Traverser Management System

Chapter 170: rabbit

Both Wang Xue and Wu Die were left behind by Zheng Yu. The two men meditated in the same place. After taking the pill, their auras couldn't stop rising. Before they knew it, both of them were approaching the primordial infant stage.

As soon as Wang Xue's Nascent Soul Stage realm arrived, thunder robbery condensed on his head.

She looked at Wu Die who was still sitting quietly next to her, and hurriedly flew to the distance. When the Thunder Tribulation above her head was still condensing, Wu Die opened her eyes, and the other Thunder Tribulation also began to condense.

At the moment when these two people were going through the robbery, Zheng Yu was already tens of thousands of miles away from them.

The robbery of the two attracted the attention of the surrounding sects. In fact, the two of them were not too far away from their own sects.

Dandaomen and Wuliang faction also sent people to check it out. When they arrived, they found out that it was their own disciple who was crossing the Yuan Yingjie.

The pill in the two of them had not been used up, they had been transmitting aura for them, so the two of them passed the thunder tribulation very safely.

After Lei Jie, after waiting for a long time without seeing Zheng Yu coming back to pick them up, he followed his disciples toward the school.

It was only on the road that they heard about what happened in the martial arts, and the two sighed in their hearts, no wonder they left them where they were. This kind of thing was simply a catastrophe for their own martial arts.

Wang Xue was okay, and just returned to the martial arts, listening to the Qingtian true immortal has been far away, there was still some excitement in her heart.

After picking up two pills for Bai, he has reached the Nascent Soul Stage, and in the future, he will be regarded as the backbone of the family.

In the current world of cultivating immortals, the news of Qingtian Zhenxian is the most widely spread. Everyone is paying attention to his every move. Therefore, when Zheng Yu walks in a straight line towards the direction of the demon gate, the right way All the middlemen opened their mouths.

And when Wu Die heard the news, she directly controlled the escape light and flew towards Zheng Yu. She knew the style of Qingtian Zhenxian, she had hatred in her heart, and she wanted to follow Qingtian Zhenxian to the demon gate. To find the person who killed her Taoist companion.

It is thousands of miles away from here to the Shiwan Dashan Mountain. I don’t know how many miles I have gone to if I want to spend the Shiwan Dashan Mountain to the other side.

She was a cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage, and it was not so easy to catch up with Zheng Yu's footsteps. Even if there were no barriers and flew over in one breath, it would be half a month later.

At this moment, Zheng Yu had already flown to the depths of the hundred thousand mountains.

He stopped, and within the scope of his spiritual power, he suddenly found a school. This school was very strange. The people in it were not like human beings, but beast-headed human bodies. Some human-headed beasts were strangely shaped. , Zheng Yu felt vomiting in his heart!

Under the detection of his spiritual power, he discovered that this sect was originally called the Beast Expelling Sect. They reached a certain agreement with the monster race in the hundred thousand mountains, and then drove the power of the monster race to merge themselves.

Let yourself have a defense that surpasses the human race, and the ability to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, but make yourself not like a human, a demon not like a demon!

This sect is actually not small, a little smaller than the immeasurable pill sect, and the number of people is not as large as theirs.

Moreover, under Zheng Yu's spiritual detection, he found that this school was also too poor.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. Zheng Yu didn't dislike it at all. Feng Ling carried it down from the sky and landed directly in this school.

The spiritual power was covered, and various items with aura flew towards him, most of them were animal skins and animal bones, demon pill and spirit grass.

The news of the world of cultivating immortals spread very widely, even if it is in a place off the beaten track among these 100,000 mountains, these people also knew the news.

After Zheng Yu recovered all the things, he silently calculated the origin points in his heart, and he discovered that there were only less than 3 million origin points.

Zheng Yu wondered in his heart that although this sect was not as big as the Infinite Sect and Dandao Sect, it shouldn't be just such a thing.

The mental power probed again and clearly showed everything around him in his mind. At this time, he heard a conversation.

"The head should have run far away. Fortunately, we got the news ahead of time, otherwise, this time we will lose a lot!"

"Hehe, looking at the expression of Qingtian Zhenxian, I guess we really thought we were very poor. After this time, we won't come again!"

"Yes, it is extremely, fortunately, the news came in time, knowing that he is coming toward us, and in time for the head to take away all the spiritual things, but our loss this time is considered large enough!"

"There is no way. The situation is stronger than that of people. We are the fish on the cutting board. We only lose part of it. It is better than the loss of all!"

"When he is gone, let's notify the boss again!"

"Quiet, he is looking in our direction!"

The two of them whispered quietly behind them, with almost no sound, like a mosquito flapping its wings.

However, they did not escape Zheng Yu's ears. Under the detection of mental power, even if they communicated with mental power, they were able to intercept them, not to mention that the two people were talking with their mouths.

Everyone had already run away, and then he stepped forward to ask him, he probably couldn't ask a 123!

This sect was regarded as the smoothest time for Zheng Yu to recover, and no one resisted. After seeing him coming, some people took the initiative to put their spiritual objects in front of them.

But such a cooperative attitude always made Zheng Yu feel uncomfortable in his heart. He had already understood everything just now. As the head of the group, he actually ran away with all his belongings. How could he bear it?

Zheng Yu rode Feng Ling directly in the direction he was going to go, getting farther and farther, disappearing from everyone's eyes.

After flying thousands of miles, Zheng Yu stopped and landed on the ground, tied his mental power into a line, pierced the space, and directly reached the sect of the Beast Expelling Sect.

It was like a radar, sweeping through the entire sect of the Beast Expelling Sect. He sat cross-legged and thought in his heart: "I see how long you can hold back!"

Two hours later, under his mental power scan, nothing was found. No one came out, and no one came in, so he continued to wait.

Ten hours later, Zheng Yu sat on the spot and muttered, "I wasted a day. If I don't come, I really have to leave!"

I don't know what technique the Sect Master of the Beast Expelling Sect has practiced and turned into a rabbit!

Outside the sect of the Beast Expelling Sect, he jumped forward towards the middle door.

Zheng Yu had swept his mental strength before and didn't feel anything abnormal, but after a few scans, he suddenly discovered that this rabbit seemed to contain surging spiritual energy, and it had almost reached the height of the maturity stage!

Zheng Yu stood up abruptly: "It's so hard to lie to me!"

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