Traverser Management System

Chapter 199: First mission

Unexpectedly, among the remaining three gang members, one person actually took out a gun from his arms, when the two men with the wind were knocked out.

The remaining few people all reacted, this should be a superhero-like character.

Regardless of whether the superhero is a man or a woman, as long as he encounters it, he is definitely an enemy. If they don't want to put themselves in jail, they can only use their greatest ability to resist.

Butterflies certainly know guns. This kind of weapon is rampant in this country. It seems that people can come up with such a weapon casually.

Butterfly knew the power of this weapon. He didn't know how much damage this weapon did to him, but in order to prevent him from being harmed, he moved as soon as he saw the opponent took out the gun. Up.

Butterfly moved very fast. When she rushed forward, another person also reacted and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Butterfly and buy time for the gang member with the gun in his hand.

This man had no weapons in his hand. He just hit the butterfly with his fist. The butterfly was expressionless. He reached out and grabbed the man’s fist in his hand. The big fist did not match the butterfly’s small palm. Proportion, but the tremendous power made this man burst into tears.

With a click, the butterfly's tremendous power was manifested at this moment. The man's fist was like an egg, and he squeezed it down.

The screams reverberated in this small alley, and the people on the streets outside heard this scream.

Others walked to the entrance of the alley and looked inside, but then they left quickly.

There are guns and gang members. You don’t need to watch the rest carefully. This kind of thing can happen at any time throughout New York City. As long as you don’t care about your own affairs, it’s better to stay away. Of course, some people take it silently I got out of the cell phone and called the police.

When the man screamed, the gang member behind with the gun had already pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The pistol that hadn't been silenced had a loud sound. This gang member shot out all the bullets in his pistol with the fastest speed.

He aimed very accurately and his hand was steady, all the bullets hit the butterfly's body.

Butterfly felt that he had been hit hard a few times, and he took two steps back slightly, then stretched out his right hand and touched his body.

The bullet was embedded in her protective clothing, and did not go deep inside, and the butterfly detained the bullet from her body.

Under this, the gang members’ jaws all fell to the ground, except for two who fainted on the ground, one screamed on the ground, and the remaining two people hurriedly backed away. They found that the guns could not be matched. After the butterfly posed a threat, they lost their last fight.

The laneway behind them was very deep. When they ran out for more than ten seconds, they suddenly realized that the butterfly, which should have been on the other end, appeared in front of them again.

"It hurts!" This was the first time they heard Butterfly speak, but after that, the two felt that their bodies had been hit hard, one was on the chest and the other was on the back.

The person who was hit **** the chest was frightened by the appearance of the butterfly at the time, and the person who was attacked on the back reacted extremely quickly. When he turned and ran to the other side, he was stunned by the butterfly. Kicked on his back.

Butterfly said it was very painful. It was the feeling of the bullet hitting him when he was attacking him with a pistol. At that time, it was a heavy blow, and the strength pushed his body back, but then came the feeling, just Make Butterfly frown. If you take the protective suit back, you will see it. On his stomach, a few pieces are already bruised. After all, they are not the full version of Superman's blood. Now such weapons can still pose a certain threat to him. Fortunately, The power of this pistol is not too great. If it is replaced with other heavy firearms, it is estimated that the butterfly should be lying in a pool of blood now.

Hu Die stepped forward, held the two men in his hands, floated up, and flew towards the other end of the alley.

He stacked these five gang members together, and found the cell phone and wallet that had been robbed before on them. However, the man who was robbed had already disappeared, and he did not know where he went. .

Normal people, after being robbed, saw a gunfight and a super-powered woman in front of them. They beat the gang members like him, and they probably didn’t have the courage to wait here. Right.

It's nothing more than a little money. Where is your own life important, the choice between life and property is simple and straightforward, so this man has already ran away long ago.

But Butterfly frowned. With these two things in his hand, he didn't know what to do, because until now, he has not heard the prompt of the system to complete the task.

Just when he was struggling, a few people walked into the alley.

These people were wearing police uniforms, touching their holsters with their right hands, and stepping into the lane with a pause.

Butterfly suddenly remembered that the scream just now attracted the surrounding citizens, and those citizens seemed to call the police when they left.

The police in this city can be regarded as faster. After finishing all these people, it only took a few minutes before the police came!

"Policeman?" Butterfly handed over the two things in his hands, and said, "The robbed person has already run away! This is that person's belongings."

When several policemen saw the gang members stacked on the ground, he sighed in relief. One of them took a few steps forward and walked in front of Butterfly, saying, "Are you? Are you a new superhero? I haven't seen him before. Thank you!"

"Perhaps so! Take these two things first and help me find their owner. Give it back to him!" The angelic appearance of the butterfly and the ethereal voice made the policeman in front of him tremble slightly, and his hands picked up the two things. When he reached his hands, he was very excited.

If all the superheroes are girls like this, that would be great, the spoiler like Spider-Man, let him go to hell!

This was the first time Butterfly entered the police's sight, and after the police returned, he told the story about the superhero he had discovered.

All the policemen knew that when another beautiful superhero with an angelic appearance appeared in this city, they were all excited.

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