Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1001 Hostage Crisis

"bang bang bang"

Most of the crazy bullet rain from the depths of the corridor hit the heavy shields in front of the two tactical teams, making a series of loud noises, and the momentum was not small.

The rest of the bullets passed through the corridor and hit the wall facing the elevator hall, adding a few more craters to the battered wall.

No one was hurt! The progress of the two tactical teams did not stop, and they continued to assault the depths of the corridor at a constant speed, approaching the target step by step!

In the process of advancing, the members of the two teams armed with M4A1 assault rifles leaned out from time to time, and fired into the depths of the corridor with the assault rifles in their hands to suppress the opponent's firepower.

In the blink of an eye, they had advanced seven or eight meters and passed the door of the first guest room.

At this moment, James' voice came from the depths of the corridor again, angry and desperate!

"Fuck U! You bastard policemen! Since you didn't listen to the warning and insisted on rushing into the corridor, I have no choice but to do what I say and kill two hostages for you to see!"

Hearing these words, Ye Tian's face immediately changed, and the murderous look in his eyes suddenly became more intense!

The same goes for Matisse and David, their faces became very ugly.

Although people like myself are not law enforcement officers and do not need to take responsibility for the death of the hostages, they are all involved in this incident, which has something to do with the current situation of the hostages.

If the hostages are executed, everyone will definitely have a lot of trouble, at least they will be sprayed bloody by the news media!

Obviously, James and his gang are completely crazy, and they don't care about the consequences!

The SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service that were advancing steadily, everyone's expression changed suddenly, and they stopped in unison.

As law enforcement officers, they naturally understand the importance of hostages.

If the hostages are executed by those bastards during their attack, then everyone will be unlucky, and it is inevitable to be beaten by the boss! It is even possible to take off the police uniform.

At the same time as they stopped in their tracks, the anxious and furious roars of their respective bosses came from the earphones they were wearing.

"Guys, stop the attack immediately! The death of hostages is absolutely not allowed,

Not one! Otherwise those goddamn news outlets out there will tear us apart!

A family of four lived in the luxury suite where those scumbags were hiding, including two young children. If those two children were killed, all of us would be in bad luck! Without exception! "

Before the words fell, the situation on the scene had changed.

In the depths of the corridor ahead, a white man in his thirties with his hands tied behind his back was held to the back of his head with a pistol. He slowly walked out of the luxurious suite and appeared in the corridor.

Everyone who saw this scene through the hotel surveillance system felt their hearts throbbing in an instant, and they were so nervous that they could hardly breathe.

On the surveillance screen, you can see the despair and fear in the eyes of the white man, as well as his nostalgia for life, as well as the sad tears and angry accusations!

The moment he was forcibly pushed out of the suite, there was a burst of heart-piercing and extremely painful cries from the depths of the corridor.

There are both women's cries and children's cries, which are painful and unbearable to listen to!

"No—! Please, spare Justin, he is innocent!"

Clearly, this moving, tearful plea for mercy was of no avail.

The white man named Justin was still pushed out and stood in the corridor, standing on the verge of life and death.

The scumbag who pointed the gun at the back of Justin's head was very cautious. No part of his body was exposed. All everyone could see was a black USP pistol.

"You sons of bitches! This is what you want!"

James' roar came again, almost crazy.

"Oh! No!"

Another heart-piercing cry came from the woman in the suite.


The gunshots rang out! A blinding flame flared from the depths of the corridor.

This piercing gunshot was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart and nerves hard.

Looking at Justin who was shot again, he was like a big tree that was felled and fell directly to the floor of the corridor.


Painful screams suddenly sounded, extremely shrill, resounding through the entire corridor.

Obviously, Justin was not executed by those scumbags, and he was still alive. Although the life was very painful, it was ten thousand times better than death.

Just as Justin slammed on the floor, James' roar came again from the depths of the corridor.

"This time I hit the shoulder of the hostage, next time it will be the head, if you sons of bitches dare to take a step forward, then wait for the hostage to collect the body!

To tell you the truth, there is a woman and two children in this suite, I don't mind letting them accompany me to hell, I will do what I say! "

Hearing these words, the Las Vegas police and FBI were completely shocked!

"Hurry up and get out of the corridor, those scumbags are completely crazy! No one can bear the result of the execution of two children, especially in the live video broadcast to the whole world!"

The voices of their respective immediate bosses came from the earphones immediately, hoarse and almost choked.

Members of the SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service team immediately let out a sigh of relief, then gave up the attack and began to retreat slowly.

And Justin, who fell on the floor deep in the corridor and kept screaming, was also threatened by the gunman hiding at the door of the suite, and slowly returned to the suite!

On the floor he passed by, there was a bright red bloodstain, very eye-catching!

The SWAT combat team and the FBI secret service team withdrew, and Justin, who had a shoulder injury, also went back to the luxury suite.

The gunfire disappeared, and the screams were inaudible. This corridor filled with gunpowder smoke and pungent blood smell regained its tranquility.

Harry and the leader of the FBI special service team stepped aside to ask their superiors for instructions on the next action plan. The situation before them was enough to cause them headaches for a while.

Ye Tian and the others stayed in the safe zone, discussing in low voices, everyone's face was not very good-looking.

At the same time, they always maintain a certain level of vigilance, ready to fight at any time.

Another seven or eight Las Vegas police officers and FBI agents entered the elevator room, and Angelo, whose face was sinking like water, also came here with several hotel security personnel.

Because of the limited space, more people stayed in the stairwell and another corridor, ready to support at any time.

Just as Angelo and the others walked into the elevator room, James' voice came from the depths of the corridor again, breaking the tranquility here.

"Listen, those idiots in the elevator, never try to rush into this suite to rescue the hostages, that's a no-go! And don't send the damn negotiators here, I won't take that trick!

Let that damn bastard Steven come in, this incident was caused by our grievances, then let us face each other and settle the grievances, I will kill that devil from hell with my own hands!

Only by letting that damned bastard in, Lao Tzu would let go of a few hostages. Anyone other than him rushing into the corridor would face hostage corpses, and there was absolutely no other possibility.

To show my sincerity, I will release a woman hostage. She will bring our request and tell you about the situation in this suite. I hope you can also show some sincerity.

I only give you five minutes to think about it. If you haven't made a decision by then, then collect the body for the first hostage! After that, every two minutes I will kill another hostage!

Steven, I know you damn devil is here, after hearing what I said, I just don't know if you bastard have the guts? Come face to face with me! "


There was a frantic exclamation in the elevator room.

Amid the exclamation, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but the murderous look in his eyes became more intense.

On the other side, the faces of Harry and the FBI Secret Service leader were pale and extremely ugly.

Only five minutes, time is too short! This time is not enough to formulate an attack plan, let alone launch an attack and rescue the hostages!

Soon, the situation deep in the corridor changed again.

A young Caucasian woman in her early thirties was roughly pushed out of the luxury suite and appeared in the corridor.

It can be seen from a distance that the young Caucasian woman was almost kneeling on the corridor floor while weeping and begging each other.

But the scumbag she begged for was unmoved at all, and still pointed the black USP pistol in his hand at the head of the young Caucasian woman.

Seeing that the begging had no effect, the young Caucasian woman could only turn around and stumble towards the elevator, with despair and fear on her face.

In the elevator room, Angelo walked towards Ye Tian with two of his men, with a begging look in his eyes.

On the other side, after discussing in low voices with the leader of the FBI secret service team, Harry also walked towards Ye Tian.

It is self-evident what their intentions are!

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