Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1040 Another Beautiful Day

Just as Ye Tian and Betty walked into the auction hall, a familiar voice came from their ears.

"Steven, Betty, good morning"

Hearing this voice, Ye Tian and the others immediately turned their heads to look to the right.

Greeting them was Professor Melissa from Columbia University, standing not far from the right, with Professor Kane and Professor Douglas on her left and right.

And a white man I don't know! About sixty years old, with silver hair and gentle manners, he should also be a senior intellectual!

"Melissa, good morning, I didn't expect you to come too"

Betty greeted warmly, and at the same time walked quickly to Melissa's side, hugging her college tutor, looking very excited.

Ye Tian took a step forward and greeted the others with a smile.

"Good morning, Professor Kane, Professor Douglas, this gentleman should also be from Columbia University? Nice to meet you!"

"Steven, good morning, let me introduce you, this is Brandy, the dean of Columbia University's School of History, a famous historian!"

Professor Kane greeted Ye Tian first, and then introduced the scholar beside him.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stepped forward and shook hands with Brandy, and he was polite, and they knew each other.

After a few simple greetings, everyone got to the point.

"Professor Brandy, Professor Kane, if I'm not mistaken, you should be here for "General Sherman's March Notes". It seems that you are determined!"

Ye Tian smiled and said,

A smug look flashed in his eyes.

He is well aware of the purpose of these big cows from the Columbia University School of History joining hands, and he is not surprised at all.

Except for Ye Tian himself and a few people around him, Professor Kane is the only expert and scholar who has seen "General Sherman's March Notes" with his own eyes, and has personally identified this important historical document.

Although he only read a small part of the content in the front of the notes, he gained a lot, and based on this, he wrote several high-quality papers, which caused quite a stir in the American historian circle.

He understands the importance of this "General Sherman's March Notes" better than anyone else, and understands it more deeply than anyone else! That is an important document that can rewrite part of the history of the American Civil War! Never leave behind!

"Of course we are here for "General Sherman's Marching Notes", and you are not willing to make a private deal, so we have no choice but to rush here and compete with others!

This marching notebook is so important, it means a period of unknown history during the Civil War, and it also means a series of heavyweight academic research results! "

Professor Kane said with a wry smile, his tone full of regret and a trace of resentment.

As early as a few months ago, he mentioned to Ye Tian that Columbia University's School of History intends to acquire this important historical document, and the price offered is quite attractive.

However, Ye Tian refused without hesitation, and told them that if they were really interested, then prepare to compete fairly with others at the auction, there is no other way.

It is because of this that they appear here with a hint of resentment in their tone, which is normal, everyone has emotions, right?

"Of course I know the importance of "General Sherman's Marching Notes", and that's one of the reasons why I put it up for auction. Everyone competes fairly, and the highest bidder wins!

I am a professional treasure hunter, and this historical document is my commodity. Since it is a business, I must follow the principles of doing business, so that it will last forever!

This is a fair competition, and if you are well prepared, you may win. As friends, I wish you all the best of luck and take down this important historical document! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded and said, his tone was firm, without any guilt.

"We also hope to get what we want, but the reality tells us that this possibility is not high! If we want to get this notebook, we will face many difficulties, and there are countless difficulties and obstacles waiting for us.

Look over there, those old guys in the middle of the second row are buyers from the Harvard University School of History and the Harvard Museum. Harvard is the richest university in the world, and there is never a shortage of dollars in their pockets.

Also in the second row, the guys in military uniforms on the left are from West Point Military Academy. Sherman is known as the military god of West Point Military Academy. How could those guys miss his marching notes!

The Metropolitan Museum, the National Museum of America, Yale University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, etc., all sent people here, and everyone's goal is basically the same!

Even your guy's alma mater, New York University, has come to join in the fun, ambitiously preparing to participate in this fight and defeat other opponents to win "General Sherman's March Notes."

I just don't understand, the Department of History has almost no sense of existence in NYU, what kind of trouble are they coming here to cause trouble! Could it be that too much money was burned? Or are you here to stand up and cheer for you, an alumnus? "

Professor Kane pointed at the people in the auction hall with his finger as he spoke, with a serious expression on his face.

Following the direction of his fingers, Ye Tian saw many old acquaintances from various museums, as well as many famous experts and scholars whom he had seen on TV.

These guys all look confident and determined to win, and their expressions are quite excited.

From this, we can imagine what kind of scene will appear in this auction hall when "General Sherman's Marching Notes" officially debuts!

Quotations from many buyers will resound throughout the venue, and the bidding numbers in their hands will rise one after another. The competition must be very fierce, and the atmosphere on the spot is even more exciting!

And this is undoubtedly the most touching scene that Ye Tian wants to see the most.

There is no doubt that this is another extremely beautiful day to sweep the dollar like crazy!

"Hahaha, what a surprise! The history department of New York University is also here! I have to go over to say hello to them later, it's too embarrassing!

The presence of the Department of History at New York University is indeed very low, but they can't help but have a motivated heart! Perhaps this is the opportunity for their rise! Of course not to be missed"

Ye Tian joked that he was very relaxed, and at the same time looked at the alumni of New York University.

Hearing this, the members of Columbia University's School of History rolled their eyes together with disdain on their faces.

Obviously, they didn't take the history department of New York University seriously at all, let alone regard the history department of New York University as a comparable opponent!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian changed the subject.

"Professor Douglas, have you confirmed the list of researchers who will go to Cocos Island? After we sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement with the Costa Rican government in mid-May, the preliminary work will begin!"

Not long after returning from Las Vegas, the Costa Rican government, which had been hesitant before, finally gave a positive answer.

They are willing to sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement with Ye Tian's Fearless Exploration Company and Columbia University's School of History to jointly explore the Lima treasure buried on Cocos Island.

For the government of Costa Rica, the treasure of Lima was too tempting to resist!

Especially when they saw the treasure of the sunken Caribbean ship in Ye Tian's hands, they couldn't restrain their desire. Those dazzling gold, silver treasures and antique works of art almost blinded their eyes!

But this joint exploration agreement was not signed immediately, but was arranged to be publicly signed on May 15th in San Jose, Costa Rica!

Costa Rica is also a country, so there must be some procedures to follow, unlike Ye Tian's Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, which can be pulled out to hunt for treasure at any time.

Even Columbia University's School of History still has a lot of work to do, one of which is to determine the researchers who will participate in the joint exploration. That's why Ye Tian asked this question.

"It's almost the same. The research team of our School of History participating in the joint exploration has a total of eight people, led by me, and several students under me, three doctors and two masters.

In addition, there is also a professor who studies Latin American history and a doctorate under him, who will also participate in the exploration operation. The only thing that is uncertain now is the candidate for this doctorate!

When the tripartite joint exploration agreement is signed on May 15th, the list of researchers will definitely be finalized and will not affect the preliminary preparations. I can guarantee this! "

Douglas introduced the situation in a low voice, looking very excited.

That's Lima's treasure! Can you not be excited that one of the most famous pirate treasures in human history is about to unveil the mystery in front of you?

As for whether Ye Tian can find Lima's treasure, Professor Douglas is still very confident!

This guy in front of him is a miracle worker, there seems to be nothing he can't do, God seems to stand with him forever, and this time must be no exception!

"That's good. As long as the joint exploration agreement is signed, the next thing will be smooth sailing. I'm sure we will be able to find the treasure of Lima and shock the whole world!"

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, full of confidence.

During the conversation, it was only a few minutes before the auction started. There were more and more people in the auction hall, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more enthusiastic.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian said goodbye and left, leading Betty to the front of the auction hall. The seats reserved for them by Sotheby's were in the first row, the best seats in the audience.

The group from Columbia University also walked towards their seats, on the right side of the third row, not bad! ...

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