Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1017 King of the Ming Dynasty

This wave of Ye Tian's seemingly crazy house sweeping action not only shocked everyone, but also greatly pushed up the prices of luxury houses around Central Park.

Those rich people who are planning to buy houses near Central Park in the near future are all angry and itchy in the face of the sudden and sharp rise in real estate prices.

But what can they do? There is nothing wrong with Ye Tian!

At most, they could only complain to the news media, complaining that Ye Tian was disrupting the market; then they cursed in private, and then quieted down, chose to avoid it, and then acted when the time was right!

Fortunately, only the top luxury housing market was affected. Apart from shock and envy, ordinary people had no personal experience, so there were no scenes of excitement.

As for the reason why Ye Tian spends so much money and buys luxury houses frequently, many people have guessed that it is for reasonable tax avoidance! Everyone is doing the same thing, just not as crazy!

Those guys from the Internal Revenue Service naturally understand, but they can't do anything, they can only watch with flaming eyes! In a hurry but there is no way!

That's hundreds of millions of dollars! In a blink of an eye, it turned into piles of reinforced concrete and a set of top luxury houses, but it has nothing to do with me. Who doesn't feel bad?

Due to time constraints, this top-notch mansion today is Ye Tian's last goal. After taking this mansion and completing the formalities, the tax filing deadline should be here!

At that time, Ye Tian's crazy house sweeping operation will also officially end.

As soon as the real estate agent Martin's voice fell, Ye Tian immediately said with a smile

"This apartment is very good, I like it very much, as an expert in antique art appraisal, I have known this mansion for a long time! I have long wanted to come here to see it!

However, I never thought that one day, I would become the master of this place! It's unbelievable, it's all like a dream, it's so unreal!

The only pity is that Mr. An Siyuan's life-long collection, more than 2,000 pieces of dazzling antique artworks, is no longer in this apartment. What a pity!

It would be great if those babes were still here! I am willing to spend more dollars, even hundreds of millions! Come and accept this mansion, accept those valuable antique works of art.

Among the many collections of An Siyuan, I like the Ming-style furniture the most. They are rare and priceless treasures, and they are the pinnacle of traditional Chinese furniture.

But unfortunately,

I was still late, and I was one step ahead of the guys from Christie's auction house, who transported all the 2,000 antique works of art and auctioned them all! "

Ye Tian sent a few words of emotion, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

That's right! This top-level apartment is the old residence of An Siyuan, a famous collector and antique dealer known as the "King of the Ming Dynasty".

An Siyuan, a well-known antique dealer and collector in New York, is recognized as one of the most discerning and tasteful antique dealers and collectors in the United States and the entire Western art world. He is known as the "Godfather of Chinese Antiques".

He has profound attainments in Chinese painting and calligraphy, inscriptions, study art, classical furniture, etc., and owns a large number of collection-level antique works of art, all of which are of great value!

Especially in the research and collection of Ming Dynasty furniture, he can be regarded as one of the most authoritative experts and scholars, known as the "King of the Ming Dynasty".

The four Ming Dynasty huanghuali armchairs and a large huanghuali table that were in his hands are extremely rare and priceless treasures. Even Ye Tian is envious of those treasures and wants to keep them in his pocket!

It's a pity that this old man fell in the apartment more than a year ago, and then bid farewell to this world!

It didn't take long for his lifelong collection, more than 2,000 pieces of antique art displayed in this apartment, to be transported away by Christie's and then auctioned off within seven days.

Prior to this, this apartment was absolutely famous in the field of antique art collections in New York, and it was a place that many people in the industry wanted to enter and see.

This former apartment displayed Chinese furniture, Wenwan, calligraphy and painting, porcelain, jade, rare books, Japanese, Indian, Himalayan, Southeast Asian artworks, etc. Collection-level antique artworks can be seen everywhere!

In addition, there are a lot of British traditional furniture, European decorative arts, and modern paintings, which are arranged in a well-proportioned manner. The Eastern and Western arts are fused together and coexist harmoniously!

When An Siyuan was alive, this apartment was not only a private home, but also a rich museum, and it was also the top social place in the field of antique art collection in New York, so many people wanted to come in!

In this apartment, he gets along with many top antique artworks day and night, studies and feels the beauty contained in them, and also entertains friends and meets clients here.

There used to be a lot of friends here, including museum directors from Europe, young scholars from China, top collectors, curators, art dealers from all over the world, etc. It was very lively!

Great collector John Rockefeller III was his loyal buyer, actress Claudette Colbert was his confidante, and pop superstar Frank Sinatra often sang in this apartment.

Even John Gotti, the notorious mafia boss in New York history, came here many times before he was imprisoned in 1992, here to cultivate elegance and bring himself closer to art!

Visiting guests, appreciating rare treasures, chatting and laughing, playing with each other, displaying, appreciating, trading, collecting and so on of artworks often happen unconsciously.

It is such a place, but it is empty at this time, and there is no shadow of any antique artwork, and there is no artistic atmosphere.

If it wasn't Ye Tian who was standing here, but someone who didn't know the history of this apartment, he probably wouldn't have imagined that this was the residence of the famous collector An Siyuan, and it was once full of valuable antiques and artworks.

Although the Sri Lankan people have gone, the prosperity is no longer there! But the basic value of this top apartment is still there, it has not been affected in any way, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it!

Based on An Siyuan's celebrity effect, compared with other top-level apartments around, the appreciation potential of this apartment is obviously greater, which is one of the reasons why Ye Tian appeared here!

"It's really a pity! Mr. An Siyuan has no family members, and those valuable antique works of art have no one to inherit. Naturally, it is impossible to keep them here.

He signed an agreement with Christie's very early on. Once he died, those antique works of art would be sent to the auction, all auctioned, and all proceeds would be donated! "

Following what Ye Tian said, Martin explained a few words, obviously he had done his homework.

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then changed the subject.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this, let's talk about the real estate transaction. My lawyer Anderson will follow up the follow-up matters, so as to sign the contract as soon as possible and complete the transaction!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and gestured towards Anderson who was standing beside him.

David was busy filing taxes these two days, so he couldn't get away. The lawyer who followed Ye Tian was replaced by Anderson, who would handle the legal affairs related to the real estate transaction!

"Since this is the case, let's not waste time here, go directly to the next step and sign the real estate transaction contract as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Martin nodded and said, his expression was so excited that he was almost dancing.

Of course he was excited to earn a large amount of commission, it would be the same for anyone!

"Okay! Let's get out of here, sign the contract, and close the deal!"

With that said, Ye Tian turned around and walked out.

The moment he turned around, his gaze quickly swept across a corner of the living room as if inadvertently.

In the eyes of others, that corner is ordinary, nothing more ordinary, there is only a faint imprint on the wall, which is the trace left by the furniture, and there is nothing else!

But in Ye Tian's eyes, there was a dazzling yellow light shining in that corner, and there were as many as twenty layers of beautiful halos, which was very charming.

Obviously, there is a hidden compartment or mezzanine, which hides priceless top antique artworks, which are at least five hundred years old.

As for what treasure is hidden in that dark compartment, Ye Tian naturally knows it well!

As early as the first time he walked into this apartment, he discovered the treasure hidden in the secret compartment, and through perspective, he could clearly see the situation in the secret compartment!

It was this discovery that made him more determined to win this top apartment!

After buying more than 20 sets of luxury houses in a row, I finally let my buddies encounter the hidden space again, and I got a big surprise!

It seems that buddies are going to pick up a top-notch apartment for nothing again. Is there anything more beautiful than this?


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