Traverser Management System

Chapter 192: New plane

"Open the next plane for me! Now there are more than 30 million origin points. Any plane you go to should be enough!"

Zheng Yu said directly to the system in his mind.

With more than 30 million origin points, if Zheng Yu directly used it to randomly drop traversers, another thirty traversers would be thrown out!

But he didn't know what the next plane was, and he always had to keep some original points for future use.

If I had saved all the origins, now there should be more than 200 million.

However, it was caused by the system, and now there is only such a thing.

The system jumped out of Zheng Yu's chest, without a word, directly enveloped Zheng Yu, and then flew towards the chaotic wall on the periphery of the traverser management platform.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, US time, an electromagnetic disturbance suddenly occurred in the sky above New York City, which caused a power outage in New York City for a few minutes!

A black hole appeared in the sky just now, but it disappeared within the next two seconds.

It was the appearance of this black hole that caused a blackout throughout New York City, but after three minutes, all electricity had returned to normal!

But just because of the three-minute power outage, many disasters occurred.

All the superheroes in New York City are dispatched one by one, and there are these superheroes in the streets and alleys, shopping malls and squares.

Zheng Yu is standing on the street, his current dress is incompatible with this world.

However, fortunately, people in this world have seen too much of this kind of strange clothes.

At most, he would think that he was handsome and well-dressed, and would not have any other ideas. Maybe he is a performance artist?

And Zheng Yu didn't care about the gazes of everyone around him at the moment, he was frowning tightly now with a look of disgust.

"The more people you save, the more source points you will get. This is a world full of superheroes, and all the source points revolve around salvation and destruction."

After the system released this task, it was silent immediately, without even a trace of echo.

"Then why don't you release me a mission of destruction? How many people do I have to save before I can get 50% integration of this plane? Bastard!!"

No matter how Zheng Yu jumped or cursed the system in his mind, it didn't help. The system didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

"Go to your uncle's rescue!" Zheng Yu continued to curse at the system in his heart.

Fortunately, no matter what tasks the system releases, there is never a time limit. He can do it whenever he wants.

It's a big deal to waste a little more time, or simply pull the traverser over and let the traverser complete it!

Zheng Yu scolded in his mind for a long time, and then relieved his anger. Only now is he ready to look at the surroundings.

The spiritual force was directly released, covering a range of hundreds of kilometers. In this moment, almost everything on this plane was understood transparently.

On the street not far from him, a pervert in a red tights wailed in the air with the silk thread pulled by both hands.

Zheng Yu recognized it at a glance. Isn't this the legendary Spider-Man? It seems to be called Peter Parker.

This guy stretched his hand towards the roof of the distant building, and a spider silk flew out and stuck to the roof of the distant building. Then he loosened his left hand and hung the silk thread and glide in the air.

Zheng Yu frowned, his mental power turned into a knife in the air, and he slashed at the thread!

He just wanted to try his own mental power in this world.

But that poor little spider, the human has already swung to the highest place in the air, and the thread suddenly broke. All of a sudden, ha ha...

When the silk thread he pulled in his hand was straining, he suddenly discovered that the silk thread was somehow broken by something? Suddenly surprised inexplicably.

The Spider-Man was tumbling in the air, twisting, unable to grasp the direction, and the thread between his hands ejected indiscriminately into the distance.

Some shot to the ground, some shot into the air, he couldn't grasp his direction in the air, and he even lost his quasi-head.

When his silk thread finally connected to a building, Zheng Yu, who had been observing him from a distance, suddenly became nasty.

The silk thread that had just flown out was stuck to the wall over there, and Zheng Yu's mental power turned into a sharp knife, which was gently wiped across the edge of the silk thread.

This thread broke again inexplicably, and now he didn't have time to eject it again, he had already smashed to the ground fiercely!

Zheng Yu split his mouth and thought in his heart: It seems to be very painful, but as a superhero, this guy won't be so easily felled to death at once!

The Spider-Man smashed a hole in the concrete road and couldn't stand up for several minutes. After a while, it is estimated that the recovery is almost complete, and then slowly climbed up from the pothole, on the face under the hood, a face was inexplicable, grinning!

"What's the situation?" He stretched out his two hands and looked at it, then looked at the half of silk thread hanging from the roof in the distance!

He suddenly smashed the ground out of a hole, and the surrounding American citizens ran over and looked at Spider-Man lying on his stomach beside the big hole.

People came and went, everyone looked at Spider-Man falling from the sky very strangely. Could it be that some evil forces are fighting Spider-Man again?

But everyone looked around and didn't find any villain.

It's just that Spider-Man is in the air. I don't know what happened. He fell from the sky. Is it because of an operating error?

There are not many opportunities to meet a superhero up close. Some people directly took out their mobile phones to take photos of Spider-Man, and some rushed forward, squatted beside Spider-Man lying on the ground, and took a selfie with their mobile phones.

There was a sound of clicking the shutter, causing the spider-man lying on the ground to be covered with black lines.

Of course not everyone is like this, and some kind people ask: "Hey, Spider-Man, do you need any help?"

"Oh, thank you, no, I'll just lie down for a while!" Spider-Man replied. Then he stretched out his hand and scratched the top of his head, completely unaware of what went wrong.

Zheng Yu slightly cocked his mouth a few streets away. He thought it was very funny.

Then it seemed to think of something, and the corners of the slightly raised mouth were closed, and then he laughed at himself: "Do you look at me like this, do you look like a hero?"

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