Traverser Management System

Chapter 168: Continue to mop up

At this moment, the Sect Master of the Immeasurable faction was blocking the door with all his disciples, and suddenly realized that there was one more person in front of him.

How did Qing Tian Zhenxian, who should have been outside the big formation, get behind his own person?

"At this time, I have no time to talk with you, and quickly hand over all the items that contain spiritual energy on my body!"

"Where did I go to the Great Hall of the Boundless Mountain?" At this time, the head of the Boundless faction discovered that the hill behind was empty, the pavilions and pavilions had disappeared, and the main hall on the hill was gone. Except for the stone-cast houses, almost everything was there. Nothing left!

At this time, a disciple hurried down from the mountain, and he shouted: "Master, the ancestors of the back mountain have been shaped and all stripped! Master, you go and see!"

The head of the immeasurable faction only felt that the sky was spinning, and a mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out. He stretched out his sword and said to all the disciples: "Today I have tried my best to let this immortal Qingtian pay the price! All disciples , Follow me!"

The talisman in the mountains and plains transformed into various forms in the air. In addition to weapon forms, some beast-shaped spirit bodies appeared in the air.

Thousands of disciples shot at the same time, and the entire sky was up and down, covering the direction where Zheng Yu was.

Various images hovered above everyone's head, and with the order of the head of the immeasurable faction, the overwhelming aura flooded towards Zheng Yu.

The first-order disciples of the Boundless faction also gradually moved closer to the middle, and a word from the head of the Boundless faction made everyone on the entire Mount Wuliang aroused.

Before some disciples were sitting cross-legged in meditation, they suddenly found that their surroundings were empty, and the magical artifacts on their bodies disappeared.

Some of them are at a critical juncture when they suddenly find that their whole body is cold, all of their clothing disappears, and they suddenly become confused. When everyone was under pressure, they heard the command from the head of the mountain.

One by one, they all gathered towards the bottom of the mountain. Regardless of their cultivation level, most people took a sigh of relief, wanting to see who did it.

However, some people slowed down when they heard the name of Qingtian Tianxian, while some people frowned and hated even more.

There were more than one or two people offended by this Qingtian Immortal. Their world-friends, those who walked down the mountain, would receive the same treatment when they met Qingtian Immortal. There was no distinction between good and evil at all.

Zheng Yu stretched out his palm and grabbed it toward the sky. All the various forms of weapons and beasts that had changed from the talisman, all gathered toward his palm, disappearing bit by bit.

The aura of the sky rushed towards his palm, but within fifteen minutes, all the attacks of everyone were gone.

"I'm in a hurry now, and quickly hand over all the items that have auras like you, otherwise I'm not welcome!" Zheng Yu is determined to complete the robbery of this school this time.

The sweetness of Dan Daomen just now made him addicted to eating. He knew that in such a big faction, almost all the good things belonged to the head, and almost everyone kept all their belongings. Robbing monks made more money than washing the land most of the time.

"Ah? What is this!"

"My magic talisman fell into it like a mud cow into the sea, without a trace. Was it cleansed by him, or was it taken away?"

"What kind of technique is this? It can absorb all the attacks from heaven and earth's spiritual energy, which is unheard of and unseen in the world of immortality!"

"Master, how can this be good, do you really want to hand over all your savings?"

Thousands of people’s attacks were of no use to Zheng Yu, and the sky full of attacks were easily resolved by him before making any waves! Everyone was exclaiming, all in awe!

Sweeping and looting all the way, let the entire cultivating world know the name of Qingtian Zhenxian Tiantian three feet high, but at the same time, the news that came to them let them know that this Qingtian Zhenxian hardly hurt anyone's life during the robbery.

"Could it be that he is afraid of hurting the heavens and going too far, adding karma, and punishing them severely by the heavens?" The head of the immeasurable faction narrowed his eyes and thought of this!

He thinks this is his own opportunity, as long as this Qingtian Zhenxian has something to fear.

Everyone here can let go, but he doesn't dare to hurt others too much! The head of the immeasurable faction believes that the opportunity is here!

"All the disciples will continue to attack with me. This Qingtian true immortal dare not hurt people. If it kills people, it will be punished! There is no need to look forward and backward. Thousands of us attack at the same time. How long will he last?"

The head of the immeasurable faction was extremely excited, and there were countless items being robbed today. If the real immortal Qingtian was in his own sect, all the things in his hand would belong to the immeasurable faction.

The head of the immeasurable faction became more excited as he thought about it, his hand moved faster and faster, with all his disciples, the talisman in his hand kept flashing, and he shot at Zheng Yu!

Zheng Yu frowned slightly. He didn't know where the head of the immeasurable faction came to this conclusion. He didn't want to make a move and just take their stuff away.

But the head of this immeasurable faction became happier as he played, and later he didn't put himself in his eyes at all. How can I get this!

Fart to be punished by God, if there is such a thing, does Zheng Yu have to run around and rob?

Sitting directly on the ground, just waiting for Thunder Tribulation every day, that speed can be faster than Tribulation! But Lei Jie is not what he wants, he can want it if he wants it!

Zheng Yu's third level of Rank Nine Profound Art, even if he stood in place and let these people attack him, he couldn't hurt himself.

But after all, the clothes on his body are not fairy tools, and the clothes will still be destroyed after being attacked. Besides, standing in place and letting others attack is not Zheng Yu's style!

An endless stream of Fulu flew towards Zheng Yu. He spread out his palm again and recovered all these things, his eyes condensed, and his mental power formed a wave of shock, sweeping towards everyone!

This ripple swayed with Zheng Yu as the center, and scattered to the outside in circles. Everyone felt like they were on a flat boat in the sea, swaying around and couldn't stand their figure.

Those with a slightly lower realm were directly washed into the sky, and those with a higher realm were struggling to support them, with their teeth clenched.

The first ripple dissipated, and the second ripple followed, uninterrupted. Almost everyone in the whole Boundless faction was injured!

"Are you coming?"

At this time, Zheng Yu didn't bother to play with them anymore, stepping out, all the items with aura in everyone's body disappeared.

At this moment, Zheng Yu was already standing in the sky, Feng Ling raised his head on his waist, left his body, and gradually transformed into a huge phoenix. Zheng Yu sat cross-legged on the back of the phoenix!

The whole Wuliang Mountain was down and down, and no one dared to answer. He looked back again, and then flew towards the distance while driving Feng Ling!

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