Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1034 Blockbuster

Ye Tian listed his identification evidence one by one, his voice was clear, firm, and full of confidence.

Listening to his professional and precise analysis, both ordinary people and professionals on the live broadcast end nodded frequently, and almost no one raised any objections.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they can't find any loopholes at all, and they can't find any excuses to refute.

Through Ye Tian's meticulous analysis, people's understanding of this painting has become more profound, and they also agree with the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian.

This is the most outstanding painting of Michelangelo, the three masters after the Renaissance, the famous Italian artist, and "The Creation of Adam" in the "Genesis" series.

Although this is not the ceiling painting of the Sistine Chapel, it is not so shocking, but its artistry is not weaker than that of the mural, even more delicate and moving!

Under the guidance of Ye Tianqing's clear voice, many people have gradually been immersed in the artistic conception created by this painting, their expressions are obsessed, their eyes are full of piety, and there is no lack of awe!

It didn't take long for Ye Tian's identification and analysis to come to the end.

"On a still picture, two plots of different levels are depicted at the same time, completely reappearing the whole meaning of God's creation of man, what a superb painting skill!

Looking at the entire history of Western art, a painter who can do this and is so perfect can be called Liao Ruochenxing! Michelangelo is undoubtedly the best and most talented painter among them.

In terms of composition, painting techniques, brushstrokes, emotional expression, body structure and proportions of the characters, this is a top-notch work of art, unparalleled!

I can be 100% sure that this "Creation of Adam" is the authentic work of the master artist Michelangelo. It is a truly priceless treasure with inestimable value!

Of course, this is just my family's opinion, believe it or not! Some people may have different opinions on the live broadcast end and do not agree with my appraisal conclusion.

In the future, I will find time to publicly display this oil painting, and give everyone an opportunity to appreciate and discuss. You can come to the site to appraise this top-level artwork and have a dialogue with Michelangelo!

At that time, you will know the authenticity of this "Creation of Adam", and I'm sure you will be shocked, conquered, and even crazy by the artistic charm of this outstanding painting! "

In fact,

Many people on the live broadcast end have fallen into madness!

Although they had long expected that this would be the result, they were still shocked when they heard Ye Tian categorically say the appraisal conclusion.

"Oh my god! It's actually Michelangelo's work, the most famous painting "The Creation of Adam"! It's simply unbelievable that this painting actually appeared in the United States!"

"Wow! What an incredible day! What an honor to see this outstanding painting and see it in the US! Priceless without a doubt! Top notch work of art"

While exclaiming unceasingly, the eyes of people looking at this painting became even hotter, and many people's eyes were full of obsession, and they were not willing to look away at all!

In the apartment, Ye Tian stared at the mobile phone camera in front of him, smiling brightly.

The same goes for Betty and David, with the brightest smiles on their faces, their excited eyes shining, and they are about to dance.

After a short pause, guessing that everyone's mood had calmed down a bit, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the webcast of this treasure hunt, thank you for your attention, you are the best viewers!

Before the end of the live broadcast, I still want to delay everyone's time. There are two things that I want to explain publicly here. This is very important and something that everyone is very concerned about.

Some people may know that I am a staunch atheist and do not believe in any religion. It is obviously inappropriate for such a painting with strong religious color to remain in my hands.

Although I am very sad, I do not plan to collect this masterpiece of Michelangelo. I am going to send this top art piece to auction to find a new owner for it.

I can tell you clearly that this oil painting will appear in the New York Spring Auction. Individuals or institutions interested in collecting this top-level artwork, here is your chance!

When this "Creation of Adam" appears at the auction in New York Spring Auction, you can put up a placard to compete fairly with other buyers, and the one who wins in the end may be you!

If you are the winner, then congratulations, you have photographed an incomparably precious top-level artwork, and there are few oil paintings of the same level in the entire history of Western art! "

In fact, Ye Tian didn't want to send this masterpiece of Michelangelo to auction, but wanted to collect it himself, but that was obviously unrealistic. He had to make this decision to transfer this top-notch artwork.

I am an atheist, but I have collected a very religious and very famous artwork, so why not wait for some religious fanatics to come and make trouble!

A single or a small group of religious fanatics is easy to deal with and will not pose much threat to themselves. Even if they come to the door, they are just asking for trouble.

Even more troublesome are the church organizations all over the United States, some famous churches, and even the Vatican in Italy.

As long as this "Creation of Adam" is still in my hands, countless eyes will focus on me, and there will be waves of people who come to ask for donations or make troubles!

That being the case, why bother yourself! It is also a very good choice to auction off this top-level artwork.

As for troubles, let others bear it! Dude, as long as there are green dollars and astronomical dollars, that thing is more real!

Unsurprisingly, when everyone heard that Ye Tian was going to send this "Creation of Adam" to be shot and transferred, all the live streaming sites immediately erupted.

Almost in an instant, people have fallen into a state of near madness.

"Oh my god! Steven is going to send this painting to the New York Spring Auction. It's crazy. How long has it been since Michelangelo's oil painting appeared in the auction market? It seems like there has never been?"

"The New York auction market is about to experience a level 10 tsunami! The top antique art collectors from all over the world are about to go berserk, there is no doubt about it!

That's Michelangelo, one of the three masters after the Renaissance and one of the greatest artists in the history of Western art. Who wouldn't want to own his works? Not to mention the famous "Creation of Adam"

"I don't know what kind of valuation Steven will give for this oil painting! Maybe it's the same as the previous set of thousand-year-old books, and it's worth 500 million US dollars that breaks through the sky, or even higher!

I'm sure that Steven must be the guy favored by God. He was extremely lucky. All the good things happened to him. Is there any reason? Let others live? "

While people were holding their heads in exclamation and heated discussions, many museums and auction houses had already taken action.

"When this live broadcast of the treasure hunt is over, contact that guy Steven immediately, and say what you want to win the auction qualification of this Michelangelo! No auction commission is required.

I am sure that this "Creation of Adam" is definitely the most important lot in the New York spring auction season. No antique artwork can compare with it. It is not an order of magnitude at all.

At that time, this oil painting will definitely become the focus of attention. As long as we win its auction qualification, we can make a splash in the New York Spring Auction Season! Crush all peers! "

The boss of Sotheby's auction house said loudly, his tone was firm and unquestionable.

His subordinates responded immediately, all of them with high morale were bound to win.

"Understood, boss, we must win the auction right of this Michelangelo!"

The same scene is being staged in all the major auction houses in New York, including the Christie's auction house who are dying of pain!

The Metropolitan Museum in New York, as well as other museums in New York and famous museums all over the world, are putting on another good show.

"Immediately organize authoritative appraisal experts and scholars to carefully study and appraise this "Creation of Adam" based on the video data of this treasure hunt live broadcast to see if it is an authentic Michelangelo.

If, as Steven said, this is Michelangelo's sketch for the ceiling painting of "Genesis", which is undoubtedly authentic, then we must take this painting, even if we lose everything!

Our museum needs such a treasure of the town hall. This is the top artwork comparable to the "Mona Lisa". If we miss it, we will regret it for the rest of our lives! "

Apart from the major museums and auction houses, many famous collectors have also taken action, gearing up one by one, preparing to participate in this destined to be extremely fierce competition.

As for those church organizations all over the United States, how could they remain silent, they are already ready for the autumn wind!

No matter who finally takes the picture of "Creation of Adam", a certain famous collector or a certain institution will be the object of their door-to-door visit!

Ye Tian paused again for a while, leaving enough time for everyone to vent their emotions.

About two or three minutes later, his clear voice reached people's ears again.

"There is one more thing that needs to be explained, and that is the valuation of this "Creation of Adam", I believe, this is something that everyone is very concerned about and wants to know the answer to.

It is almost impossible for the works of the three masters after the Renaissance to appear in the antique art market. Every time one appears, it will cause a huge sensation and fetch a jaw-dropping price!

Some time ago, I was fortunate enough to come into contact with a work by the three masters of the Renaissance, that is, Raphael's "Portrait of a Young Man", which is also a top-notch work of art, priceless!

Although the Raphael painting has not been put up for public auction, I know its value very well, and I also referred to that painting when valuing the "Creation of Adam".

"Creation of Adam" is the most touching scene in the ceiling painting of the Sistine Chapel. It is the pinnacle of Michelangelo's painting art. Its artistic value is beyond vulgarity and it is truly priceless!

Combining these factors and the current market conditions of antique art, I give a valuation of 600 million US dollars for this "Creation of Adam", which is a very conservative valuation!

All right! This is the end of this treasure hunt live broadcast! It was a beautiful and unforgettable day, both for you and for me! All the same! Thank you very much for your attention, goodbye! "

At the same time that Ye Tian's voice fell, Jason also pressed the pause button, ending the treasure hunting webcast.

It's time to cheer and celebrate! Enjoy the joy of harvest.

And on countless live broadcast ends, the exclamation like a mountain roar and a tsunami sounded again.

“My God! Six hundred million dollars!”

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