Traverser Management System

Chapter 185: Platform use

"System, what is the main function of the traverser management platform?"

"Let all the traversers better recover the origin of each world, and you can command, or control them, or give them help."

"When there is a need for a traverser, they can pay a certain amount of origin, teleport to their current location, and the host will help them solve the problem."

"The host itself also needs a lot of origin points to be able to better help all the traversers, so the host also needs to continue to obtain the origin!"

"You know the origin, all my origin points have been cleaned up by you, what else do you want?" Zheng Yu was angry at the mention of origin.

"They pay a certain amount of origin, what's the matter?"

"The power to open the shuttle plane, but there is a time limit. When the source of the power to open the shuttle is exhausted, the traverser will directly teleport back."

The system's answer made Zheng Yu's eyes light up. He continued to ask: "Is the origin of the power consumed by the shuttle plane the same?"

"Yes the host! The host is now located in the cracks of all planes, and all the planes want to be transferred to the host. The origin of the power to open the shuttle is the same, and all are calculated based on 100 origins per minute."

"Can I set this price?"

"The traverser management platform belongs to the host, and all hosts have the right to make decisions!"

"Grumbling!" Zheng Yu swallowed.

"Change the price to 100,000 yuan for 30 minutes, let me do things for them, and the price will be calculated separately, and this command will be issued to all the subsystems!" Zheng Yu smiled and pointed this sentence to the system. Said it.

"..." After a while of silence, the system finally answered, but this time the tone of the answer was a little strange: "Repair, change, finish, finish!"

Zheng Yu didn't bother to care about the system jumping out word by word. He knew that the system must have started to upset him again, but Zheng Yu didn't plan to give up at all with this method of easily earning origin points!

"Okay, let's talk about other things. For example, the direction where those little golden **** flew just now are all these hazy walls. Are these planes behind the walls?"

The system heard that Zheng Yu started talking about business, and temporarily set aside the unhappiness just now. It's better to explain this kind of problem to him clearly. After saving it, what will happen again!

"The space where the host is located is between countless planes. The hazy smoke outside, anywhere, as long as it penetrates through, it will enter another plane."

Zheng Yu flew in front of the hazy wall again, but did not reach out to touch it again, nor did he detect his mental power. He just observed it with the naked eye, but he did not see a famous person after watching it for a long time.

"100 points deducted! 100 points deducted! 100 points deducted!......" The voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

The hazy wall in front of Zheng Yu suddenly became transparent. When this wall became transparent, an image on the opposite side also appeared.

This is a huge planet, with layers of halo on the outside of the planet, and above it, there are other galaxies and galaxies.

As long as his gaze comes, this place will be infinitely magnified, always magnified, and everything is displayed in front of him, clearly.

And every second he looked at it, 100 source points would be consumed.

"Does the host want to go to this plane?" The system's voice suddenly wanted to be in Zheng Yu's mind, but he was startled.

"No!" Zheng Yu immediately replied decisively.

"Don't make a decision for me suddenly again, throw me into something inexplicable again, and then deduct my origin inexplicably, I haven't planned to leave yet, wait...!!!"

He hated the fact that the system suddenly deducted his origin.

And now, there are only these few sources left in his body. If he somehow deducted it, he would really become a pauper, maybe he had to go to incarnate three feet high and go to robbery.

In this area where Zheng Yu is located, basically everyone who can rob was almost beaten by him, and all the big and small sects were also cleaned up by him. Now the whole ground is full of poor ghosts. I want to go again. If you rob, you have to run far away.

But the time he has been in this world is running out. The repulsive force of the plane makes him feel that, maybe a few days later, when he enters the Transmitter management platform again, he wants to retreat to the immortal world, just It's impossible.

So he didn't have much to do in the realm of cultivating immortals. If he wanted to rob in the realm of cultivating immortals, he would waste his remaining time just by rushing along, and he didn't plan to rob anymore.

His cultivation is still increasing every moment, stacking up little by little, so that his realm will soon break through.

He was still thinking, waiting for the next time to cross the Tribulation, find a place to squat in the Immortal Realm. The Tribulation Thunder in the sky alone will bring him a very impressive source of origin.

But how did he know that the plane consciousness of this heaven and earth had already defined him as an enemy, and he didn’t even bother to bring the tribulation down to him. Every time the tribulation was brought down to him, he would eat it and wipe it clean. There is not even a little escaping energy.

Moreover, the plane consciousness has been prepared for a long time, as long as his power exceeds the highest limit of this world, he will be kicked out directly!

In this case, the plane consciousness would of course not send him any more sky thunder. If Zheng Yu went to cross the calamity again, he would find that nothing would descend from the sky at all.

At this moment, Zheng Yu didn't realize this at all. He was still calculating in his heart, how many origin points could be given to him by the catastrophe!

I am very poor now! Too poor, there is only a total of 7 million origins, and even the next Nine Ranks Profound Art promotion is almost not enough!

Zheng Yu once again returned to the plane of the Xianxia World. His current location was still in the one hundred thousand mountains. The trees that had been dug out on the ground before were still showing up on the ground one by one.

Now is the real scraping of the ground three feet, more than three feet, this piece has been cleaned up by him.

Except for those creatures that couldn't be brought into the space, he took all the remaining things in. Zheng Yu didn't bother to pay attention to this bare ground. It won't be long before this place will grow again.

His current destination is Wan Jianzong. After Wan Jianzong and his party this time, it's time to leave this plane!

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