Traverser Management System

Chapter 193: Relaunch

He did a bad thing wickedly, without gaining the source point, and without any loss.

Suddenly, he felt as if he had caught some loopholes?

Just do it, for such a flashy idea, he immediately put this idea into action.

The bridge several kilometers away suddenly made a loud rumbling noise. After this loud noise, the entire bridge began to collapse from the middle.

The vehicles on the bridge rolled from above the bridge towards the underground river.

At this moment, Zheng Yu turned his mental energy into transparent palms one by one, and silently grabbed the vehicles that were about to fall into the water and put them back on the bridge.

Zheng Yu was busy for a long time before saving all the vehicles back. He stood still and felt it carefully. After a few minutes, he sighed softly.

If you save others after you have done something bad, you won't have any source point at all!

So, do you really want to be a real superhero?

With his own ability, what kind of bad guy can escape his palm?

But, where did so many bad guys come from? So many people let themselves be saved?

Within the range of mental power, within hundreds of kilometers, there will always be car accidents no matter how big or small. Zheng Yu's mental power covers the past, and two car accidents are easily resolved.

Twenty source points are available.

Wouldn't it be possible to squat here all day long, waiting for a car accident? This is too boring!

The disasters created by oneself can be rescued by oneself, without any source of origin.

Only the destruction caused by others can be saved by oneself, and then Zheng Yu has another idea.

"What if I open all the prisons here? Hey, wouldn't things be done all the time?"

In ordinary prisons, there are ordinary people, and the damage they can cause is very small. It is nothing more than robbery, snatching some money, and stealing some things. If Zheng Yu were to solve this kind of thing, it would be too much of an under-utility.

"Forget it, don't bother to think about it, let's take a good rest for a while before talking!"

Zheng Yu was about to find a place to live, but suddenly stopped.

"The system, find a traverser, and pull it directly to the current plane. Now that the source point is enough, just pull a complete one and leave him with two exchange options, technology and ability, and the rest will be hidden."

"Good host, it is estimated that after ten minutes, the spiritual link can be opened!"

"No link, let him fend for himself, and when I want to start the recovery of the origin of this plane, let's talk about it!"

"Post him a main mission and become a superhero!" It would be too wasteful to just pull the traverser to this plane and do nothing. Just set him a mission and let him slow down. Slowly grow!

Afterwards Zheng Yu thought about it. The other traversers he had summoned each had a novice gift bag. If this one didn't have it, it would be too stubborn!

"Bring him a real novice gift pack. Exchange items within 1000 origin points will be randomly selected to see if he has such good luck!"

Although it is a real novice gift bag, what good things can be exchanged with such a little source? Now he has hundreds of millions of origin points, and his stingy character has not changed.

"Is this the so-called real novice gift package?" The system's contemptuous tone was completely undisguised.

"It's nice to have a novice gift package. Look at the previous ones, and then look at him, let's be content!" Zheng Yu was not ashamed but proud of him. When he spoke, his triumphant expression made the system want to jump out and talk to him A fight!

But then the system went silent, silently completing the things Zheng Yu had entrusted to him.

He didn't bother to care about this shameless host.

"Since I now have so many origin points, and I can't consume anything in this plane myself, it's a waste to put it here, leaving 10 million origin points, and all the rest will be used to randomly summon traversers!"

What Zheng Yu said afterwards caused the system to make a satisfied hum in his mind.

"The 30 million original sources have been deducted, and 30 traversers have been randomly determined, the subsystem has been prepared, and the planes have been launched!"

Zheng Yu's original figure standing on the street had long since disappeared. If he wanted to hide his figure, there would be no one in this world who could detect him.

If Zheng Yu wants to destroy this place, he can do it only by stomping his feet.

And the system had to release a rescue mission to him, it was simply cheating.

A peony robe disappeared, followed by a casual outfit with a pair of sneakers on his feet.

The black and thick long hair gradually shortened, and the ability of changing the length of the hair randomly selected at this time finally played its role.

Feng Ling on his waist slightly raised his head and floated in the air. Zheng Yu closed his eyes and thought for a while, turning Feng Ling into a tattoo, covering himself.

A phoenix spread its wings and appeared above Zheng Yu's arms. The back part covered his entire back. The front part of the phoenix appeared on the chest directly in front. It was gorgeous no matter which direction you looked at!

Now he has changed from a fairy with fluttering clothes to the appearance of a big boy next door.

Handsome face, fine hair, and a close-fitting sportswear.

He smiled shyly, trying hard to look shy. Don't say it, it really looks like that!

Zheng Yu was very proud of his heart, laughed, and showed his figure on the street.

No one noticed that he appeared abruptly, as if he had been standing there before, and he took a step and walked slowly towards the distance.

The handsome and soft Asian appearance is more patience than the rugged Europeans and Americans. The black hair and black eyes with soft eyes can easily make people feel good.

His figure is no longer thin, and his well-proportioned muscles have shown a certain outline.

As he walked on this street, many people still turned their heads and smiled at him knowingly.

With a shy smile, he greeted those who were smiling at him.

I don’t know how many years ago, he had watched this movie, maybe it was just a parallel universe.

But since I'm already in it, I'll play my role now and make myself one, um... Zheng Yu curled his lips and thought: Superhero?

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