Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1035 The show continues

After a short celebration, everyone quickly got busy again.

There are still eleven rooms in the back, and they must be checked one by one, and not one room can be left behind.

Although Ye Tian knew very well that there was nothing in those rooms, continuing to investigate would be a waste of time and would not yield any results, but the performance had to continue, that would be realistic!

Just because he knew that there was nothing in those rooms behind, Ye Tian ended the live broadcast of the treasure hunt, so he didn't have to worry about causing any trouble.

Ye Tian turned on the call function of the invisible headset again, and began to make arrangements.

"Matisse, let the brothers be vigilant and ready to respond at any time, because the ancient books and Michelangelo's paintings discovered before, I'm sure, the outside has been completely fried!

If as expected, the number of onlookers outside this apartment building will not decrease, but will increase rapidly. Among the people who came behind, there must be many professionals who know me.

Don't pay attention to them, just treat them as ordinary onlookers, no matter how big the apartment is, it can't accommodate many people, and there are top-level antique works of art here, so they must not be allowed to come in and mess up!

Except for the residents in this apartment building, other idlers are not allowed to enter this apartment building. The eighth floor where this luxury apartment is located is a key protected area!

Next, we will investigate the remaining dozen or so rooms, and it is estimated that we will stay here for more than an hour. During this time, you must ensure the safety of this place."

"Don't worry! Steven, before you come out, no one can enter this apartment and disturb your treasure hunt!"

Matisse's voice came from the earphones, very firm and excited.

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions, and then turned off the call function of the invisible headset, ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, he said to the three people around him:

"Jason, prepare to continue shooting video materials to record the next treasure hunt. This time there is no need to broadcast live. You upload the relevant videos to the cloud and save them! Just in case!"

"Okay! I like this treasure hunt, it's so exciting! In the remaining rooms, I hope to find priceless antiques, if that's the case, it's perfect!"

Jason said excitedly, his eyes full of anticipation.

As soon as the voice fell,

The kid immediately went on to say:

"But there is a problem. My mobile phone is almost out of battery. I'm afraid I won't last long. It's basically impossible to shoot the treasure hunting video of eleven rooms!"

“Use mine! My phone is fully charged and should be fine for an hour or two of filming!”

With that said, David took out his mobile phone and handed it to Jason.

The problem is easily solved, and the shooting can continue!

"Okay, let's get ready for action! For the sake of safety, we must take these ten golden nanmu boxes and this Michelangelo painting during the next treasure hunt.

These are priceless treasures, so precious! Absolutely not out of sight, let's go to that room, move these babies to that room, and never relax for a moment.

David, you are in charge of moving Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam", and I am in charge of moving the ten golden nanmu boxes. Jason continues to shoot with his mobile phone, everyone must be careful! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian turned around and walked into the secret compartment, and began to wrap up that Michelangelo painting! Protect it from damage.

The wrapping material he used was the two layers of white moisture-proof paper that had been removed earlier.

In Ye Tian's eyes, he obviously paid more attention to the "Chunhua Pavilion Tie" contained in those golden nanmu boxes.

It is a cultural treasure belonging to the entire Chinese nation, a national treasure of China, and it must not be damaged in any way. That's why he is going to carry it himself, and he dare not pretend to others!

As for Michelangelo's paintings, although they are also very precious and priceless, when it comes to the importance in his mind, they are second to none!

In just a minute or two, Ye Tian wrapped up the painting, and it didn't look much different from before it was unwrapped.

Then, he moved the painting and ten golden nanmu boxes out of the dark compartment, and then pushed back the aluminum alloy wall.

"Ka Ka Ka"

The sound of the metal chain turning sounded again, so pleasant and moving!

Soon, the aluminum alloy wall returned to its original position, and the raised floor was already flattened by Ye Tian, ​​without any traces, as if nothing had happened!

But what happened here just now, not only Ye Tian and the others know, but also countless people!

Ye Tian glanced at the empty wall again, then said with a smile:

"Let's go! Let's go to the next room and see if there are hidden compartments and priceless antiques waiting for us! Maybe there will be a miracle!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully picked up the golden nanmu boxes on the floor and walked to the next room.

Behind him, David also picked up Michelangelo's painting very carefully, and followed with Jason and the others.

The twelfth room is a study room, which is small in size and also empty, without a single piece of furniture, let alone antique works of art.

Everyone put the treasures in their hands on the floor, and was about to start exploring the room when Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly.

The call was from an old friend, the boss of Sotheby's Auction House, Ye Tian naturally knew what he meant by calling.

Ye Tian gently slid open the phone screen, and an excited voice came over immediately.

"Good afternoon, Steven, congratulations! You are God's favorite, you are extremely lucky to find so many priceless treasures in An Siyuan's old house!

Nine times out of ten those hapless fellows at Christie's have died crying in the toilet, and just thinking about how hapless they look makes me want to laugh out loud and pop champagne to celebrate! "

"Hahaha, you are so unkind! But to be honest, those guys are really unlucky, let these priceless top-level works of art slip past my hands, and I picked up a big leak!"

Ye Tian laughed and said, very proud.

After making a few jokes, the person on the other side of the phone couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, entrust us with the auction rights of these top art works to Sotheby's, we will give you the best conditions and provide the industry's top auction services.

Especially "Creation of Adam", please be sure to entrust it to our auction house. Michelangelo's work has not appeared for many years, and this time it will definitely cause a huge sensation!

We have cooperated quite a few times. You should have a deeper understanding of the professional level of our auction house. We are definitely the best auction house in the industry! "

"You are right, Sotheby's Auction House is indeed one of the best auction houses in the industry, and our previous cooperation has been very pleasant, and I am quite satisfied.

But I'm very sorry, I can't promise you right away and entrust you with the auction rights of those priceless treasures. I still need to think about it carefully before making a decision.

When choosing an auction house, I will give priority to Sotheby's. After all, we have cooperated many times and have established trust with each other.

I would like to make one point clear. I intend to keep the set of "Chunhua Pavilion Tie" from the early Northern Song Dynasty for my own collection, and I am not going to transfer it. The only thing I sent for auction is "Creation of Adam"

Well, that's all for now! I still have a lot of things to do here, I'm very busy, so I won't chat with you, let's talk again when I have time, just wait for my call! "

“Good! Steven, I look forward to hearing good news from you!”

"Wait! There will be good news. Goodbye!"

After speaking, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Before he could put the phone in his pocket, the pleasant ringtone rang again. This time, the caller was the director of the Metropolitan Museum, still an old acquaintance.

When the phone was connected, this person immediately went straight to the topic without any hesitation, appearing very eager.

"Steven, if the "Creation of Adam" is indeed an authentic work by Michelangelo, then the Metropolitan Museum wants to acquire that top-level work of art, and the price you said is 600 million U.S. dollars!

You can also exchange antique artworks. Except for "Washington Forcing the Delaware River", you can choose other top antique artworks in our metropolis and exchange them at equal value.

I know that you are very interested in antique works of art from China. We happen to have a lot of Chinese antique works of art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, some of which are top-notch, and we will definitely satisfy you! "

"Wow! This offer is very tempting, and it really makes people's hearts flutter! But I have to refuse, I can't agree to your request to conduct a private transaction with your Metropolitan Museum!

In the treasure hunting live broadcast just now, I made it very clear that if you want to send this pinnacle of Michelangelo to the auction, you must keep your promise! Don't break your promise and get fat!

If you at the Met are determined to win this top-notch work of art, get ready to compete fairly with other buyers at the Spring Auctions in New York!

Regarding the authenticity of this "Creation of Adam", you can rest assured that with the endorsement of An Siyuan and I, how can this Michelangelo's painting be fake? "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, while rejecting the other party, he also left hope for the other party.

Faced with this situation, what else can the director of the Metropolitan Museum say? I can only hang up the phone in disappointment, and prepare for the upcoming tragic fight!

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