Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1033 Passing the Soul

After the initial shock, many professionals rushed to the TV or computer screen, trying to get closer to the oil painting and take a closer look.

This painting is so important, if it is an authentic Michelangelo, no matter which museum it is placed in, it will be a treasure-level artwork.

Even if it is placed in any country, it is the most important treasure of the country, there is no doubt at all.

It is a pity that even if these professionals put their eyes on the TV or computer screen, the content they see is very limited, which is not enough for them to draw accurate identification conclusions.

This is a live broadcast of a treasure hunt filmed with a mobile phone camera. How good can the picture quality be? Know everything with your toes.

Perhaps feeling the eagerness of many professionals, Ye Tian suddenly broke the silence and said with a smile:

"Jason, now it's time to take a close-up shot. There are a few places that need special attention. The phone camera stays for a while longer. Those places are the essence of this painting.

The first place is the scene where God flew from the sky, stretched his finger to Adam, and passed his soul to Adam. The place where the two fingers touch is the soul of the whole painting!

The second place that needs to be close-up is Adam's head and eyes. It is very important to show his sad look with a hint of longing.

The third thing to pay attention to is the God flying in the air. His sad and kind mood and the eyes staring at Adam should be given clear close-up shots.

In addition, special attention should be paid to Adam's strong physique, lazy lying posture, several little angels surrounding God's left arm, and the soon-to-be-born Eve under the protection of God's left arm!

Because of my religious beliefs, I am not suitable to comment on this painting, which may cause trouble. After showing this painting, I will directly give an appraisal conclusion! "

"Okay, Steven, look at mine, I will definitely show everyone the best part of this picture!"

Jason nodded vigorously in response, his expression was very excited, his eyes were full of piety, and there was also a bit of awe.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian walked out of the hidden space and came to Betty's side, giving up the previous position to Jason, allowing him to get closer to take pictures, so as to show the painting more clearly and comprehensively.

Soon, a close-up shot appeared on the live screen, which was much clearer than before.

This close-up shot is exactly the first point of focus that Ye Tian said, it is the part that embodies the soul of the whole painting, the scene where God transmits the soul to Adam.

As this picture appeared on the live broadcast screen, there was another exclamation on the live broadcast end, and some devout believers even began to pray in low voices!

And those Western antique art appraisal experts, their eyes suddenly brightened, and instantly narrowed the distance from the computer or TV screen again, and began to appraise with fascination!

In the following time, Jason used his mobile phone to present some important details of this picture to everyone one by one, without missing anything!

When these close-up pictures were presented on the live screen one by one, exclamations on the live broadcast end sounded again and again, one after another, without interruption, and the prayers became more and more!

The professionals who made the appraisal based on these close-up shots became more and more excited, and some even burst into tears of excitement, unable to control themselves!

The more details of the painting displayed, the higher their evaluation of the painting, and the more they agree with Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion!

This is very likely to be the authentic Michelangelo! The most outstanding and famous painting in the series,!

In the blink of an eye, five or six minutes passed.

Jason showed the painting in its entirety, and he also gave close-up shots of the places that Ye Tian said needed special attention, without missing anything!

done this,

Jason then exited the hidden space, stood two or three meters away, locked on the painting with his mobile phone camera, and continued the live broadcast.

Ye Tian took a step forward, stood aside again, and re-entered the live broadcast screen.

It's time to announce the appraisal conclusion and valuation, and give everyone in front of the live broadcast a hard blow!

After adjusting his mood a little, Ye Tian smiled, looked at the phone camera in front of him and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't need to introduce this oil painting to you, right? I believe that everyone on the live broadcast knows about this outstanding painting, and even has researched it!

This is the famous Italian painter, sculptor, poet, one of the three masters after the Renaissance, Michelangelo's greatest painting, and a series of paintings!

In the series of paintings, it is the most outstanding and famous painting, and the content it depicts is also the most touching scene in the whole series of paintings.

Of course, this is not the ceiling painting of the Sistine Chapel. The magnificent mural is still intact and displayed on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for countless people to admire and admire!

This oil painting is just the draft of that mural, which was also created by the great Michelangelo. Its artistic value is extraordinary and refined, and it is a veritable priceless treasure.

There is a reason why I am so sure that this painting is Michelangelo’s authentic work, rather than the works copied by other painters in the Sistine Chapel in later generations!

Because it involves religious beliefs, I will not comment on the content of this painting. Here, I only talk about the identification basis, why it is said to be Michelangelo's authentic work! "

Hearing this, many people on the live broadcast end couldn't help but nodded, and they had no objection to Ye Tian's approach.

Many of them know that Ye Tian is a staunch atheist, and it is indeed not suitable to comment on such a painting with a religious theme, which may cause unnecessary trouble.

Topics involving religion have always been very serious, and it is absolutely right to be cautious!

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came to everyone's ears again.

"Like most of Michelangelo's works, this painting does not have his own signature on it. This great artist has never had the habit of signing his own works.

Michelangelo only signed his name on one work in his life, and that was his famous work, the marble group statues created for St. Peter's Basilica in Rome!

Without a signature, how to verify the authenticity of this painting? Of course there are ways, and there are many. One way is to start with physical characteristics and use high-tech means for detection and identification.

We can test the age of the canvas and paint, as well as the year of the frame. With the assistance of modern high-tech testing equipment, it is not difficult to determine the age of the painting!

But this does not guarantee that the identification results are 100% accurate. In the era when Michelangelo lived, the possibility of forgery was not ruled out, and there were definitely not a few painters who copied him!

Moreover, with today's technological conditions, some people can even cross the historical gap and use some special techniques and materials to forge antique artworks hundreds of years ago in order to make huge profits!

It is obviously impossible to use high-tech equipment to detect and determine the age of the painting's birth through invariable physical characteristics, and it can only be done later.

There is another way, starting from the artistry of this painting, to analyze and identify its authenticity. Artistry is the root and soul of a work of art, and it is also the value of its existence.

I use this method for appraisal. I am very confident in my vision and ability to appraise antique works of art, and it is absolutely impossible for me to miss it. "

"Cut! It's really shameless! You are too confident!"

Many people on the live broadcast side complained one after another, with some disdain and jealousy.

Having said that, these people have to admit that Ye Tian's vision for appraising antique works of art is indeed extremely sharp, almost unmatched by anyone!

Since entering this business, no one has ever heard of him seeing him, not even once! The antique works of art in his arms are the best proof.

And those antique dealers who were looted and picked up by him frantically are the best witnesses!

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to be heard, reaching everyone's ears.

"Let's analyze the basic composition of this painting first, and everyone can see at a glance that this painting is divided into two parts, which are very distinct and very clear.

In the lower left corner of the painting is Adam reclining at the foot of the mountain, with a strong physique, lazy posture, full of youthful strength, and in the upper right corner is God flying from the sky,..."

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