Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1059: Shocking the World

The following signing ceremony went very smoothly.

As Ye Tian and representatives of the other two parties signed their names on the agreement one after another, the tripartite joint exploration of Lima's treasure was finally finalized, and the result was perfect and everyone was happy.

Next, everyone will prepare for this exploration operation, consult relevant information, adapt to the tropical rainforest environment, learn the necessary jungle survival skills, and so on.

On June 20th, a tripartite exploration team will board a ship from Caldera Port, Costa Rica, and go to Cocos Island in the depths of the Pacific Ocean to explore the famous treasure of Lima.

It is completely foreseeable that it will be an extremely perfect and fruitful treasure hunting operation. Those gold and silver treasures from the Lima treasure will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world!

After the signing ceremony, there will be a press conference.

On behalf of the Costa Rican government, the Minister of Culture and Youth, Flores, officially announced this tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of Lima to the whole country of Costa Rica and the world through live TV.

As the owner of the brave and fearless exploration company that initiated it, Ye Tian also introduced the reason for organizing this tripartite joint exploration operation through live TV! Get out of the limelight!

Of course, what he said was very nice.

According to him, this joint exploration operation is to unravel the mystery of Lima's treasure and to reproduce the bloody pirate history. It is an exploration operation with archaeology as the main purpose, which sounds high-sounding!

But no matter whether the people at the Intercontinental Hotel in San Jose or the people watching the live TV broadcast, no one believed his duplicity at all!

Everyone knows that this super lucky and extremely greedy New York bastard is going for the dazzling gold and silver treasures of Lima Treasure!

As for the mystery of Lima's treasure and the historical story hidden behind it, how could Steven, a bastard, care!

In his eyes, these things probably have no value at all!

Maybe it can't be said that, if it helps to increase the value of the gold and silver treasures in Lima's treasure, these historical stories will definitely be used by him to carry out crazy hype!

Not long ago, that batch of treasures from sunken ships in the Caribbean, which caused a world sensation, was done in this way, and this time is definitely no exception!

The person who actually went to Cocos Island for archaeology and tried to solve the mystery of Lima's treasures,

A research team from the Columbia University School of History, the Central Museum of Costa Rica, and the University of Costa Rica!

These professors and scholars are the ones who are really interested in history, not those New York bastards who say nothing but keep their eyes on gold and silver!

After a brief live TV broadcast, there will be a press conference.

The moment the on-site host announced the start of the press conference, the banquet hall was in full swing, and all kinds of questions immediately flooded in.

Ye Tian was naturally the main questioner of many media reporters. As for representatives of the Costa Rican government and people from Columbia University, they were only taken into account occasionally.

In the following time, it became Ye Tian's one-man show alone!

Except for the content of the agreement that needs to be kept secret for the time being, he has given serious answers to other questions about this joint exploration operation. It can be said that he knows everything and talks endlessly! So that all media reporters are very satisfied!

This press conference lasted until one o'clock at noon, and it just ended!

It was already meal time, and a sumptuous luncheon began immediately. All the personnel on site, including all media reporters, were invited to participate in the luncheon.

After enjoying the wine and delicious food, every guest who participated in the luncheon left with a very nice gift, which can be described as a rewarding experience.

The one who arranged this luncheon and provided the gifts was naturally the Brave Warrior Exploration Company. Although the cost was expensive, it was worth the money!

After the luncheon was over and all parties dispersed one after another, Ye Tian and the others immediately returned to the presidential suite on the top floor and began to pack their things, preparing to leave San Jose and Costa Rica.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, their convoy left the Intercontinental Hotel and headed quickly to San Jose Ann Santa Maria International Airport.

Soon, Ye Tian's Bombardier Global Express 8000 soared into the sky, pierced the sky, and flew straight to the northeast!

On their way back to New York, when they were still at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the world's major news media, portal websites, various social platforms, etc., were completely blown up.

When people learned that Ye Tian had the real treasure map of Lima Treasure, and planned to go to Cocos Island to explore Lima Treasure together with the government of Costa Rica and Columbia University, everyone was stunned.

After the shock, there were crazy exclamations, covering every corner!

Without exception, everyone's eyes were reddened by this news, and they were almost crazy with envy!

That's Lima's treasure! One of the world's most famous pirate treasures, buried with countless dazzling gold and silver treasures, is enough to make people crazy.

It's such a legendary treasure that fell into the hands of that bastard Steven, how unfair it is!

The Spaniards and Peruvians who are closely related to the Lima treasure also got the news immediately.

Like everyone else, they were stunned by the news, their eyes were red with irritation, and their reason was almost swallowed by greed!

After some verification, after confirming that the news was true, the Spaniards and Peruvians immediately issued a formal protest through official channels, and repeatedly declared the ownership of the Lima treasure.

When Ye Tian and the others were still on the plane, the employees of the company called and said that the Spanish and Peruvian embassies and consulates in New York sent people to the company and formally submitted a letter of protest to the company.

These situations were already expected by Ye Tian, ​​and he was not surprised at all!

As for the Spaniards and Peruvians, he didn't bother to talk to them at all, and directly asked the company's employees to invite people from the embassies and consulates of the two countries out without saving any face.

The same goes for the Costa Rican government and Columbia University, both of which received protest letters from the Spaniards and Peruvians, the wording was very strong, and even a little outraged!

In comparison, their handling methods are relatively mild and more strategic!

They put all the responsibility on Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company, saying that Ye Tiancai was the initiator of this joint exploration operation, and the treasure map is also in his hands, so go to him if you have anything to do! Don't look for us!

This is a coping strategy that everyone discussed in advance. Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company are at the forefront, dealing with doubts and protests from the outside world, as well as all other open and hidden arrows.

Because of the treasure of the shipwreck in the Caribbean, Ye Tian and the Spaniards have long been at odds. You have fought against each other countless times, and now you add Peru, what does it matter?

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, it will not itch, and if there are too many debts, you will not worry!

Ye Tian didn't care about the Spaniard's protest at all, not to mention the much weaker Peru, which he didn't pay attention to at all! Their protests fell on deaf ears!

After several hours of flight, the Bombardier Global Express 8000 arrived at New York's JFK International Airport smoothly.

As in the past, Ye Tian and the others got on the car directly from the tarmac and left the airport, leaving the many media reporters waiting in the waiting hall empty again! One by one I regret it!

When the convoy of Ye Tian and the others returned to Manhattan and returned to their home on 110th Street, there were more media reporters waiting in front of the apartment building, and the entire street was almost blocked by interview vehicles from major news media!

The convoy came to a complete stop, and as soon as Ye Tian got out of the car, all kinds of questions flooded in, and intensive bombardment began!

Like the press conference held in San Jose, except for the content that needs to be kept secret for the time being, Ye Tian responded to the questions from the media reporters.

As for the hostile questions and protests from several Spanish and Peruvian reporters, Ye Tian gave a very clear answer!

It has nothing to do with who the Lima treasure used to belong to! After some time, a part of this famous pirate's treasure will belong to Lao Tzu, there is no doubt about it!

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