Traverser Management System

Chapter 184: Bulk delivery of traversers

Having been busy for so long, this is the first world he has begun to formally integrate.

When the degree of integration of a world reaches 50%, Zheng Yu no longer needs to work on the rest.

The rest is the battle between the system and the plane consciousness, this kind of battle no longer needs his care.

These ten days was the calmest period in the world of cultivating immortals recently, except for the fact that two overseas scattered immortals were robbing everywhere, but their looting methods were much softer than Qingtian Zhenxian.

Those overseas cultivating sects are also unlucky. They were robbed by two shameless Sanxians along the way, and several battles took place. However, the two Sanxians were all black clothed and masked, and their consciousness was hidden. I don't know who the two are!

After all, overseas affairs are on the Zhongzhou side, and there is very little news, and the most explosive news here is that recently there was a female primordial cultivator who specifically targeted the little cultivator who possessed the magic door.

Regardless of whether you are a Qi training or Jindan, she will rush up to kill him unceremoniously, run when she meets someone who is similar to her, and kill when she meets someone who is worse than herself.

In fact, the rumors from the outside world are also wrong, not all the Demon Monks are within Wu Die's hunting range. The monks she killed were mainly from the Six Dao Demon Sect.

The monks of the Six Dao Demon Sects recovered all the souls in the whole sect under Zheng Yu's sweep. Now is the weakest time of the whole sect, even the monks of the Yuan Ying period are fighting against Wu Die. At the time, she was sure to cut the opponent on the spot.

At the beginning, all the people who besieged these people were members of the Six Dao Demon Sect, so her goal was also very clear, and now the Six Dao Demon Sect is also the best time to bully. She simply didn't even return to the sect, just wandering around here, looking for trouble with the Six Dao Demon Sect cultivators everywhere.

Moreover, Wu Die has realized her own power during countless killings, and her cultivation level has also become higher and higher. She had completely absorbed the pill that Zheng Yu had given her before, and now it has reached the stage of Yuan Ying's late stage. Maybe it will be able to reach the stage of transformation in a while.

Zheng Yu is no longer wandering in the world of cultivating immortals, he is currently busy in the system's traverser management platform.

He had taken back countless buildings before, and when he entered the traverser management platform, he saw that there was nothing in it, so he released the previous buildings one by one. It turned out that the scope of this platform was too small to fit these buildings, so he again spent 20 million source points to make this place three square kilometers.

The hall of Dandaomen is the most beautiful one, and this hall is also the most luxurious one. He placed the entire hall in the center of the management platform, and then arranged the other buildings in the same category. When he arranged all the buildings, he found that the entire management platform was silent and there were no birds. There was no fragrance of flowers, and then he ran into the 100,000 mountains and transplanted countless trees in.

These trees are all beautiful and beautiful, and so are the flowers and plants. After he had done all of this well, now in this traverser management platform, the appearance has changed drastically.

He has been busy for ten days. During these ten days, his realm has been continuously improving. This kind of realm improvement is like dripping through a stone, growing little by little. It would be too long to wait specifically, and he didn't want to bother about it.

The thing he has done the most in the past ten days is to make all the buildings in the traverser management platform complete. It is easy to transplant some trees and flowers in, but the creatures outside, even an ant, can't transport them to the management platform that they crossed. This matter made him depressed for a long time!

Zheng Yu only has more than 10 million origin points on his body at this moment. This traverser management platform allows him to enter at any time. When he enters the traverser management platform, he is equivalent to disappearing in this world, anyone Can't detect his breath, this is another dimension.

Just as when he ran to the territory of the Demon Race, everyone in the Demon Race entered the secret realm. Whether he digs three feet of the ground or scans it carefully, he can't find any clues about the Demon Race.

After Zheng Yu had cleaned everything up, he discovered that it seemed that the traverser management platform was just a portable space that seemed to be of no use.

Zheng Yu is now sitting in the very center of the entire traverser management platform.

Zheng Yu called to the system in his mind. He is now completely taking this place as a place to carry him and tidying up, but when he got it all done, he didn't realize the use of this thing. There was really no other way. He called the system. He had already planned the system to ignore him, but he didn't expect that this call made him a pauper.

"It is detected that the host now has 17.6 million origin points, 17 million origin points have been deducted, and 17 planes are opened, and the traverser is invested at the same time. After the traverser is invested, please set the subsystem exchange interface for the host!"

At this time, Zheng Yu was already dumbfounded. He opened his mouth tremblingly, looking at the light ball that suddenly jumped out in front of him, and the seventeen that he had just pulled out of the circular hole directly below. The small ball is not angry.

"Can you tell me a good deal? Why do you have to directly deduct my origin point every time, you tell me!" Zheng Yu jumped with anger. After working hard for so long, he suddenly returned to liberation. before.

"It's still set, I'll set a fart! The martial arts fairy below 100,000 points will be kept, and the rest will be hidden, just send it out, the origin point extraction will be increased by 99%, and all will enter the hosting mode. You have all this much. , How can I have the energy to clean up one by one."

The big golden ball in the middle shook slightly outside of its body, and disappeared in front of Zheng Yu's eyes. The seventeen small balls, one by one, accepted Zheng Yu's instructions. After all of them were debugged, all The golden ball rushed to the wall of chaos in the distance.

At this time, Zheng Yucai thoughtfully looked at the hazy, unopened place in the distance. Is it possible that beyond this hazy wall, there are worlds?

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