When every superhero catches a bad guy, he always has contact with the police, so these policemen are likely to see this beautiful superhero.

After Butterfly handed these two things into the hands of the police, she suddenly found that the system task had been completed, and she smiled slightly.

At this moment, a bright light flashed across the alley, and a young reporter held the camera and pressed the shutter at the butterfly, capturing this moving moment.

This is the real angelic smile!

There are many reporters squatting at the entrance of the police station. As long as there are police officers, these reporters will follow in droves, so now this scene was filmed by this reporter.

Butterfly tilted her head and ignored these people. She stomped on the ground and the people had already flown into the air. The red afterimage flashed past and disappeared.

But Butterfly did not know that after the reporter returned to the newspaper, he counted his harvest today. Early the next morning, a beautiful smile appeared in the newspapers of New York City!

Butterfly had returned to her room, and now she was able to control the power of her bloodline smoothly.

After she returned to the room, she withdrew this power. The outfit changed back to what it was before, and the big golden curly hair also changed back to black hair.

She touched her nose happily, and looked at the 100 source points popping out of the system panel in her mind.

What exactly can 100 origin points be exchanged?

For Zheng Yu, who lives in this world, if only these 100 origins are available, he can be exchanged for at most 1 million US dollars, and then used to decorate his own house, that's it!

After all, for him, if 100 source points are converted into energy, it is not enough for him to flick his finger.

But for the butterfly, after the system panel is opened, there are too many things that can be exchanged for 100 points of origin. There are many, many things that she likes very much, and can be exchanged directly.

So what exactly did the butterfly do with 100 origin points?

All kinds of beautiful dresses filled her bed, and a bear-shaped doll about the size of the bed was placed directly on the corner of the room.

"Butterfly, I'm going downstairs to eat!" Zheng Yu hasn't been cooking for many years. This time on a whim, he suddenly thought of making himself a delicious meal.

You don’t need to go out to buy all the ingredients. Everything in the system can be exchanged, even if it’s ready-made meals, but what's the point of doing that? I just want to experience the joy of cooking.

Butterfly walked downstairs and looked at the seven or eight dishes on the table and the rice that had just been served. He turned his head and looked at Zheng Yu: "Boss, I will cook all the food in the future!"

Butterfly is indeed hungry now. She went out just now, and the energy she consumed made her belly growl.

Butterfly's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she looked at her boss wearing an apron, and said firmly again: "I will do the food in the future!"

Zheng Yu looked at what the butterfly looked like at this time, and thought silently: Although she is a little stupid, she is indeed a good girl!

"Hehe, today is our official opening. We should celebrate it. Of course, you will cook in the future. I can't let my boss cook for you every day! Haha."

"Come on, I haven't cooked for many years, come and **** craft!" Zheng Yu gently dragged the chair away like a gentleman at this time, and made a please gesture toward the butterfly.

"Yeah!" Butterfly laughed too, she owed her body slightly at Zheng Yu, and then went to the chair and sat down!

Zheng Yu walked to the other side of the butterfly, sat down, and said, "These are my best dishes at the time. I am not used to western food. I always think their food is unfamiliar. Come and try it! "

"Yeah, um, thank you boss!" Butterfly reached out and took the chopsticks, while mumbling how delicious it was, it was delicious, and she kept holding vegetables.

Zheng Yu looked at Butterfly's crescent-like eyes and smiled.

He suddenly felt that the ordinary life like this is also very comfortable.

However, sometimes there are always some uninvited guests who come to disturb others when they are eating. This kind of person is the most annoying!

The door of the shop was pushed open, and there was no sign on the door of the shop, just like an ordinary house.

In a place like this, it should be said that no one would think that this is a store, so the possibility of customers can be ruled out. Then who will directly open the door?

Zheng Yu has recognized this guy.

This guy was wrapped in airtight, a fiery red tights, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, he couldn't see his original appearance at all. A **** spider on his chest was lying there abstractly.

He smelled like a spider web pattern on his clothes and had two silver-white eye sockets on his face mask. It was such a strangely dressed man who opened the door and stepped forward, looking at the two people who were eating.

"Ah, beautiful girl! This should be the second time we have met. Huh? Is the man who ate with you your brother? Younger brother? It can't be your boyfriend, right?"

There was a little childishness in his voice. This guy was a small spider that Zheng Yu and Butterfly had both met. His real name was Peter Parker, a teenager who was bitten by a nuclear-contaminated spider and caused a genetic mutation.

In this world, various genetic mutations have led to countless strange people, or superpowers.

And this little spider is a superhero in the good camp. As a kind and just to a little pedantic teenager, he takes it for granted that all superpowers should join the righteous side.

And this girl was the first time he found out, and since he first found out, he has been paying attention to the girl's affairs.

Just now, the headquarters sent a message saying that the girl had appeared and had been locked by the satellite. Although she was very fast, she still did not escape the surveillance of the satellite.

Now that she has found her location, the agents have also begun to act. In the end, Peter Parker, who was very close to here, this little spider rushed over first.

This girl appeared in this world out of thin air, no one could find out about her, and now, beside this girl, there was actually a man sitting next to her.

And this looking very young man, who was about his age, but with a calm and steady aura, made the little spider a little surprised.

"Should this guy stand up and ask me for an autograph?" Little Spider secretly asked.

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