Traverser Management System

Chapter 188: First guest

Zheng Yu just moved his mind, and the person has disappeared in the hut of the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart. Then, he appeared in the management platform of the traverser, in the hall that originally belonged to the Dandaomen.

The hall of the Dandaomen had a living room next to it. He walked into the living room, stretched out his sleeves, and with a single wave, all the items in the room were recovered. Then in the system, the sofa and coffee table were exchanged, and various modern items were used to turn the whole room into a modern reception room.

After all, the other party also entered the biochemical world from modern society.

Within this traverser management platform, Zheng Yu regards it as a place to stay, and does not want to let outside traversers run around in it.

In the future, as long as there are people coming, just send them directly into this meeting room.

Shen Qian is this cat. Since he entered the biochemical world, he has been working hard to change his adulthood.

But after so long, he also exchanged that exercise. As a result, until now, even if he has already raised those exercises to the top level, he hasn't changed.

He has always been impatient in his heart, but in that world, he has washed the entire plane of nuclear bombs all the way, clearing 1/10.

There was no way for him to directly change the man of the countless origin points he had obtained, and just now, he suddenly received a system message.

There is a manager of the traverser management platform that can help yourself.

If you have any questions, you can go to ask, and you can directly achieve your own goals.

He was excited at the time, and directly spent 100,000 yuan to enter this traverser management platform. I want to find a way to change myself into adults.

In fact, the origin points he has obtained in the biochemical world have been very special, but the exercises he changed are all exercises in the realm of cultivation.

What is needed when driving is aura, but in the biochemical world, there is no such thing. If you want to exchange the origin point for aura, Zheng Yu did not give him the qualification to open this area.

Therefore, he can only practice this exercise to the top level and stare at him!

Just as he looked at the eaves looming in the woods in the distance and was about to go there, he suddenly felt a whirl of heaven and earth.

When this feeling stopped, he found that he had arrived in a living room.

In the living room, there are two rows of sofas with a coffee table in the middle of the two rows of sofas. There are still some fruits on the coffee table, which looks aura.

He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. There was no place to change this kind of thing in the system.

And these fruits, he feels that each one can improve his abilities.

Of course, before he saw the master, he dared not move anything here.

Being able to easily pull oneself directly into this living room from a distance, the master's ability is definitely many times stronger than he does not know.

He muttered in his heart: This person who pulled himself from a distance should be the so-called traverser administrator!

However, Zheng Yu is now in the middle of the main hall. He has not entered the reception room. He is thinking about what kind of face he wants to meet this person, or the cat.

In the end, Zheng Yu thought for a long time, and still planned to see him as he was. That's it. Anyway, since the other party has already arrived here and contributed so much origin, he should serve God in an attitude of serving God no matter what. Each other!

This is the first meeting between the traverser and the traverser administrator.

Zheng Yu appeared on the sofa silently, and was sitting there with Erlang's legs crossed. The dress of this body did not match the decoration of the whole room, just like from a certain set. A costume actor who just came out.

Zheng Yu's silent way of appearance shocked the opponent.

Shen Gan looked at Zheng Yu, and Zheng Yu was also looking at it!

At this time, Shen Gan was wearing a camouflage uniform, and besides the camouflage uniform on his upper body, there was also a bulletproof vest.

The cat's paws underneath are covered with a pair of leather boots, just dressed up like this, if you don't look at that head, you really think it's a person!

Shen Qian has spiritual power, and his spiritual power level is not low. Just when he wanted to use his mental power to probe the opponent, he found that there was an invisible force field in that person, and his mental power had not been detected yet, it had been suppressed back.

"So powerful!" Shen Qian said silently in his heart.

Of course Zheng Yu realized that the other party wanted to probe his actions, but he ignored it.

"Hello, traverser No. 0001, what can you do when you come to the traverser management platform?" Zheng Yu looked at the cat in front of him with a smile.

His voice was very gentle, as if he had seen an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, and he greeted him warmly.

"Please feel free, don't always stand, you can sit on the sofa opposite, or you can taste the spirit fruits I prepared."

Shen Qian didn't even want to eat the spirit fruit at all, he sat on the opposite sofa with a little awkwardness.

"The system gave me a reminder that you can accomplish all the goals you want to achieve, right?" Shen Gan has been in that world for a long time, and he has always wanted to change his desire for adulthood. It hasn't been realized yet, he is a little urgent.

"Yes, traverser No. 0001, what kind of needs do you need me to help you meet? Since you are my first guest, I can give you a discount!"

Zheng Yu was delighted, since there is now the first guest, there will be countless traversers who will have their own needs in the future.

For them to come to the Traverser platform to make demands of themselves, Zheng Yu is very welcome to this kind of thing.

Regardless of the entrance fee or the request, Zheng Yu will get a lot of origin.

It seems that a bright future is right in front of me, and I don't need to run around and robbery.

"Discount? What discount?" Shen Qian asked with some confusion. Before, 100,000 original points had been deducted just for the tickets that came in. And he could only stay in it for half an hour, during this period of time, he had already wasted ten minutes.

And the system didn't say at all that it would consume the original source after coming in and asking questions!

But since the 100,000 points of origin have been deducted, and he has already come in, he just left empty-handed, unwilling to do so.

Anyone will feel very happy after hearing things like discounts. After all, some can be saved, and my origin is not from the strong wind.

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