Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1039 New York Spring Auction Season

After more than ten hours and a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, the Bombardier Global Express 8000, carrying the original version of "Chunhua Ge Tie", arrived in Beijing smoothly.

As soon as the plane landed at the Capital Airport, people from the Beijing City Bureau and the National Security Bureau immediately took over the security, carried the set of thousand-year-old ancient books in an armored escort vehicle, and headed straight for the Forbidden City.

What followed was naturally a huge commotion.

All domestic antique professionals, cultural and cultural experts, and famous calligraphers flocked to the Forbidden City one after another to appreciate this first edition of "Chunhua Pavilion Tie", and the scene was extremely lively.

On the afternoon when this set of thousand-year-old ancient books arrived at the Forbidden City, Ye Tian received a call from Mr. Jin of the Forbidden City and several other top cultural experts.

The old gentlemen were very excited. What they said on the phone was basically the same, and they completely affirmed Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion!

That set of thousand-year-old ancient books is the first extension version of "Chunhua Pavilion Tie", which comes from the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it is the collection of the Zhao and Song royal families. The collection seals of the Northern Song emperors on the ancient books are all true!

While affirming the conclusion of the appraisal, these old gentlemen were also full of praise for Ye Tian, ​​and the compliments were so frantic that they didn't need money, they almost praised him like a flower!

At the same time as the earthquake in the domestic antique industry, a huge tsunami was also set off in the field of American antique art collections, and even the entire field of Western antique art collections.

On the second day after sending "Chunhua Pavilion Tie" back to China, the auction preview of Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" officially kicked off and is open to the public.

It is still Sotheby's auction house that won the commissioned auction rights for "The Creation of Adam".

We have cooperated many times, and we are very familiar with each other, and the cooperation is quite pleasant. Under normal circumstances, there is really no need to change partners.

In addition, there is another reason that prompted Ye Tian to choose Sotheby's instead of other auction houses.

In order to win the auction right of this Michelangelo painting, Sotheby's directly promised to give up the auction commission, which is tens of millions of dollars! Even Ye Tian was moved by it.

Appearing on the auction preview, in addition to Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam", there is also the important historical document, "General Sherman's March Notes", and several other top antique works of art.

"General Sherman's Marching Notes" has been in Ye Tian's hands for more than half a year, and he doesn't plan to collect it. After hyping up its popularity and attracting huge attention, it's time to ship it and harvest dollars!

The other top-level antique works of art are basically harvested from the treasure hunt in Boston. Each piece is from the hands of famous Western artists and is worth a lot! There is no less than 20 million US dollars!

How could such an auction preview not cause a huge tsunami!

On the first day of the preview, countless people flocked to the preview exhibition hall of Sotheby's auction house, ready to see the charm of those top artworks, and talk to Michelangelo, one of the three masters of the Renaissance!

In New York that day, Sotheby's Auction House in midtown Manhattan became the busiest place in the city without any surprise, and it also became the focus of attention across the United States.

In addition to ordinary people, many famous collectors, experts in antique art appraisal, antique dealers, art brokers, professionals from major museums in New York and even the United States, etc.,

Come in droves!

Among them are many top collectors from Europe and other places, as well as representatives of major museums. Many of them came for Michelangelo.

It's a pity that even if they spend a lot of money and beat all competitors to take the "Creation of Adam", they still can't take it out of the United States. Those guys in the FBI Art Crime Unit are not useless.

After understanding this situation, many museum representatives from Europe had no choice but to withdraw their troops in advance, and regretfully withdrew from the competition for "Creation of Adam".

As for the super rich and top collectors, there is no such worry.

For them, winning this Michelangelo is the top priority, and the restriction on leaving the country is not a problem at all, the big deal is buying a house in the United States!

For the extremely lively preview scene, Ye Tian was naturally happy to see it succeed.

The greater the sensation caused by the preview, the higher the popularity of those antique artworks, the more attention they attract, and the more buyers will naturally participate in the competition.

The final result would naturally bring Ye Tian more wealth and more dollars.

This sensational preview in the United States lasted for a total of seven days before it ended, and it was forcibly terminated!

If not, it is estimated that this preview will continue to be held, and there will never be a shortage of people who visit the preview. Only believers from various church organizations in the United States can make this preview last for several years!

During the preview period, Ye Tian was not idle.

He sent a lot of antique works of art to major auction houses in New York, entrusted them with the auction rights, and began to crazily sweep wealth in the auction market.

On the fourth day after the preview began, Ye Tian's first special auction of the New York Spring Auction Season officially kicked off at Christie's Auction House, attracting countless attention.

The title of this special auction is 'Special Auction of Shipwreck Treasures in the Caribbean Sea'.

The auction items that appeared in this special auction are all selected antique artworks, gemstones, gold and silver products, etc. from the treasures of shipwrecks in the Caribbean Sea.

Before the special auction started, the Spaniards and Colombians jumped out and expressed solemn protest, asking Ye Tian and Christie's to suspend the special auction and claim the gold and silver treasures again.

For these guys, Ye Tian didn't bother to talk to them at all, and he didn't even show interest in talking!

The same goes for Christie's auction house. For them, making money is the most important thing. Spaniards and Colombians? It's cool and stay there.

Amid all the turmoil, this special auction for the treasures of sunken ships in the Caribbean started smoothly, attracting the attention and enthusiasm of many buyers.

In this special auction, most of these antique works of art and gold and silver treasures from the depths of the Caribbean Sea were successfully sold and turned into green dollars, and there were only a few failed auctions!

Seeing Ye Tian sweeping up dollar bills, Spanish politicians and Colombians can't sit still! Their jealous eyeballs were red, and their teeth were itching with hatred, but there was nothing they could do!

As in the past, they can only protest and condemn in the media, and organize people to demonstrate at the gate of the Rockefeller Building, which is useless!

Time soon came to May, and the heavyweight auctions started one after another, and the momentum of Ye Tian's sweeping wealth became even crazier, making everyone dumbfounded and envious.

On the first day of May, there will be a heavyweight auction.

'American History and Culture Auction' at Sotheby's.

At this auction, the "General Sherman's Marching Notes" in Ye Tian's hands came out after a long wait, and it was finally about to make its official debut at the auction.

Because of its importance, this notebook is naturally the finale of this special auction.

And those famous museums, private foundations, top collectors, rich and powerful American universities, and even some institutions of the US military who are salivating on this important historical document!

These guys took action one after another, gearing up one by one, vowing to take down this extremely important historical document, the national treasure of the United States!

For Ye Tian, ​​this kind of scene is obviously what he wants to see the most.

The fiercer the competition, the better. It is best to use the brains of a person to play like a dog, so that he can make more money!

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian brought Betty to Sotheby's auction house and appeared at the entrance of the auction hall, ready to harvest dollars again! ...

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