Traverser Management System

Chapter 171: Cunning rabbit

This rabbit is no different from a real rabbit, even the movements are so vivid, it's no wonder that Zheng Yu didn't tell the difference in the first time!

The rabbit laughed while jumping up: "At the moving speed of the real fairy, I am afraid that there are already tens of thousands of miles away in this day!"

The rabbit stood upright and looked up in the direction where Zheng Yuyuan was going: "I have heard that he will only sweep once in all places, and will leave after sweeping, and never come back again. Now our school is considered safe!"

When the rabbit was happy, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be someone behind him. As a Mahayana monk, although he had transformed himself into a rabbit appearance, his basic spiritual knowledge was still there.

As a Mahayana period, how powerful the divine consciousness is, and under the sweep of its divine consciousness, it did not find anyone behind it. It stood upright and hurriedly looked back!

He saw a young man wearing a peony robe with a phoenix-shaped belt around his waist. He looked at him with such a smile, making him creepy!

The rabbit stood upright, the two front paws arched together.

To Zheng Yu: "True immortality: the villain went out to visit friends some time ago, but only returned today. I don't know if the immortal arrives, there is a loss to welcome!"

Zheng Yu didn't bother to talk with him, and went forward to grab the rabbit's ears and lift it up.

The other hand patted the rabbit’s **** vigorously: "You are amazing, you become a rabbit, go peek-a-boo with me, wasting my time! I am up and down millions in a minute, you waste my time?! "

Every time Zheng Yu takes a picture, he has incomparable strength, but he has always controlled his strength and will not slap the rabbit to death.

And this rabbit is really tough enough, being spanked by him so much, he just cried and kept begging, but he didn't see it was about to die!

"Hurry up and bring me things out, I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to talk with you anymore!" Zheng Yu has already wasted a day in this place. Every minute of his now comes with a pinch of time, and there really is no time to waste here.

However, for such a martial art faction, there should be tens of millions of origin points recovered in the door, so he waited here patiently for a day. Since he has caught it, he can't give up no matter what.

"Shangxianrong, the villain, the beast-expelling sect, is not to be seen in the human race. He is just asking for a living among these 100,000 mountains. The days I live are poor and destitute. All the spiritual things in the door have been taken away by the Shangxian. That's it."

The rabbit was crying, not letting go, and Zheng Yu did not detect any storage space on his body, nor did he detect the existence of any spiritual objects.

If he hadn't heard the conversation between the two of them before, it is estimated that he really believed the rabbit's words, but at this moment, there is no time for Zheng Yu to talk nonsense with him.

"Rabbit! If you don't take it out again, I'll poke your skin and bones and roast it!" Zheng Yu's eyes were cold, staring at the rabbit tightly, raising one hand to condense the aura in the sky. A blade formed by the confluence of spiritual energy was formed.

The rabbit fought a cold war. The blades formed by the gathering of spiritual energy were not just sharp. If they were drawn to him, he would not be able to bear it with his Mahayana cultivation base, and it would definitely be the result of a single cut.

With squinted eyes, the rabbit looked at Zheng Yu pitifully, and said, "God, do it slowly, I'll take it out!"

Zheng Yu was also confused by the rabbit. As the head of the school, he was actually a rabbit, and he also had a naive appearance. He didn't know how he was in charge of the entire school, so he grew up like this. , Does anyone listen to him?

This rabbit doesn’t know what Zheng Yu is thinking. He only knows that his life is now in the hands of this Qingtian immortal. It seems that things have to be handed over, but if you pay more and pay less, he still has to add up. a bit!

"Underneath merges with the beast spirit of the sky-swallowing rabbit. This rabbit spirit has its own space, so I am a sky-swallowing rabbit myself. This space is in my body. Please wait a minute!"

After Zheng Yu listened to him, he let go of his hands and let the rabbit fall to the ground. He was not afraid that the rabbit could run away.

Now that he knows its form, his mental power scans a radius of 100,000 miles, and nothing can escape his palm. I don’t believe that this rabbit can escape 100,000 miles in an instant!

After the rabbit finished speaking, it landed on the ground and its body gradually grew. From the original 20 centimeters to a fat rabbit half a meter tall, he opened his big mouth, like a black hole in his mouth, gurgling outward Grumblingly braving things!

Various aura items flew out of its mouth and all fell on the ground, stacked like a small mountain bag. The various aura items made Zheng Yu nod with satisfaction!

Zheng Yu waved his hand, and everything on the ground disappeared. After calculating in his mind, it was about 4 million origin points! Together, there are 7 million origin points!

And the things that I got from any school among the Boundless Sect and the Dandao Sect were more than twice as much here.

He believed in his heart that this rabbit is absolutely private: "Little rabbit, you are really not cute at all. Tell you all the good things. Are you really going to try my tricks?"

The rabbit trembled with fright, and his fat body rolled on the ground.

He shouted: "Shang Xian, this is really all of us, and we have already handed it over! We are in a hundred thousand mountains, full of local specialties, where are the sects outside that rich in material? ."

Zheng Yu smiled and said, "Little rabbit, I have another method to tell you to hand over everything convincingly, do you believe it or not?"

The rabbit suddenly stopped moving on the ground, and his two red eyes rolled back and forth in his sockets. He was not sure whether Zheng Yu was telling the truth.

However, his mouth hurriedly replied: "The savings in the door have been handed over to the gods, the gods, please let me go!"

"My method is divided into two stages. After skinning you and removing your bones, you will be collected as a whole. In this way, whether it is you or your body, all will be in my hands!"

Zheng Yu picked up the rabbit by his ear again, and there was no chance for the rabbit to reply.

He continued: "Tell you all the good things. You can't blame me if you don't listen. I will send you on the road!"

The blade condensed in the air again, and it smashed down at the rabbit's head. The rabbit was shocked and struggled hard.

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