Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1018 Treasure Hunting in the Mansion

The tax deadline is finally over, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief!

The day before the deadline, Ye Tian and Betty, as well as Fearless Exploration Company, all successfully completed the tax declaration work. The whole process was perfect and impeccable!

This made many people who were staring at Ye Tian very disappointed, and their teeth were itchy with hatred, but they had no choice but to curse secretly behind their backs.

Especially the guys from the US Internal Revenue Service, it is said that they were so angry that they were yelling and cursing. There were a lot of scrapped office supplies in their office that day, all of which were smashed!

Because of Ye Tian's series of almost crazy investment behaviors before the tax filing deadline, they have at least collected 100 to 200 million dollars in taxes, can you not feel annoyed? I'm so depressed that I almost scratched the wall!

After the tax filing season, a lot of work can be carried out without worrying about inflowing too much cash and being ransacked by the IRS guys!

A large number of antique works of art began to flow out of Ye Tian's hands and from the Fearless Exploration Company, and flowed into the antique art market in New York and the surrounding major cities, sweeping the dollar.

When winter passes and spring comes, the annual New York Spring Auction Season officially kicks off.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not miss such an opportunity to make money crazily!

He has already geared up and got ready, and when the spring auction season starts, he will turn the whole of New York into a stage where he can do whatever he likes, and a three-acre land where he can get whatever he wants!

The same is true for the major auction houses in New York. They have long coveted and coveted the top antique artworks and the treasures of sunken ships in the Caribbean Sea in Ye Tian's hands.

Since the beginning of March, Ye Tian has received many calls from auction houses.

These guys were very enthusiastic on the phone, trying their best to get close to him.

Their purpose is all the same, they hope to collect a few valuable items from Ye Tian, ​​if they can collect priceless top antique artworks, it will be perfect!

After April 15th, there were more calls to collect auctions. Some guys who knew Ye Tian even went to the company directly to collect auctions from him.

Ye Tian did not refuse these guys from major auction houses. He did have a lot of antique works of art that he wanted to send to New York Spring Auctions to be converted into real dollars.

In addition to the antique works of art that are going to be distributed for auction,

He also plans to hold several private auctions.

One or two special auctions of western modern painting art, all the works of art obtained during the treasure hunt in Boston, each piece is priceless and rare treasure!

There is also a special auction of antiques, which brings together antiques from all over the world and various historical periods, with a wide variety of items and categories!

The large number and high quality of the antiques that appeared in this special auction are enough to make everyone dumbfounded and amazed! It is bound to cause a huge sensation!

In addition, there will be two special shootings of treasures from shipwrecks in the Caribbean, which will definitely cause quite a stir.

Of course, it will also make the Spaniards and Colombians distressed and jealous to the point of madness!

However, Ye Tian didn't immediately agree to these auction houses, nor did he send the antique works of art and treasures of the sunken ship in the Caribbean to auction.

Before that, he still has one more thing to do.

On April 18th, 960 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, that is, the gorgeous mansion of the late famous collector An Siyuan, and all the real estate transaction procedures related to it were finally completed.

So far, this famous New York top mansion and everything in the apartment belong to Ye Tian, ​​without any legal doubts!

From this day on, even if a gold mine is found in this mansion, it belongs to Ye Tian, ​​and no one else can covet it, they can only watch it enviously.

In fact, there is indeed a gold mine in this top mansion, waiting for Ye Tian to discover it!

On the afternoon of the 18th, Ye Tian took Betty, David and Jason, and under the protection of Mathis and the others, they returned to this magnificent mansion.

At this time, this top mansion completely belongs to Ye Tian. As long as he doesn't demolish it, build it, or engage in illegal activities, he can do whatever he wants in this top mansion! Do whatever you want!

Regarding Ye Tian's excitement in bringing everyone back to this empty mansion, David and the others were all at a loss as to what his intention was!

The door opened, and the front hall, which was empty and without any furniture, appeared in front of everyone again.

"Steven, can you tell me now why you brought everyone here? I'm very curious, what's in this empty mansion? It makes you so excited!"

David asked curiously, his eyes full of doubts.

The same goes for the rest of the people. Monk Zhang Er was a little puzzled and turned his head to look over.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at David and the others, then said with a light smile

"Now that we've arrived here, it's time to reveal the answer. I wonder if you know An Siyuan, a top antique dealer and collector? How much do you know about his collection?"

"I know him a little bit. I know that he is one of the most famous antique dealers and collectors in New York. He lives in the top mansion in New York and owns countless valuable antique works of art.

The Metropolitan Museum, OA, many famous museums in the United States and around the world have purchased a lot of collection-level antiques from him, and he has donated a lot of them himself!

In the field of antique art collections in New York, and even in the field of antique art collections all over the world, he is a famous figure, a guy standing at the top of the industry pyramid! "

David went on to say that he knew something about An Siyuan.

Ye Tian nodded, then said with a light smile

"You are right, An Siyuan is indeed one of the most famous figures in the field of antique art collection. He has collected, sold, and donated countless antique art works, and the number is quite large.

Even before his death, he still collected more than 2,000 pieces of antique art, many of which are collection-level boutiques, but do you know which one is his most cherished collection? "

"I know this. It's the emerald green and huge emerald ring. An Siyuan loves that piece of collection and never leaves it. The New York Times even made a special report on it!"

Jason chimed in, looking rather excited.

"Bgo! You are right, Jason, it is that valuable emerald ring, which is An Siyuan's most cherished collection. It has been worn on his hand for the rest of his life, and he almost never takes it off.

In many public occasions, An Siyuan has said more than once that he will never let that emerald ring leave his body, even if he dies, he will swallow that ring in his stomach before dying! "

Ye Tian pointed at Jason, affirming his answer.

"That's right, I've heard it too, what a crazy old man, too persistent!"

David echoed aloud, and sent a few words of emotion.

"An Siyuan has passed away, and the priceless emerald ring has also disappeared. Among the more than 2,000 pieces of An Siyuan's collection auctioned by Christie's, there is no such emerald ring.

Could it be that he really swallowed that emerald ring into his stomach? I don't think so. For an 85-year-old man who was injured by a fall, swallowing that huge ring is not an easy task! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and gradually revealed the answer to the mystery.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the rest of the people at the scene couldn't help but brighten up. They almost understood what Ye Tian meant and guessed why he came here for this trip.

In addition to being excited, everyone is still somewhat puzzled.

"Isn't that how the media reported it? At the scene where An Siyuan fell and died, no one had seen the emerald ring, including his butler and the guys from Christie's.

After his death, everyone guessed that he might have fulfilled his promise, swallowed the emerald ring before he died, brought the priceless ring into the coffin, and buried himself with him! "

"How is it possible! An Siyuan is the top antique dealer and collector, he is absolutely a genius, how could he do such a stupid thing! No one would do that, let alone him!

Use that priceless emerald ring to bury yourself with him, just say that, it's not enough to believe it! If he really dared to swallow that emerald ring, he would just wait for his grave to be dug and robbed!

The value of that emerald ring should be around 10 million U.S. dollars. If he swallowed it, he would have been disembowelled before his body left the hospital morgue!

In the city of New York, there are many people who are desperate for tens of thousands, or even thousands of dollars, not to mention the emerald ring worth tens of millions of dollars, how many people are not jealous of it?

As far as I know, no one bothered the dead An Siyuan, and his tomb was still intact, so it can be seen that burial with an emerald ring is just a rumor! "

Ye Tian analyzed it carefully for everyone, and his tone was very positive.

"Hearing what you said, I think it makes sense. Now it's not ancient times. Who dares to bury themselves with priceless antiques and artworks? Isn't that asking for trouble!

Since An Siyuan didn't swallow the emerald ring, where did it go? Steven, don't tell me that the priceless emerald ring is in this apartment! "

As he said that, David began to scan this top-level apartment, his excited eyes shining brightly!

The same goes for the other guys, their eyes quickly swept to every corner of the apartment, everyone's eyes were like searchlights, extremely bright!


Ye Tian burst into laughter, very proud.

"According to my guess, An Siyuan's most precious and priceless emerald ring is hidden in this top-level apartment most of the time, but I don't know where it is.

The reason I paid $58 million for this premier condo, other than that it's really worth the money, can't miss it! And in addition to reasonable tax avoidance, this is also one of the reasons.

This is why I bring you back to this top-level apartment today. This is a treasure hunt. The treasure hunt must be very interesting and exciting! "

“Wow! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!”

Jason exclaimed excitedly, he couldn't wait.

The same goes for the rest of the guys, all gearing up and ready to start the treasure hunt!

Ye Tian didn't give action instructions, but continued to analyze with a smile on his face.

"You know, it was in this apartment that An Siyuan fell and walked the last part of his life. There must have been a period of time between his fall and his death.

If he hadn't swallowed the emerald ring, then during this period, it is entirely possible that he was struggling to hide the emerald ring with his last bit of strength.

The housekeepers, medical staff, and New York police who rushed to his side later found the emerald ring, which indirectly confirmed my speculation!

An Siyuan is the top antique dealer and collector. If there is a darkroom or a mezzanine, there may be more than just the emerald ring hidden in it, and there may be even bigger surprises! "

Ye Tian naturally knew what the bigger surprise was.

Although An Siyuan's emerald ring was valuable and rare, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to it. What he really valued was the bigger surprise.

Not only for him, but for all Chinese people, that was a huge surprise!


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