Traverser Management System

Chapter 178: Battle going on

With a huge golden light, the Feng Ling Sword slashed towards the head of the corpse refining Dao Sect Master fiercely.

He did not dodge, nor did he make a sound of earth-shattering collisions. The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao just raised his head and took a look, then stretched out his right hand and grabbed the huge sword light.

Such a sharp sword light and such a powerful spiritual energy just caused the body of the corpse refining road to tremble slightly, and the sword light stopped in the air.

The sword light brought by the Feng Ling Sword was retracted, and the corpse refining Taoist Sect Master’s hand only left a sword wound, the wound was not big, but the skin and flesh on the surface were cut open, revealing the white jade-like bones inside. No blood spilled.

But within a few tens of seconds, the shredded meat on the wound began to squirm, wrapping the wound bit by bit, and finally restored to its previous appearance, which seemed to be intact.

Zheng Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and was also a little shocked in his heart. If this sword light blasted at him, it is estimated that his entire arm would disappear, and he would suffer a certain amount of damage! And this guy made an understatement, and the speed of recovery was amazing!

"How is it possible?" Zheng Yu said directly in astonishment.

Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao looked triumphant: "With this kind of attack, do you want to come to my Corpse Refining Dao to run wild?"

On the mountain below the corpse refining road, some people exclaimed and some were ecstatic. They never thought that such a powerful attack could be accepted by the corpse refining Dao Sect Master without changing his face. This was a boost to everyone.

Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao looked up to the sky and laughed, haha ​​sounded from the sky and the earth, he rushed towards Zheng Yu directly, and said in his mouth: "Come and try my attack!"

"Snatching the entire world of immortality, do you think that no one can cure you anymore? Not only do you want to keep your robbed things today, I will accept your little life!"

The speed of the corpse refining road is as fast as lightning, and his body is swelling, a sonic boom is generated behind him, and he has reached Zheng Yu in an instant. He clenched a fist with his right hand and punched Zheng Yu's stomach. .

There was a burst of shouts and laughter from the mountain below the corpse refining road, and it was difficult to see the scene that could make the Qingtian immortal suffer.

As soon as Zheng Yu raised his hand to stop him, he felt a strong force rushing to his hand, which was surging.

He realized that he couldn't bear it with his current strength. He was hit hard in the stomach by this punch, and he flew out.

Everyone below only saw a white light flashing by, and Zheng Yu had already been smashed into the ground.

A huge pit appeared on the ground. The dust was gone, Zheng Yu was trembling slightly, and his left hand was full of blood. He opened his mouth and was about to swear, but he didn't expect a bit of blood to come out of his mouth again.

The bones of his left arm seemed to have been broken, dripping with blood, and distorted in a distorted manner.

"What's the matter, is the top level of the heavenly immortal actually so fierce! I can't even hold an attack?" Zheng Yu scolded his mother in his heart. Although his left hand has become like this, his recovery speed is faster than that of the Sect Master. It makes no difference.

In the crackling noise of his left hand, all the sutures were healed, and the left hand stretched out, and all the flesh on the outside was also healed.

He stood up under the pit and roared at the corpse refining Dao in the sky. He raised the Feng Ling sword with his right hand and flew into the air again. This time he was really angry!

"I will break your bones one by one to see if it is you hard or me hard!"

"Haha! The little real immortal dares to fight against the heavenly immortals. If you tortured to death today, haven't I been alive for thousands of years?" The corpse refining master stood in the air, not caring what Zheng Yu said harshly. Discourse.

The moment Zheng Yu was galloping into the sky with the Feng Ling sword in his hand, the corpse refining master in the sky also moved.

The speed that is as fast as lightning is also a bit vague in Zheng Yu's mental power. He hasn't seen the opponent's movement before the opponent's attack has already reached him.

The corpse refining Taoist master grabbed Zheng Yu's left hand and hit his stomach with a violent knee. Zheng Yu only felt that his internal organs were surging, and the feeling of wanting to vomit came from his throat. It appeared from inside, but all he vomited was blood.

The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao didn't stop, grabbing his left hand, shaking it up, and throwing it to the ground for the second time.

With a loud bang, Zheng Yu fell on the ground again, smashing the second big hole.

"It's so fierce!" After Zheng Yu was smashed into the ground for the second time, not only was he not discouraged, but he was also a little lucky.

Fortunately, the passage to the immortal realm was destroyed at the beginning, otherwise, the profound immortal class who came down would not know how fierce it would be!

Zheng Yu carefully probed the aura on the body of the corpse refining Dao Sect Master with mental power underground, and he found a problem.

Before, when the Sect Master of Refining Corpse Road came down from the top of the Corpse Mountain, the aura on his body had reached the peak of a heavenly immortal, but now he has attacked twice.

The breath on his body had begun to drop, and Zheng Yu seemed to have noticed something.

He squinted his eyes and held up the Feng Ling Sword in his right hand once again. With a buzzing sound, he seemed to be able to appreciate the feelings of his master at the moment.

The fire flashed, and the entire long sword seemed to be burning. The spiritual energy in the sky gathered again, and all the spiritual energy poured into the Phoenix Spirit Sword.

Zheng Yu's body floated from the pit, behind him, golden lights gathered in the sky, and a huge sword shadow appeared in front of everyone.

There was a dazzling glow in the sword light, just like a burning sword mountain. People can't see the original face of the long sword in this Huaguang at all.

"Cut it for me!" The long sword exuding endless radiance began to tilt in the sky, and then the speed became faster and faster, with endless afterimages, and slashed towards the body of the corpse refining road for the second time.

This time the attack was stronger than all previous attacks. Zheng Yu was sure that if this sword slashed the body of the corpse refining Taoist master, it would surely be able to cut him in two steps.

The attack was very fast this time, and the speed of convergence was only within a few seconds. He didn't even bother to watch the corpse refining master's sarcasm, plus a proud face.

Zheng Yu was also fierce in his heart. With his attack this time, the power of the Nine Turns Profound Art surging into his body was also transferred to the attack by him.

After all of this power was transmitted into Feng Lingjian's body, he still drew heaven and earth aura around him, and this attack was bound to be extremely sharp.

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