Traverser Management System

Chapter 217: Suppress

There is no spiritual energy in this world, and Zheng Yu does not intend to consume the energy transmitted from the nine-turn profound art in his body.

So the rest is all achieved by mental power.

The force field transformed by the spiritual force can't be seen by anyone except himself.

The spreading mental power enveloped the entire sky-sky mothership, just like this directly wrapped it up with mental power, and then began to gather the mental power inward.

The continuous compression of mental power caused the entire sky mothership to begin to crack towards the inside.

The Sky Mothership is less than 20 kilometers away from Zheng Yu's location, and now both sides can see each other.

"Reporter sir, we are now close to the target, do we start attacking now?" The air-sky mothership has a variety of weapons. There are also several heavy turrets on the deck, and several fighters with small nuclear bombs are also carried.

Within this distance, the gun barrels on these heavy turrets had all been aimed at Feng Ling, and they could attack at any time.

And just when Nick Fury was about to issue a battle order, suddenly, the entire Sky Mothership began to shake.

Inside the Air and Sky Mothership, various alarm systems flickered frantically, and the sound of dripping kept ringing.

"The report says that all kinds of instruments in the aerospace carrier have all failed, and the outer armor has been completely cracked, and it is crazily squeezed to the inside. We seem to be under tremendous pressure."

On the deck of the Sky Mothership, Nicol Fury's body shook for a while. He was about to connect to the cockpit to ask about the situation, but suddenly heard a sound coming from the headset.

He was standing here with a few superheroes, observing the giant bird in the distance. He didn't know that he would encounter such a situation.

Accompanied by the clicking sound, he saw that the deck around him began to crack, and the steel-cast deck began to deform under an unknown force and dented inward.

The remaining superheroes are also looking around. In these few seconds, everything that can be seen around is deforming faster and faster, and the entire Sky Mothership is already covered with cracks and clicks. Unstoppable.

"Reporting sir, all kinetic energy systems have failed. We should crash now, but I don't know what happened. We are still floating in the air, and we are still compressing crazily inward."

"Can you leave this area?" Nicol Fury asked in the headset to the driver in the cockpit. Doubt in my mind, could it be that he entered into some strange position?

Or is the mutant Magneto coming? But Magneto didn't possess the power that was powerful enough to deform the entire Sky Mothership.

"No, the only thing we can do now is to escape from the Sky Mothership. With the current trend, after a few tens of seconds, the entire Sky Mothership will become scrap iron."

The echo in the headset was very eager, and the inside of the Sky Mothership had already been squeezed by this strange force with cracks everywhere.

"Evacuate, evacuate!" Nicol Fury took a few superheroes and ran directly to the edge of the Sky Mothership. There were several portable aircraft on the edge of the Sky Mothership.

When they ran to the side, the portable aircraft had been squeezed to pieces, and there was no way to use them at all.

The huge sky-sky carrier was still compressing crazily, and the staff and combatants on the entire sky-sky carrier were almost killed and injured.

All the people who were alive now ran to the deck, and they could clearly feel that the sky mothership under their feet was now trembling crazily, and it would be completely destroyed in a short time.

Spider-Man stood on the edge of the Sky Mothership and looked down: "I guess I will become a dead spider after I jump down!"

"It's not a big problem, but I can only guarantee that there will be nothing wrong with me jumping down. However, I can't guarantee other people! Oh, mygod, what is going on?" The violent shaking made Captain America unsteady. , He held his hands on the deformed railing on the edge of the Sky Mothership.

It's not the first time Captain America jumped from a plane in the sky without a parachute, so he checked the distance and felt that there should be no problem in jumping down.

"I can take a few people down. The chief has little spiders. Do you want to hitchhike?" Tony Stark is now fully armed, and the coat made of steel has all been put on him. It has the ability to fly and carries a good load. , You can easily save a few people.

"Hurry up, it will be too late if you don't leave!" With a clicking sound, the Sky Mothership was disassembled in front of them and turned into pieces of scrap iron.

Captain America held his buckler with one hand and made a gliding posture, so he jumped down towards the ground. White clouds passed by his side, his eyes staring straight at the ground.

And Tony Stark was holding a person in one hand and another on his back, flying crookedly towards the ground.

There are thousands of people carried on the entire Sky Mothership, but thousands of people have become a pile of flesh under the compression of the entire Sky Mothership, and nothing is left.

After being compressed to the extreme, the Air and Sky Mothership completely turned into a piece of scrap iron, falling diagonally from the sky and falling down.

But what makes everyone strange is that the so much energy on the Sky Mothership didn't actually cause any explosion.

Zheng Yu didn't expect that there is still so much energy on this sky mothership, and this energy can also be used as the source of recovery in the system.

There are several nuclear-powered reactors in the aerospace carrier, and these nuclear-powered reactors alone have brought Zheng Yu tens of thousands of origin points.

The rest of the things are added up in bits and pieces, and the entire sky mothership has provided him with nearly one hundred thousand sources.

"It doesn't seem to be useless. These energy sources seem to be similar to the energy sources brought by Tony Stark last time. The energy of the Sky Mothership should be provided by him!"

Zheng Yu saw these superheroes flying towards the ground in his mental strength, and he didn't bother to pay attention.

The ordinary people in the sky who were originally in the Sky Mothership were crushed by him, and he didn't even look at it.

Just letting these people go so easily, Zheng Yu felt that he hadn't played a role in killing chickens and monkeys.

In the system link, he saw that the butterfly has nothing to do now, just the thawing procedure does not know how long it will take, it is estimated that it is impossible to complete the thawing in this day's time.

And it takes less than an hour for him to get to the position of the butterfly from here, so Zheng Yu is not in a hurry. He intends to let this chicken die a bit more miserable.

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