Traverser Management System

Chapter 189: Resell

"Every traverser comes to the management platform and puts forward their own requirements, I will complete them for them, and fulfilling your needs will also consume some energy, so you need to collect some source points!"

Zheng Yu patiently explained to the first customer in front of him why he had to collect the origin point! He also didn't want his first business to be so bad.

"I want to become an adult!" Shen Qian directly put forward his request, his tone extremely firm.

Zheng Yu has clearly detected the remaining origin of the other party, which is more than 400,000.

He had planned to acquire all of these more than 400,000 origin points.

If he simply fulfilled the other party's request so easily, without paying too much attention to the source, he would feel a bit sorry for his reputation as being three feet tall that day.

"If you want to become a human form, there are several options. You seem to have cultivated a technique that can be transformed into a human form. It's just a lack of spiritual energy..."

Zheng Yu has already understood everything about the other party!

"Providing you with other methods consumes a lot of money, and you now have the foundation, then this matter is much easier!" Zheng Yu smiled slightly and talked freely.

"Yes, I have already reached the top level in the exercises I practiced, but in the world I live in, there is no such thing as aura at all."

Zheng Yu felt even happier after hearing what he said. He seemed to think of a way to earn more primordial points in the future.

"And there is no place to change in the system. Every time I search in the system, I say that my authority is insufficient. Oh, yes, how should this authority be improved?"

The tangled expression on Shen Gan's cat's face, the lack of authority for these four words would hurt him.

"Aura is a kind of energy in the higher planes. This energy can be manifested as a spirit stone or a spirit fruit. Mr. Traveler No. 0001 can taste the fruit on the coffee table first!"

Zheng Yu pushed the fruit on the coffee table to the opposite Shen Gan, made a please gesture, and then he continued.

"As for the issue of authority, let's talk about it after we solve the matter of changing you into an adult."

Shen Gan looked at Zheng Yu with some doubts, and then at the plate of fruit in front of him. The plate of fruit was filled with spiritual energy, and it did look very delicious.

And he can feel from this plate of fruit, if he eats it, it will definitely help him a lot.

He took one of them suspiciously, put it in his mouth and bit it down. After the crisp click, Shen Gan widened his eyes, and then sat cross-legged on the sofa, his eyes closed tightly.

It didn’t take long for its appearance to begin to change. The hair on its body was directly retracted into thin hairs. The entire face was also distorted in a hazy shape, and it changed into shape within a short time. Human appearance.

This is the original appearance of Shen Qian, the originally melancholic youth, after so long of exercise, now looks extraordinary.

Especially a pair of eyes. After abandoning the vertical pupils, these eyes now have firm and decisive gazes, which makes people know at a glance that this is a person with their own beliefs.

Coupled with his current camouflage uniform, it makes people feel like a general who has just left the battlefield.

Zheng Yu waved his hand at Shen Qian's side, and a mirror that was the biggest manifestation of aura appeared in front of him.

Shen Qian turned around, looked in the mirror, and nodded in satisfaction. However, before he was happy for long, the hair on his face grew again, the vertical pupils returned to his eyes, and a cat face appeared again.

He looked at the administrator of the traverser platform on the opposite side with a sad face, and said: "This kind of spirit fruit is good, but it does not contain much aura content. If I just use this, the time to persist is too short! Can't let me truly change into an adult!"

Shen Gan looked at the plate of Lingguo in front of him. This plate of Lingguo kept him for a few days at most, and it couldn't last forever. He was depressed.

"Passer 0001, please don't worry, these spirit fruits are just for you to use and feel the effects of the aura. Next, I will prepare another item for you."

Zheng Yu laughed, as long as he felt the effect of the aura, then his goal had been half achieved, and the next step was to launch the highlight.

Zheng Yu waved his hand at the coffee table in front of him, and a low-grade spirit stone appeared. This low-grade spirit stone was just exchanged from the system, and it was a ten-point source.

And the aura contained in this low-grade spirit stone was enough to keep the traverser No. 0001 in front of him for several days of change.

There is no exchange of spirit stones in Shen Qian's system, so when he first saw the spirit stones, he was already excited.

He could feel that there was a lot of spiritual energy in this spiritual stone, which was much stronger than that spiritual fruit.

"There is one source of this thing, one is too few, and at least hundreds of such things are enough for a year's consumption!" Shen Gan asked a little eagerly.

"This kind of thing is called a spirit stone, maybe you have heard of this kind of thing before. It is a condensed object from the aura of heaven and earth, this kind of thing can keep you in human form for a long time."

"Spirit stones are also classified. This type of spirit stone is the cheapest, but the effect is also the lowest. There are also medium-grade spirit stones, high-grade spirit stones, and top-grade spirit stones."

"As far as you are concerned, it is estimated that you will not be able to consume the top-grade spirit stones and the best-grade spirit stones. Therefore, there are also middle-grade spirit stones for you to choose."

"A medium-grade spirit stone can supply your consumption for half a year."

"How many origins of the middle-grade spirit stone?" Shen Qian seems to have seen hope now that a middle-grade spirit stone can keep himself in human form for half a year.

There are hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones, and I guess there is no more trouble in this aspect on that plane.

"Please don't worry, the price of each middle-grade spirit stone is 100,000 origin points, and the price of each lower-grade spirit stone is only 3000!"

Zheng Yu felt that it was almost done, and at this time he had enough appetite, and it was time to quote him the price.

The origin point is not used up this time and there will be no more. He can continue to work hard to earn the origin point on the plane where he is, and then come here to redeem it. Therefore, this kind of business is not done directly at one time, the long water flow is his real plan!

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