Traverser Management System

Chapter 186: mother

Speaking of it, now in the entire Zhongzhou territory, except for Wan Jianzong, he has patronized the rest of the places. Only Wan Jianzong has not lost everything, and Wan Jianzong is now in the true sense. The leader of Zhongzhou.

No one dares to stand shoulder to shoulder with it.

On the Peak of Wanjian Sect in Wanjianzong, dense swords are stuck everywhere. On Wan Jianfeng, there were two people walking forward side by side.

One is called Yang Xinyu and the other is called Yang Xinlian.

"The original Fengming Sword was taken out here, brother, are you sure that the three-foot-scraping Qingtian Immortal you just mentioned is really my child?" Yang Xinlian frowned and didn't believe Yang Xinyu at all. Every word spoken!

"My child is well-behaved and cute. He has been very obedient since he was a child. He looks like his father is printed in a mold. And he should still be in the mountain village now. How could he have a true immortal cultivation base as you said? ?"

Yang Xinlian can be regarded as being in the light of Zheng Yu. Because of Zheng Yu's reputation and practices outside, Yang Xiao is afraid that his nominal grandson will also come to Wan Jianzong.

Therefore, he released Yang Xinlian from under the cliff of Houshan in the first place!

"I've seen that child with my own eyes. Within a few days, the cultivation base swelled up, and I couldn't stop it. After several days of catastrophe, I didn't have the current cultivation base. Know how tall he is!"

When Yang Xinyu mentioned Zheng Yu's cultivation level, he talked about him endlessly.

"Just look at the cultivators outside here, all of them were robbed cleanly by him, you know."

Yang Xinyu remembered that Yang Xinlian praised her child as cute and well-behaved. She frowned and continued: "Whether it is a martial art or a small martial art, he will not let go of the casual cultivators who are looking for food at the bottom. What else? Cute and cute?"

"My child is cute and cute!" Yang Xinglian was not only stubborn, but also stubborn in her heart. Even if she chased Zheng Yu all over the mountain with two feather dusters, she also thought her child was the cutest.

The two stopped and went, Yang Xinyu had been talking to Yang Xinlian about the recent events in the world of immortality, and 90% of them were about his nephew.

At this moment, his nephew has come to the foot of Wan Jianzong's mountain.

Zheng Yu raised his head and looked at the entire gate of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, which was not much different from the other sects.

However, he did not intend to sweep up all the way, this place is after all his mother's home.

The entire Ten Thousand Sword Sect was calm and calm. When Zheng Yu came, he directly displayed his reach, step by step, and did not ride Feng Ling across the market. So now, the entire world of cultivating immortals does not know his presence, only if he is still there. Among the 100,000 mountains.

Zheng Yu shook the Baihua folding fan in his hand, frowned slightly, and released his mental power to the entire Ten Thousand Sword Sect. He had already seen his mother and the guy who claimed to be his uncle.

In the content of these two chats, there is always one sentence in the three sentences that mentions himself.

Zheng Yu was also full of black lines. This cheap uncle was sparing no effort to talk about his dark history, but his mother was still listening attentively.

Zheng Yu stepped forward, and he was already standing on the mountain of Wanjianfeng. He slowly walked towards the two of them. At this time, Zheng Yu and the child in the mountain village were completely different, not only in dress, but also in the aura that was revealed at this time.

And his mother now looks different from before, her face with a little wrinkle is now smooth and clean. If two people stand together, no one will think that these two people will be mother and child, maybe they are siblings!

Yang Xinlian is now wearing a simple dress, just a light blue long dress, her hair is casually tied, and Yang Xinyu and Yang Xinyu are walking on countless swords.

Yang Xinlian's cultivation at the moment has been restored to the level of the late Jindan stage. This cultivation allowed her to keep her appearance unchanged.

For immortal cultivators, they are considered to be real adults only after they are over a hundred years old, and those tens of years old cultivators are nothing more than juniors, young people!

At a young age, she has experienced countless killings and escapes, as well as more than ten years of precipitation hidden in the mountain village. Her character is no longer as ignorant and naughty as she was at the beginning.

The background of the high school has given her a dignified temperament, and the accumulation of so many years has given her the vicissitudes of life that does not meet the age at this time, so now Yang Xinlian looks dignified and atmospheric!

Since the death of her husband, the child has been brought up by her own hand. Since birth, she has never left her side. Although Yang Xinyu said that her child is now almost invincible in the entire world of cultivating immortals, she did not see it with her own eyes, so she would never be at ease.

During the period when I was brought back to Wan Jianzong, under the cliff, I kept praying to God in my heart for the safety of my children.

The weather is relatively hot now, with the scorching sun shining down.

Although the physique of the immortal cultivator has not invaded the cold and heat, after listening to Yang Xinyu’s recount of her child’s past for a period of time, Yang Xinlian was sometimes almost killed and crossed the sky, which made Yang Xinlian excited from time to time, and she shed a lot of it. Cold sweat.

At this moment, Zheng Yu had already taken a step forward and stood on the road not far from the two of them, and looked at them.

He seemed to have returned to the small mountain village, and he seemed to hear his mother eagerly calling him home for dinner every day.

It seems to have gone back to the beginning when the mother was chasing herself in the village with two feather dusters.

Zheng Yu's appearance at this time has not changed much, just a little more mature than before.

So when Yang Xinlian turned her head, she recognized that the person in front of her was her son.

Zheng Yu stood there, looking at Yang Xinlian without saying a word. Yang Xinlian touched her face subconsciously and said, "Yu'er, is there any dirt on my face?"

Zheng Yu shook his head, walked in front of his mother, and stretched out his sleeves to wipe away the sweat from Yang Xinlian's forehead.

"Mother, I'm hungry!"

Zheng Yu's time in this world is running out, and his realm at this time has reached its peak.

The Mahayana period will be reached soon, and after the Mahayana period, all the energy contained in his body has exceeded the maximum limit of this world.

It is estimated that there will only be a few days to get along with my mother.

He didn't intend to bring everything outside between himself and his mother, he just wanted to enjoy the last time quietly!

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