Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1060 Let Them Go Away

It's the second day in a blink of an eye, and it's another sunny day, which is refreshing!

New York in the middle and late May is the most beautiful and comfortable time of the year. The weather is neither hot nor cold, refreshing and pleasant. The flowers in Central Park are in full bloom and colorful, and the breath of life is throbbing everywhere!

At this time, the Internet, major media, and various social platforms are extremely hot. The news of Ye Tian and his tripartite joint exploration of Lima's treasure is still fermenting, and the sensational effect it brings has become bigger and bigger.

When Ye Tian and Betty left the apartment in the morning and were about to go to the company, they were surrounded by swarms of media reporters as soon as they walked out of the apartment building.

Fortunately, Matisse and the others were prepared, and quickly built two lines of defense in front of Ye Tian and Betty to protect them, and left their home on 110th Street by car.

When they broke through the siege and rushed to the company, they found that the same situation happened downstairs in the Rockefeller Building.

There are also dozens of reporters from major news media gathered here, all of them seem to have been beaten, very excited! Just wait for Ye Tian and the others to show up.

There have also been more protesters in Rockefeller Plaza. In addition to the Spaniards and Colombians who had been protesting here before, there are now a bunch of Peruvians!

Of course, there were also many idlers in New York who did not think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, or were full of food, and they also mixed in the team to march and demonstrate together.

These guys held high the national flags of their respective countries, slogans and signs with different contents, circled around Rockefeller Plaza, and shouted various protest slogans.

In their mouth, Ye Tian seemed to be the most greedy, despicable and shameless robber and thief in the world! Frantically stealing and plundering wealth belonging to others and other countries!

For these guys, Ye Tian is too lazy to talk to them, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to them!

I just want to rob the treasures that once belonged to your country, and it is a justifiable and blatant looting. What can you do to me? Can you still bite me?

After discovering the situation at the entrance of the Rockefeller Building, Ye Tian immediately instructed Mattis and the others to drive the car directly into the basement! Avoided the media reporters in front of the building and the passionate protesters.

Same as the previous few times, when Ye Tian and Betty entered the company, they were still greeted by all the company's employees lined up and warm applause.

The welcome ceremony is over soon,

Ye Tian then introduced the results of the trip to Costa Rica, and told the company's employees to get everyone to act and start preparing for the exploration in late June!

Everyone is full of enthusiasm and anticipation for the action of exploring the treasures of Lima.

Everyone in the company hopes to be a part of the exploration team, go to Cocos Island to explore treasures and witness miracles. Thinking about that kind of experience is exciting and even crazy!

However, Ye Tian didn't immediately announce the candidates for the exploration team, it's not yet time!

Between the busy schedule, it was already half past nine in the morning.

After dealing with some matters in the company, Ye Tian was going to take Mathis and the others to leave the company and go to Christie's auction house.

This morning, Christie's has a relatively important auction, "20th Century Modern Art Special Auction"!

In this auction, three modern works of art belonging to Ye Tian were put up for auction.

Those are three paintings, respectively from the hands of three famous modern art masters Mark Rothko, Dali, and Mondrian, all of which are top-notch artworks of great value!

Now that he has returned to New York, Ye Tian wants to visit the venue in person to see the auction of these three top artworks.

Just as he was packing up his things and was about to leave, his cell phone rang suddenly. It was Flores, Minister of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica who called.

Ye Tian took out his phone and gently slid to unlock the screen, Flores' familiar voice immediately came to his ears.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm Flores!"

"Good morning, Mr. Minister, it's a very good thing to hear your voice early in the morning. I wonder what you can do with me?"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, complimenting the other party a few words.

"It's like this. Just now, the cultural counselor of the Spanish embassy contacted us. This guy emphasized again that the Lima treasure belongs to Spain, and other people or countries must not illegally occupy it.

Of course we won't admit it! The laws of Costa Rica clearly stipulate that as long as the treasures found in the territory of Costa Rica belong to the government and people of Costa Rica!

Seeing that protests and claims were useless, the guy changed his strategy again, saying that the Spaniards also want to participate in this joint exploration operation, and come with us to explore the treasures of Lima on Cocos Island.

In addition to the Spaniards, the Peruvians also have the same idea. They also want to participate in this joint exploration operation. We did not reply to each other. What do you think about this matter? "

Flores quickly introduced the situation, with a bit of contempt and disdain in his tone.

"How else can I see it? Of course I refused without hesitation and told them to get out! What are those guys' plans, as long as they are not fools or idiots, you can tell at a glance!

Seeing that there is no hope of claiming the Lima treasure, they wanted to participate in the joint exploration operation and get a share of it. The abacus was very loud, but unfortunately, this is wishful thinking and it is impossible to realize!

Accepting them to participate in the joint exploration operation will inevitably dilute the profits of our three parties. I would like to declare that the share ratio of the brave and fearless exploration company must not be changed, even if it is less!

If the Costa Rican government is willing to cut a piece of its income and distribute it to the Spaniards and Peruvians, then it does not matter to accept their participation in the exploration operation, as long as it does not harm my interests! "

Ye Tian sneered and said, leaving no room for it, completely rejecting the possibility of the Spaniards and Peruvians participating in the joint exploration.

"Cut a chunk out of our profits and distribute it to the Spaniards and the Peruvians? How can we do such a foolish thing? It's impossible!"

Flores said categorically, with a very firm tone.

Who is willing to give up the fat that has reached the mouth? I'm afraid no one wants to!

As early as 200 years ago, Costa Rica was not a Spanish colony, so why should they give up a large amount of benefits to those guys? Idiots do stupid things like that!

As for Peru, stay where it’s cooler! Not to mention the treasure of Lima, there is not even a hair!

"That's the right thing to do, Mr. Minister, you should reject the Spaniards and Peruvians like this, if you don't want to speak out because of sympathy, just push this matter to me!

I have played against the Spaniards more than once, even if I add another Peru, I can make them speechless and completely dispel this unrealistic fantasy! "

"Hahaha, I believe you can do it, Steven, in addition to your sharp eyes and cruel heart, your sharp mouth is also very vicious, and you have a good reputation!"

"Okay! Just think you're praising me! It sounds good!"

After joking and chatting a few words, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, he made another phone call to Dean Brandy of Columbia University's School of History and Professor Douglas.

During the phone call, Ye Tian told the two famous historians that if the Spaniards and Peruvians came to make trouble, he would push those guys to his side and deal with it by himself!

How could it be possible for the two famous historians to refuse such a proposal that is beneficial to themselves, and they immediately followed suit and hurriedly nodded in agreement!

After making these few phone calls, Ye Tiancai left the company and went to the nearby Christie's auction house under the escort of Matisse and the others.

When he rushed to the auction hall of Christie's auction house, he immediately became the focus of everyone's attention, and made everyone in the auction hall almost crazy with envy! Can't wait to replace it!

The auction started soon, and Ye Tian continued to rake in dollars in the New York Spring Auction Season, and his footsteps never stopped!

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