Traverser Management System

Chapter 187: Guest here

"Okay Yu'er, mother will cook for you now, and you'll be ready soon!" Yang Xinlian turned directly and flew towards the Wanjianzong sect.

Her son, of course, she understands. Seeing his son's reluctant eyes, she knows that something must have happened. But how clever Yang Xinlian is, she didn't plan to ask directly, but followed her son's words and went to cook for him.

"Send the message to the entire world of cultivating immortals! Find two people, two scattered immortals, one is called Yunxiaozi and the other is called Chisongzi. After these two people get the news, they will immediately rush to Wan Jianzong!"

Zheng Yu said this to Yang Xinyu. He wanted to use the words of Wan Jianzong to summon these two scattered immortals back.

These two guys have been out for so long, and they didn’t bring them back any items with aura, and they didn’t know where they went. Zheng Yu didn’t bother to investigate little by little, so he simply released the news to let them know. Just come to yourself as an individual.

Zheng Yu has long understood how rare the pill to increase lifespan is in this world. If these two people want to live longer, they will definitely spare no effort to bring back those items that can be recycled.

Yang Xinyu heard Zheng Yu's words, although there was a command in his tone, but he nodded in response, and did not have any attitude of treating Zheng Yu as his nephew.

His nephew possesses the most powerful combat power in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

It was just such a small request, of course Yang Xinyu agreed directly and happily.

In case, if one makes his nephew a little bit unhappy, maybe he has to make trouble again, Wan Jianzong can't really afford to lose.

In fact, Zheng Yu was standing right above this Wan Jianfeng, and his heart was already irritated. He collected all the things under his feet, the origin is also as high as tens of millions, and there are countless spirit swords on them, all of which are recycled. It is estimated to be the origin of tens of millions.

But looking at his mother's face, he didn't move any of these things, enduring his greed, and walked in the direction where his mother had just flown away.

Yang Xinyu didn't bother the mother and son, maybe they still have much more things to talk about.

He flew directly towards the hall of Ten Thousand Sword Sect. In the hall, Yang Xiao was sitting cross-legged. He didn't even know that the evil of the immortal cultivation world had reached the door.

What Yang Xinyu has to do now is to quickly inform the sect and let his father and those elders in Houshan make plans early.

Speaking of it, Wan Jianzong and the mother and son still carry some hatred. The grievances at the beginning led to Zheng Yunsheng's death, and Wan Jianzong was also to blame.

Who could have imagined that such a freak would be born more than ten years later, disturbing the entire world of immortality.

However, Zheng Yu didn't bother to pay attention to everything about this Wan Jianzong. The location that Wan Jianzong arranged for Yang Xinlian was still the small courtyard where she had lived in the first place.

He found this place easily. He stepped in. His mother was already busy in the kitchen. The craftsmanship she had developed over the past ten years made Yang Xinlian's food taste good.

Although Zheng Yu said that he did not need to eat, he could survive for countless years, but sometimes things like eating do not have to be to survive.

Eating is a kind of enjoyment in itself, not to mention that my mother made it by herself, and maybe I will never taste it again for countless years.

"Yu'er, are you back? Go and sit down first, and eat together after I finish the meal! Remember to wash your hands!"

The exact same words, Zheng Yu has listened to these words for more than ten years, although he now has the ability of a fairy, but these few words almost made him cry.

After not waiting for long, my mother came to the table with the hot food, and after putting them all out, she said to Zheng Yu: "Wait in a hurry? Eat it!"

Perhaps because he hasn't eaten for a long time, Zheng Yu feels that this dish is much more delicious than the ones he has eaten before.

"Yu'er, I don't ask how you got to the realm you are now! I don't ask, why did you frantically sweep away the spiritual creatures in the world of immortality? Mother just wants to know now, how long will it take?"

Zheng Yu always thought that Yang Xinlian would not ask this sentence. As a result, at the dinner table, she still did not hold back.

"Five days!"

He can only lower his head and continue to eat the dishes in the bowl, still the original taste. Zheng Yu has an endless aftertaste of this taste.

Perhaps it was because of this period of rush that Zheng Yu was also exhausted. Although he was in the realm of a real immortal, Zheng Yu actually fell asleep peacefully on the little bed of his mother.

Yang Xinyu came to the small courtyard where Yang Xinlian was.

Yang Xinlian greeted her and made a silent gesture to Yang Xinyu.

The two flew towards the hall of Wan Jianzong together, and as soon as they walked away, Zheng Yu opened his eyes. He wanted to sleep peacefully, but now it is really difficult to think about it.

The mental power is too strong, any clues, a little bit of subtle noise, will make his mental power detect it, and then instantly remind himself.

Under such circumstances, it is already very difficult for Zheng Yu to sleep at ease.

Just as he was sighing, he suddenly received a systematic message that shocked and puzzled him.

"The traverser No. 0001 has arrived in the traverser management platform, please show up as soon as possible!"

This news came very abruptly, just before he set the price, until he went to the mountain gate of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, this time has not passed.

Comparing the time flow rate of the immortal cultivation world where Zheng Yu is now, and the time flow rate of that biochemical plane, it is estimated that only a few minutes have passed!

Is the traverser number 0001 so impatient?

Zheng Yu directly penetrated the spiritual power into the traverser management platform. In the traverser management platform, pavilions and pavilions accounted for most of the area, and the rest was a patch of woods.

On the edge of the three-kilometer traverser management platform, a white cat with a height of one person penetrated the chaotic wall, got out, and jumped into the woods all at once.

It raised its head suspiciously, turned around, looked at the wall behind it, and reached out to touch it. However, he took his claws back in an instant, and then looked at the exposed corner of the eaves in the distance of the forest.

All of this is under Zheng Yu's gaze, and he can clearly explore all of the entire traverser management platform.

And this white cat didn't know that it was being peeped by others now!

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