Traverser Management System

Chapter 179: power Bank

The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao was still in the sky and was about to laugh at Zheng Yu, and he hadn't spoken yet.

I realized that this long sword appeared in front of my eyes, and the sword shadow covering the sky and sun had already been slashed towards him.

He dodges quickly, and the realm of Xunxian high-level makes him move as fast as lightning.

This time he rushed, but he could not escape the lock of the sword shadow. He found that no matter where he escaped, the sword seemed to have enveloped him tightly.

He hurriedly got hold of his figure, and since he couldn't escape, he had to carry it hard. As the Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao, his body protection magic weapons are also very many.

I saw the master of the corpse refining road, after quickly dipping his hands, one magic weapon appeared in the sky.

All kinds of defensive magic weapons lined up in a row in front of him, one by one gleaming, greeted the giant sword with the afterimage in the sky.

After a burst of crackling noise, the light of these magic weapons dimmed one by one, or they were destroyed directly into slag.

These actions were not in vain, and these magic weapons were worth destroying. The confrontation between Reiki and Reiki is designed to consume.

After digesting a certain amount of aura, it collided with the aura of the giant sword, which also consumed a lot of the aura of the giant sword.

This corpse refining master has been busy for a long time, and also wasted a lot of treasures. After all the things were consumed, the light on the giant sword dimmed a little.

Even so, it still fell on the body of the Sect Master of Refining Corpse Dao after all.

The golden light in the sky has slowly dissipated, and a huge gully has formed on the ground.

The flying rocks fell to the ground, the woods on the ground also disappeared, and there were ruins with broken roots and walls everywhere.

But in this piece of ruins, there was a figure bathed in dazzling golden light. Whether it was the monks on the mountain or Zheng Yu's eyes, all fell on him.

In Zheng Yu's induction, the current Sect Master of Refining Corpse Dao, his cultivation base has been reduced to the lowest level of Heavenly Immortal, and it is still declining.

Zheng Yu stood in the air thinking for a moment, and then he understood what was going on.

"This guy is a human-shaped electrical appliance, and the mountain of the corpse refining road is the power bank. It is estimated that this guy has consumed too much electricity. As long as you don't continue to charge, this guy is a scum!"

Under the golden brilliance, the corpse refining Taoist master had swelled up all over his body, with fine and dense scars on it, like cracked porcelain.

This time, the repair speed is much lower than before. The fine wounds are filled with sword energy. He needs to expel the sword energy from his body before he can continue to repair it. Such an attack makes it more difficult for him to repair .

However, just when he was cross-legged and preparing to continue repairing, Zheng Yu didn't plan to give him this opportunity.

He straightened up the Feng Ling Sword and continued to rush towards the Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao.

This time, it can be regarded as a smashing dog, repaying the hatred of being bombed underground twice.

He could feel that the cultivation base of the corpse refining Dao Sect Master was still declining, and it would only be a true immortal in the near future.

With his current cultivation base, he can be equal to this guy. If he doesn't do anything at this time, do he need to repair it before charging it?

And the Sect Master, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, watched Zheng Yu rush towards him, and immediately got up and banged against Zheng Yu.

The previous fight between the two in the sky has shocked all the cultivators on the Mountain Refining Corpse Road. They have a large formation of guardianship, and they are not affected much at this moment.

But just based on this kind of power outside just now, the battle between the two of them has already shocked everyone.

And now, the Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao is being suppressed by Zheng Yu, beating him on the ground.

Between the flashes of electric light and flint, no one could see the movements of the two people clearly, but felt that as the light and shadow over there appeared, streamers passed by, making a pong pong.

This corpse refining master can also be regarded as exhaustive. He is not like the other people in his sect. He can control countless corpses. He only has this one body.

Having contained all of his divine sense, he couldn't even release the ability of divine sense to detect this kind of immortal cultivation world that everyone possesses.

He has connected his soul to the corpse of this fairy.

With strong physical strength and violent speed, he has lost the ability to perform Taoism, and he doesn't know if it is right or wrong.

At this time, Zheng Yuguang, relying on the Phoenix Spirit Sword in his hand, kept absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and slashed fiercely towards the master of the corpse refining road.

Every second, he would switch countless directions, and the speed of the Sect Master of Refining Corpse Road at this time was not as fast as before.

Now he is at the same speed as Zheng Yu, and he can block a few attacks every time, but he can't block all of them.

The Sect Master of the Refining Path was a little anxious, and during the confrontation with Zheng Yu, he kept his eyes at the mountain of Refining Path behind him from time to time.

And from time to time, I want to drag Zheng Yu towards the direction of the mountain.

But every time he had this kind of action, Zheng Yu would stop him, launching a more vicious attack, and the Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao became more anxious.

Zheng Yu laughed as he attacked, and cursed, "You tortoise son still wants to go back to charge? I'll charge you b, just stay here for me!"

The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao was in a state of confusion, and the scars on his body were densely packed.

And Zheng Yu's attacks were getting fiercer and fiercer, and he couldn't hold it anymore!

Every counterattack or defense will consume a lot of his energy, which is also absorbed by him from the mountain over time, and now he is already struggling to make ends meet, feeling that his body is about to shatter!

The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao was also ruthless in his heart. If Zheng Yu was allowed to attack like this, he would definitely die.

Thousands of years of sacrificial refining, this immortal tool made from the corpse of the immortal, has been completely integrated with him, and any loss of it will tear his soul.

Now he is still suffering tremendously. Every time Zheng Yu's attack hits him, he will feel a tearing sensation from the soul, and he can't bear it.

He wanted to explode, and now there was no way to kill Zheng Yu directly. He just wanted to escape now and escape back to the mountain of the corpse refining road.

With a loud roar, he poured all the energy from his body into his hands.

He raised his head and stared at Zheng Yu with green eyes, who was piercing his sword straight.

The corpse refining Dao Sect Master also slammed, and directly caught the blade of the Feng Ling Sword with his palm, then his other hand became a fist, and he slammed down at Zheng Yu's head fiercely!

Zheng Yu raised his head, looked at each other contemptuously with his eyes, and said, "I have already guarded against your move!"

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