its only usefulness is that it is intangible. The level of the Qing realm.

This is to prevent Chen Wenqin's level of skyrocketing from suspicion after taking the pill, causing others to think of stealing treasures. This is also a means to protect Chen Wenqin.

After a few hours, Zheng Yu had completely arranged Chen Wenqin. He felt that he should speed up and clean up here.

Now he had one more thing, he found the person or sect who destroyed the small village, and then destroyed them!

All the high-ranking monks on Wuliang Mountain are all blocked in front of the gate of Wuliang Mountain. After the formation is opened, the entire Wuliang Mountain is wrapped in the formation.

The Sect Master of the Boundless Sect was standing in front of the mountain gate at this moment, with a gloomy expression on his face. There were so many thoughts in his heart that he did not believe that Qingtian Zhenxian would actually abandon their sect and leave here.

Just got the news, from top to bottom of the Dandaomen, all items with aura have been taken away, and even the main hall of the martial art is not protected.

There is no root hair left in the medicinal field of the Dandaomen from top to bottom, it is simply scraping the ground three feet, and the people and the gods are angry!

That Dao Seed that he had coveted for a long time... He was not able to go to the Pill Dao Sect to ask for a leaf, but now it has been dug away by the roots of the Qingtian Immortal. Although his heart is happy, his body is cold.

Seeing the tragedy of the Dandao Sect, his sect is no different from the Dandao Sect, and the mountain protection formation is exactly the same.

The mountain protection formation of the Dandaomen was not opened, so it was cleaned up, and can his own sect escape the evil hand of Qingtian Zhenxian? He has no bottom!

Just as he was thinking about everything, he brought all the disciples above the golden core in the door to block the gate, on the Boundless Mountain behind him, all the items with aura from top to bottom have begun to disappear bit by bit. .

Half an hour ago, Zheng Yu bid farewell to Chen Wenqin and came to the top of Wuliang Mountain, which was barely guarded by anyone. The shape here is different from that of Dandaomen.

Qionglou Yuyu, a scene of the immortal family, made Zheng Yu very happy. At this time, he has 10 million square meters of portable space, and these exquisitely shaped houses have not escaped his clutches. The house disappeared, and of course the contents of the house did not fall.

Starting from the top level, he collected them bit by bit, and put them into the portable space if they thought they were beautiful. Those with aura but not useful to them would be directly recycled.

Before the great formation of the mountain, the Sect Master of the Boundless Sect, who was blocking the door with thousands of monks, didn't notice anything.

On the top of the mountain, it was as if the snow melted, disappearing little by little, and Zheng Yu walked slowly down from the top of the mountain step by step. The place he passed was like a locust crossing.

When Zheng Yu hurried to the foot of the mountain, he changed his body, his peony robe appeared, Feng Ling turned into a belt and wrapped around his waist, a folding fan appeared in his hand, and he walked to the front of the big formation before shaking.

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