Traverser Management System

Chapter 183: Call from Martial Arts Plane

Just when Zheng Yu flew towards Wan Jianzong alone, he suddenly received a message from the system. : "Wang Dayong, the plane of martial arts, recovered 5 million origin points for the host. The plane of martial arts has been integrated by more than 50%, and it is expected that all will be integrated within ten years!"

This is the first time Zheng Yu has achieved a fusion plane since he got the system, and the system's voice is also a little excited.

"Five million origins? What did Wang Dayong do? How could he complete the plane fusion so quickly?"

Zheng Yu was astonished when he heard the news. There is only one that can be recycled into the origin of that world: the secrets of martial arts!

I emptied the Shaolin Temple by myself, but it was only 100,000 yuan, what exactly did Wang Dayong do!

"The system, directly link to him, and show me the previous events!" Zheng Yu said in an impatient tone.

"The link is complete, please check the host!" When the voice of the system echoed in Zheng Yu's mind, he had already closed his eyes, and a picture in his mind had been generated!

Wang Dayong took over Luliu Villa after Zheng Yu's ascendant ascendance in the world.

Luliu Villa itself has hundreds of masters of the innate class, and these masters can easily attack wherever they go.

Therefore, after Wang Dayong raised his skill to the innate realm, he was already impatient with the high-level combat power of the entire Luliu Villa, and started robbery in all directions.

Wang Dayong's robbery was even more lacking in technical content, centering on Luliu Villa, sweeping in all directions. Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish, looting along the way, and if they fail to follow me, they directly kill people and seize the secrets.

And a few months ago, after Wang Dayong had collected enough of the origin of the first heavy technique of rebirth, he became more and more out of control.

His body was inherently mutilated. After this exercise was exchanged, there seemed to be a little sign of recovery. He urgently needed the origin point so that the blood rebirth Dafa could be upgraded to a level, and these acquired origin points, It is not able to support his upgrade, and if he is allowed to practice it himself, he does not know that he will practice until the year of the monkey.

He was anxious in his heart, and didn't know that every time he got his origin point, 90% of it would be recycled by the main system.

The speed of acquiring these origin points made him feel very dissatisfied, so he led the advanced combat power of Luliu Villa to directly attack Xixia. Xixia Yipin Hall was swept away by him, and the source points obtained were not enough, and then he continued to raid, damaging the entire Xixia Kingdom.

Wang Dayong himself came from the plane of reality. He knew the plot of this plane and knew it at a glance, so he would go around wherever he had a secret. Moreover, hundreds of innate masters also gave him no place to go, so those secluded sects also suffered.

Even the disabled man who was hiding in the cave, the guy named Wuyazi, was dragged out by him and beaten severely, snatching the little secret book left on him.

After traveling around the country for a while, he turned his head and returned to the realm of Song Dynasty. No matter how big or small the school is, he doesn't dislike it. Even if it is the recovered secret book, he has to read it again to be relieved. In the end, people in the entire martial arts, whenever they talk about Green Willow Villa, they will be astonished and shaken as a sifting chaff.

Just walked down all the way, without interruption for several months. In the end, Wang Dayong finally led all the people from Lvliu Villa into the palace. There are countless books in the palace.

I don’t know how many things passed down from the ages, and there are also in the palace, not only the secrets of martial arts, Wang Dayong finally found many Taoist classics, Buddhist classics, and all of them can be used as recyclable things. . All of the monks in this martial arts plane were also unlucky.

Wang Dayong directly beat the emperor severely and dismissed all the maids and eunuchs in the entire palace, leaving the emperor and the queen behind.

He also killed a group of guards in the palace. Wang Dayong had no interest in being an emperor at all. He only wants the origin point and the martial arts secrets. Therefore, he issued countless imperial edicts in the name of the emperor, and the whole world was rushing for his origin point. This time, the speed of recovering the origin point was even faster.

The world wars also started because of him, and the wars between countries are no longer just for hatred, but more for martial arts secrets.

Wang Dayong sat in the palace, ignoring the trembling emperor next to him, watching the boxes of martial arts secrets transported towards him outside, and collecting them when he arrived. They all have one hundred thousand roots.

The battles he initiated for the secrets of martial arts have killed and injured many people on this plane.

In just a few months, Wang Dayong had already raised the integration of this plane to 40%.

Then there was Shuimo Kungfu. Various temples and Taoist temples were also patronized by Wang Dayong's Lvliu Villa.

Not only that, he also sent an army to the raid. In this way, today, after a whole year, he finally made up enough to restore his original body origin. Not only that, he also made up enough of the origin of Xiao Guizi's resurrection.

With these unified calculations, Wang Dayong has been busy for so long, and 90% of all his sources have been taken away by the main system.

And Wang Dayong finally got the technique that can only be used once to summon the soul.

Wang Dayong was in the palace and pushed everyone to one side. He had prepared a body. After the exercise was activated, he would silently recite the name of Xiao Guizi in his heart, and he would exchange Xiao Guizi’s soul, and the soul After being summoned back, injecting this soul medicine into this body will be able to revive Xiao Guizi again.

Wang Dayong was excited in his heart. This man was his first friend in this world and the only brother he saw right!

He had been guilty of failing to take him out of the palace at the beginning, but now, he can finally bring his best brother back to life.

Wang Dayong sat cross-legged on the ground, muttering words in his mouth, a transparent ripple radiated from him, swept in all directions, almost covering the entire plane.

This skill, which is as high as tens of thousands of origin points, can only be used once, but the ability is very powerful.

Wang Dayong kept chanting Xiao Guizi in his mouth, not only silently in his heart, but also on his lips. In this way, after an hour, a transparent soul floated in the distant sky. Wang Dayong recognized it at a glance. This was his brother, Xiao Guizi!

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