Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1000 SWAT Combat Team

Soon, the Las Vegas police SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service team entered the elevator room and came to the safe area where Ye Tian and the others were located.

After standing still, the two groups of people immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, and there was also a bit of fear.

These guys didn't ask Ye Tian and the others to disarm and put down their weapons.

It is estimated that these guys and their superiors are very clear that the battle is not over yet, and it is simply impossible for these vicious New York bastards to lay down their weapons.

More importantly, these bastards have already proved to the world through live video that they were in self-defense and forced to fight back, so there is no reason to disarm them.

That being the case, why bother to make fun of yourself!

Which of these New York bastards is the fuel-efficient lamp? Everyone is fully armed and murderous. The equipment is more sophisticated than the SWAT combat team and the FBI special service, and the firepower is more violent!

Even the combat experience and skills are richer for these damn mercenaries, all of them have experienced many battles, and I don't know how far they can throw the SWAT combat team and the FBI special service!

In case of a real fight, the result can be basically foreseen that the SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service are undoubtedly more likely to lose!

Coupled with Steven's BUG-like existence, the chances of winning are even smaller!

This bastard Steven has always been known for being good at creating miracles. He seems to be omnipotent, and his strength is bottomless. Who would want to face such an opponent? Unless the brain is sick, life is boring!

After taking a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​the leader of the SWAT combat team shifted his gaze and greeted Mathis.

"Hi! Matisse, long time no see, I didn't expect that we would meet again under such circumstances"

"It's been a long time, Harry. It's been almost two years. Judging from the situation, you have become the leader of the SWAT combat team of the Las Vegas Police Department. Congratulations! Good job!"

Mattis greeted him with a smile, and stepped forward to bump his fist.

Obviously, these two guys knew each other and were probably former comrades-in-arms.

as expected!

After a few simple greetings, Mathis introduced to Ye Tian:


Let me introduce to you, this is Harry, from Delta Force, my former comrade in arms, and now the leader of the SWAT team in Las Vegas.

Harry, this is Steven, a super rich man from New York, a famous professional treasure hunter, a top expert in antique art appraisal, and my current boss! "

"Good afternoon Harry, nice to meet you, I'm Steven"

Ye Tian greeted with a smile, stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, acting very friendly.

"Hello, Steven, I've known you for a long time, and it's nice to meet you too!"

Harry shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​his smile was somewhat stiff.

After getting to know each other and exchanging a few pleasantries, Harry immediately got to the point.

"Steven, Mattis, now that our SWAT police and FBI are here, we must take over this incident and bring those masked bastards to justice. This is our duty!"

"No problem! In this situation, it is undoubtedly more appropriate for you to come forward to deal with it. We are indeed not suitable to do it for you! Just stand aside and be a spectator.

If you need help, just ask, we will lend a helping hand in time to help you bring those scumbags deep in the corridor to justice and bring peace to the world!

Matisse, who is in charge of commanding operations here, no matter what you want to know, you can ask, and he will give you the most detailed and satisfactory answer! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, without any objection, and pushed Matisse to the front.

After finishing speaking, he took two steps back and stood with Peter and the others, folded his arms and looked at the excitement, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Return peace to the world? Stop talking nonsense! This world is the safest world without you crazy bastard!

Harry cursed secretly, then turned to Mattis and began to understand the situation.

Next, Mattis began to introduce the scene situation to the SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service, and successfully handed over the disposal power to the other party.

At this time, the corridor was also unusually quiet.

Those extremely angry, desperate curses, and deafening gunshots disappeared from everyone's ears!

There are only some sad cries, still coming from the depths of the corridor, the voices are full of fear and despair, but the voices are not too loud.

Escorted by Cole and two Raytheon armed security personnel, David and Anderson quickly walked into the elevator room and came to the safe area where Ye Tian and the others were located.

Walking closer, David immediately lowered his voice and said:

"Steven, the situation downstairs is very good and there is no problem. Although the penthouses were battered and horrific, everyone was not injured and is very safe.

The Las Vegas police and FBI personnel have been blocked by us, and they can only stay in the stairwell and elevator room on the 20th floor for the time being, and have not been able to enter the penthouses! "

"Good job! After the battle is completely over and safety is confirmed, then let the Las Vegas police and FBI enter the penthouses. During this time, there is enough time to do a lot of things!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, his expression was very relaxed.

While speaking, Matisse had finished introducing the scene, then stepped back a few steps, and stood with Ye Tian and the others.

Next, let's watch the performances of the Las Vegas SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service team. Whether it is exciting or not, it is worth looking forward to!

According to the usual practice, before the attack, it is natural to have some warnings and persuasion to surrender.

"Listen people inside, we are the Las Vegas police, you are surrounded, there is nowhere to go, put down your weapons, come out of the room with your head in your hands, lie on the hallway floor, don't make any unnecessary movements !

Hotel guests in other rooms, please lock your doors and hide in a safe place in the room. If the police do not let you open the door, then do not leave the room and enter the corridor, it is very dangerous! "

Harry held a loudspeaker and shouted into the depths of the corridor, and the sound resounded throughout the corridor.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the desired result.

What responded to him was a series of angry and desperate curses from James, who was in a desperate situation.

"Go to hell! You bloody idiots, if you dare to rush into the corridor, I will kill all the hostages and send you idiots to hell!

You should deal with that bastard Steven, not us, that is a devil from hell, killing people without count, with blood on his hands! "

Before the words were finished, an HK416 assault rifle was suddenly stretched out from the door of a luxurious guest room deep in the corridor, and it started shooting violently towards the elevator.

"Bang bang bang"

The deafening gunshots sounded again, dense and frantic.

Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, more than a dozen scorching rifle bullets rushed out from the depths of the corridor at high speed, heading straight for the elevator where Ye Tian and the others were.

In the blink of an eye, this wave of bullets had already arrived at the elevator room, and all of them hit the wall facing the corridor, adding many bullet holes to it, but did not hurt anyone.

Before the gunfire fell, the crying sound from the depths of the corridor also came over! very clearly!

Compared to before, these cries became louder, full of despair and helplessness.

"Guys, line up and attack! Kill those goddam bastards and send them to hell!"

Harry shouted in a deep voice, giving the order to attack.

The same goes for the leader of the FBI Special Service Team, who quickly issued an attack order.

Obviously, they didn't take James' warning seriously, thinking that it was just false threats, and the purpose was to survive.

In just a few moments, Las Vegas police SWAT teams and FBI special operations teams were in formation for the attack.

The two tactical teams are composed of five people, with tall heavy shields in front to provide cover for everyone, and behind the shields are five-man combat teams lined up in a row.

This five-man combat team is the standard equipment of SWAT. The responsibilities of the combat team members are different, including team leader, sniper, scout, outpost and guard.

In addition to different responsibilities, the weapons in the hands of combat team members are also different.

The team member standing at the forefront of the team holding a heavy shield, in addition to the shield in his left hand, is also holding a .45 caliber M1911 pistol in his right hand!

This is a match-level precision M1911 pistol specially customized for SWAT combat teams. It is equipped with tactical rails, and its lethality is quite amazing, very deadly!

The four team members in the back, two are holding MP5 submachine guns, one is holding an M4A1 assault rifle, and there is a tactical shotgun used to break through the door, a Remington M870.

Like the shield-wielding crew member, the other four crew members also each carry a custom-made M1911 pistol, which is standard equipment for SWAT combat teams.

As for other equipment, fire-resistant combat suits, TAC tactical vests with bulletproof panels and strong resistance, helmets integrated with visual communication systems, fiber optic peeping mirrors, door hammers, etc., are all available!

It is no exaggeration to say that these are two special combat teams armed to the teeth!

After forming up, the two fighters immediately flashed out of the elevator room, directly entered the corridor, and began to assault the depths of the corridor!

At the same time as they entered the corridor, a dazzling fire flashed from the depths of the corridor again.

"Bang bang bang"

Accompanied by the piercing gunshots, another wave of bullets hit the two combat groups at high speed!

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