Traverser Management System

Chapter 437: Can't get through

Going all the way, the demons and monsters kept going, and the killings made by Monkey King along the way were not small, but he also gained a lot of merits.

What is the next level? Zheng Yuming thought for a long time and suddenly realized that it was nothing more than a few Bodhisattvas from the Western Heavens who jointly descended to the world, pretending to be crazy and foolishly molesting the Tang monk.

This level is simple, and there is no need to fight or fight. I just passed this level after talking about it for a while.

Although the original plot was like this, with Zheng Yu's intervention, the mess on the road has been messed up by him. How do you know what this level will become?

Everyone went all the way to the west. Everyone had magical powers. Apart from the hot weather, there was nothing unbearable.

After another half month, everyone finally came to a valley, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the birds whisper and the flowers are fragrant, and it looks like a livable place.

It’s such a wonderful place. There is no one in the area of ​​thousands of miles, but there is an extra courtyard here. The courtyard is really not small. The courtyard is covered with a yard, covering an area of ​​tens of meters from the inside to the outside. In such a large place There are only four women living in it, how can it not make people wonder.

Zheng Yu’s mental power swept away, and he immediately understood who these people were. All of them contained magic power in their bodies, and they didn’t show any signs of them. They looked no different from mortals, just like this. Zheng Yu at the moment is ordinary, and he looks like a mundane monk.

Everything can be seen clearly in Zheng Yu’s mental power. He didn’t plan to enter this yard, and said to everyone: “Go ahead, there’s a yard in front of you, don’t bother, continue to oo."

Tang Seng licked his lips after listening. When he heard that there was a courtyard in front of him, he still wanted to ask his apprentice to go for alms, but since his master had already spoken, he simply sat on the horseback in silence and continued to move forward. .

After Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes flashed, and the stick in his hand was squeezed. Zheng Yu didn't say much along the way. After every time he spoke, he basically called himself to carry the stick to clean up, so in Zheng Yu After speaking, he was somewhat conditioned.

Looking at Zhu Bajie again, this guy wanted to move forward as soon as he heard that there was a cigarette in front of him and licked his mouth, but after hearing the words behind Zheng Yu, he immediately stopped, turned his head and asked Zheng Yu: "Master My ancestor, there are people smoking, why not go and rest? It's been half a month, and my old pig sleeps in the grove every day, all over his body is bitten by bugs."

After Sun Wukong listened to it, he took the golden hoop and gently pierced Zhu Bajie's buttocks. Zhu Bajie suddenly jumped three feet high and said: "My old pig is just complaining. Is it necessary to hit me? You need to. Hit me?"

Monk Sha maintained his usual style, as if there was no such person at all. He was quiet in the team and only did what he should do, such as carrying burdens, feeding horses, and nothing else, Zheng Yu said. In his ears, he just listened without answering.

Zheng Yu's words are the authority in the entire team. Who would call him the highest grade? And all of you here have received a lot of blessings from him, except for the Drifters.

This monk Sha became the object of mutual exclusion between Monkey King and Zhu Bajie on the road. Although the third junior brothers were screaming for affection, they still don't know how they thought about it in their hearts.

Of course, Zheng Yu understands the Xiao Jiujiu of these people in the team. On weekdays, when Sun Wukong wants to find Zheng Yu for a tooth sacrifice, Zhu Bajie will always come up quietly. Zhu Bajie is a shrewd guy who hides fast when fighting, but what's the matter? The delicious food will definitely not escape his pair of black nostrils.

Under Zheng Yu's guidance, a group of people actually bypassed the valley, walked another road, and after surpassing a mountain, they continued to move westward.

At this time, it was the turn of the people in this large manor to be dumbfounded. Originally, they had already calculated the path, which way to walk from, here is the best way to go, and then, change in this beautiful valley. Such a huge manor.

These people have never seen personal cigarettes along the way, and they will definitely come in and rest when they come here, and then do the things their people want to do one by one, and the virtues of heaven will be handed over.

The four guys thought beautifully in their hearts, but the other party did not play cards according to common sense. One by one, they would rather go over the mountains than walk through this easy valley. Why did this come about?

But they don't have the skills of Zheng Yu, they can easily monitor everything within a radius of a thousand miles, can map everything in their own minds, and everything is clearly visible.

Although the realm of these people is very high and deep, the magic power is so powerful that Zheng Yu will take three points, but they can’t just can’t, they can’t detect everything, naturally they don’t know why these people took a long way to go to another mountain range. .

However, it is not difficult for these people with high mana powers to make such a huge courtyard. It is easy for them to wave their sleeves and unfold the magic of change. They can also perform hundreds of courtyards. Manufactured.

Therefore, everyone detours did not really avoid these few people who want the merits of heaven, they will not give up because of their detours.

The four people came together and counted each other together. One of the young and beautiful girls raised their hands slightly, and the huge courtyard with a radius of several tens of meters disappeared. Only flowers and trees remained in place, and even a trace of the courtyard originally existed. There are no traces of it.

The four nodded each other, and auspicious clouds rose under their feet and flew to the west, toward the place where the westbound people were going to pass again, creating a huge courtyard again, and continuing what they wanted to do.

All of this was under Zheng Yu’s observation. He tugged at the corner of his mouth. He didn’t expect that if he went around like this, he would not be able to avoid this group of people. Since he can’t hide, then he’ll have a good chat with you, and take a look. What do you intend to do?

The mental power spread again, and just under a valley less than a hundred miles ahead, the same huge courtyard just appeared again, which was even more gorgeous than before.

A pair of huge stone lions at the door showed the owner’s extraordinary financial resources. The door was directly opened. A beautiful woman was standing at the door, looking towards the east. This is exactly what Zheng Yu and his group must have. After the road.

The mountains on both sides are steep and there is nowhere to go, unless they use their magic power, otherwise they can't go around this valley.

Zheng Yu sighed slightly, and said to Zhu Bajie: "Come to make some fast food." Then he turned his head and said to everyone: "Let's rest for a while, wait for Bajie to make some fast food, let's eat it before leaving. "

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