Traverser Management System

Chapter 194: Ignorant girl

What should I do first...?

Of course, it is to find a place to live. The currency here is the same as the plane he was in. Zheng Yu is at the bottom of the system and can easily find countless things that can be exchanged for money.

However, a little root can be exchanged for 10,000 funds.

There are still so many roots now, so I have to make myself more comfortable.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

"Luck so good? This should be a random teleportation! How could it be teleported to me suddenly?"

Zheng Yu's gaze, through countless high-rise buildings, looked into a small alley in the distance.

A beautiful girl with a typical oriental color, a white one-piece nightdress, and her long hair silky and silky like a waterfall.

Delicate Guazi's face was full of ignorance, as if he had just woke up, but this place didn't seem to be right.

"Where is this place? How did I come? And...who am I?" The little girl sat up from the ground, covered her head with her hand and shook it, muttering to herself. Zheng Yu was full of black lines in the distance.

"System! Who did you choose? Who can such a superhero save?" Zheng Yu once again questioned the traverser selected by the system.

But now that the traverser has arrived in this world and has been discovered by Zheng Yu again, he feels that he needs to do something.

He stepped forward, and within a few steps, the person had disappeared in place, and no one around him noticed anything abnormal.

There is no one in this small alley, and the location of this small alley is also a relatively hidden place, empty. There was only this little girl, sitting leaning on the ground, her nightdress was a bit dirty, but she didn't care, she just looked around curiously, ignorantly, actually made Zheng Yu feel a little cute clatter.

Zheng Yu is now hidden in this emptiness, and no one can find him with the detection methods of the square world. Of course, the little girl below can't see, and she doesn't know. Now there is a pair of eyes watching her next to her.

She stood up, patted the dust on her body, rubbed her stomach, and muttered to herself: "I'm so hungry!"

This girl is no stranger to the surrounding high-rise buildings. It is estimated that the place where she was originally should be like this, right?

There are people coming and going at the entrance of the alley, and walking out is like walking into another world. There are noisy sounds, human voices, and cars crowing!

Just when the little girl was standing in a daze at the entrance of the alley, a door deep in the alley opened, and two young men came out of it. They were also walking towards the entrance of the alley.

When they were about to walk out of the alley, they suddenly realized that there was a girl standing in front of them.

The girl turned her head when she heard a voice behind her, and the eyes of the two young men suddenly lit up.

The two didn't make any sound. They looked at each other, and after making eye contact, they both nodded.

One of them walked quickly behind the little girl, grabbed her arm, and dragged it into the alley.

The other young man immediately walked to the entrance of the alley and blocked the outside view with his body.

Zheng Yu frowned in the void, this kind of bridge, I don't know how many stories have been interpreted, should the hero save the beauty next?

It seems that there is a pair of big hands in the dark, which is really pushing the plot towards this interpretation.

Zheng Yu didn't move, it was other people who moved. The superhero who just fell from the sky and smashed a hole in the concrete floor.

He still feels that the bones of his whole body are a little sore. He rubbed his shoulders and his back with his hands, and walked step by step with heavy steps. Now he dare not stick out the silk thread again, in the sky. Rippling in.

What if the thread suddenly breaks after waiting for a while?

He was wearing a red tights, wherever he walked, he would attract other people's onlookers, but he just walked, ignoring the sight of people around him.

When someone greets him, he will respond, but that's all.

He also had to go this way when he got home, but when he came out, he was wearing such a tight-fitting suit, and there was no place to put money. As a law-abiding American citizen, he certainly wouldn't go in a bully car.

Since you are not far from your home, you can just walk back home. The big deal is that when you are about to arrive, you will crawl home with your body that is beyond ordinary people.

The ignorant little girl was dragged into the depths of the alley by the two young men.

The two of them joked at the little girl. The little girl kept reaching out to resist. Although she was a little ignorant, the movements of these people made her feel a little dangerous.

In the previous sleep, she seemed to hear some sound in her mind, but she didn't care at the time, she just thought it was her hallucinations!

But at this time, the voice in my mind reverberated again: "Passer 0051, your newbie gift pack lottery roulette is already in place, is it open?"

Zheng Yu watched the little girl constantly resisting in the void, but how could her own weak body be able to withstand two adult young men?

He was a little puzzled, doesn't this girl even know the identity of her traverser until now?

After opening the system link directly, he discovered that the girl hadn't listened to the prompt sound that the system gave her at all.

"If this is the case, let me direct the story alone!" Zheng Yu directly connected to the subsystem, opened the big lottery roulette with the subsystem, and sent a message to the little girl's mind!

The little girl was ignorant, and suddenly heard a voice in her mind, and she opened her mouth and asked out with some doubts.

"What newbie gift package?!" The voice of the little girl spoke with an ethereal feeling, and the voice sounded very sweet.

Zheng Yu was too lazy to wait any longer. If the little girl asked to continue to ask, he didn't know when he would wait. If the two young men succeeded, Zheng Yu couldn't stand it.

"The newbie package has been opened, and the lottery roulette has started!"

The 36 grids kept flashing, and various items kept switching and flashing inside.

"Congratulations to the traverser 0051! The lucky draw won a trace of Superman's blood and a set of Superman protective clothing."

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