
The auction hammer fell heavily on the table, and the sound resounded throughout the Christie's auction hall.

At the same time, the auctioneer raised his left hand to make a gesture, and shouted passionately:

"US$26.5 million, deal! Congratulations to bidder No. 15, who successfully won this painting, the founder of De Stijl art and an important masterpiece of Mondrian's New York period, "The Tree in Central Park""

"clap clap"

The applause suddenly sounded very warm.

After applauding, many people at the auction site looked at Ye Tian who was sitting in the middle of the first row. Everyone's eyes were full of envy, even red with jealousy!

In this "Twentieth Century Modern Art Auction", this lucky guy, Steven, raked in more than 80 million US dollars with only three top artworks. Can you not be enviable?

What's more, this guy still has a treasure map of Lima's treasure in his hand. What a tempting and huge fortune that is! Just thinking about it makes people jealous to death, God loves this guy so much!

Amidst the applause, Capella, who was also sitting in the first row, chair of Christie's post-war contemporary art department, turned his head and said to Ye Tian who was not far to the right:

"Congratulations, Steven, you have made a fortune again. Although this painting did not set a record for Mondrian's works, it is also among the top three. It is very rare! It is a surprise!"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Capella, nodded with a smile and said:

"You're right, Capella, this is indeed an unexpected surprise! I never thought that the "Trees in Central Park" could fetch such a sky-high price!

It seems that the collection market still recognizes Mondrian's art very much. I still have one of his works in my hand, which is even better and may set a new transaction record.

I also want to congratulate you, Christie's earned a lot of auction commissions today, just from me alone, you earned more than 10 million US dollars, it really makes me feel bad! "

Hearing his words, Capella's eyes suddenly became brighter, shining straight, like a pair of searchlights.

"Steven, if you send Mondrian's "Red, Yellow and Blue" for auction, please consider Christie's and entrust that painting to us for auction. We will give you the best terms and provide the most outstanding service! "

Capela said impatiently,

The eyes looking at Ye Tian were extremely hot and full of expectation.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he wished he could have rushed over to get Ye Tian to sign and pledge, and win the entrusted auction right of that masterpiece of Mondrian!

"No problem! If the painting "Red, Yellow and Blue" is sent for auction, I will give priority to Christie's auction house. Today's auction results for this painting are very good, and I am very satisfied! I hope that "Red, Yellow and Blue" can create another miracle! "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and gave the other party an almost affirmative answer.

"Great! Steven, don't worry, as long as you entrust the auction rights of that painting to Christie's, we will definitely give you a huge surprise, and miracles will happen again!

If you successfully find the treasures in Lima, you'd better entrust us with the auction rights of those gold and silver treasures, that would be perfect, I believe it will be a sensational auction in the world! "

Capela said excitedly, the whole person is about to fly!

"Hahaha, you guys are really greedy! You actually set your sights on the treasure of Lima. I will think about it seriously, but I can't give an answer now. The treasure of Lima is still buried on Cocos Island after all!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his eyes were full of complacency and confidence.

While talking, another piece of modern art was moved out by Christie's staff and placed on a display shelf.

The auction starts again and the competition continues! The atmosphere is still very hot.


For the next period of time, Ye Tian basically stayed in New York, taking Mathis and the others to visit surrounding cities from time to time, such as Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Baltimore and other places.

The spring auction season in New York is not limited to the Big Apple. There are also some top auctions held in surrounding cities at the same time, echoing New York.

In addition to participating in auctions and raging dollars like crazy, Ye Tian will also take time to visit museums and antique markets in New York and surrounding cities! While improving your own strength, you are constantly searching for antique works of art!

As in the past, every antique market he has been to must be devastated! Corpses are everywhere!

In these places, almost all the valuable antique artworks that have not been discovered by people have been collected by him and fell into his hands! Become an Inventory for the Dauntless Exploration Company!

As time goes by, almost every antique market in the major cities in the eastern United States has become jittery and the atmosphere is extremely tense!

Those antique dealers, large and small, who set up shops and stalls in the antique market, and even the stall owners who sell second-hand goods, are all worried and trembling, lest Ye Tian appear in their shop or in front of their stalls!

No one wants to be picked up and regret to the point of vomiting three liters of blood! No one wants to be reduced to a joke in the industry! Being made fun of like a mallet!

Even if everyone is very careful, there are still many antique dealers who are unlucky, and Ye Tian picked up the big leak, and become another stick in the antique market, and become the laughing stock of people after dinner.

In just a few days, the news that Ye Tian was frantically picking up leaks in the major antique markets in the east spread throughout the field of antique art collection, making everyone dumbfounded and even causing a certain degree of panic!

But what is one to do in the face of such a sharp-eyed and extremely cunning fellow? We can only guard against death and respond passively, there is no other way!

Later, some antique dealers simply gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, and stopped doing his business!

These people all have the same idea, even if they don't make money, they can't let that bastard Steven pick up on him! Get rich!

It is one thing to worry about missing a baby, and they don't want to become a laughing stock in the industry and become another unlucky guy.

But they didn't expect that Ye Tian also arranged a trick, and the crazy behavior of picking up leaks not only didn't stop, but intensified!

As long as the leakage was discovered by him, it didn't run away, and it all fell into his hands, and the price was so low that it was almost negligible!

After discovering that there was an antique dealer who was not doing his own business, Ye Tian immediately summoned Bowie who had been silent for a long time, and repeated the old trick of Corridor 127, cooperating closely with each other, sweeping the antique art madly!

During the period from late May to mid-June, almost every important antique market in the eastern United States, and many antique shops, large and small, left Ye Tian's footprints.

If he finds something in these antique markets or antique shops, he will try his best to sell it, take down the target antique artwork, and add another item of stock to the company's warehouse!

Of course, there will be another unlucky guy who was picked up by him in this world!

If the other party is very vigilant and unwilling to do his business, he will leave immediately without any further stay, without even a single complaint or nonsense!

Later, Bowie, dressed in a Texas cowboy, will visit this antique market or this antique store to win the target antique art at a lower price.

With such careful cooperation, who can escape the fate of being ransacked by madness?

In less than a month, the antique art markets in major cities in the east were completely swept away by them. It was like passing through a sieve, and every good thing disappeared! All fell into Ye Tian's hands.

The places they passed, without exception, were full of mourning. Many antique dealers, big and small, were trapped, wanting to cry without tears, regretting and wanting to jump into the river!

After this frenzied raid, Ye Tian has become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of many antique dealers without any accident, and everyone hates it so much that their teeth itch!

However, no one has anything to do with him, they can only watch him run amok, sweeping through antiques and artworks crazily, creating one tragedy after another in the world!

During this period, Ye Tian did not forget to improve his own strength.

The museums in major cities in the east, such as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, have become a paradise for him to absorb spiritual energy crazily!

In these aura-filled oceans, Ye Tian swam unscrupulously, growing himself rapidly!

By mid-June, the distance at which he could see the light of antique artworks had successfully broken through 60 meters, and his perspective ability had also made great progress. Even a five-meter-thick wall could not block his sight!

Physical fitness has also been greatly improved, and the squat weight has successfully exceeded 550 kg, which is infinitely close to the human squat limit weight!

The reaction speed has also become more agile, and it has not become dull due to the increase in strength! It was nearly twice as fast as the octagonal cage duel!

If that duel was not held in mid-March, but in mid-June, then Jon Jones would definitely die, and there was absolutely no possibility of leaving the Octagon alive!

At this moment, he is like an active volcano in a dormant state, which may erupt violently at any time, ejecting extremely hot magma, and destroying all obstacles in front of him!

During the same period of time, everyone is also preparing for the upcoming joint exploration operation.

Using the training base of Raytheon Security Company, Ye Tian systematically learned the combat skills in the tropical rainforest and mastered the necessary jungle survival skills.

Under the guidance of Matisse, the delta special elite, and with the support of his own strong strength, it didn't take long for Ye Tian to become a real jungle warrior, and he was the most elite and unrivaled one!

Not only him, after entering June, the whole company became busier, and the focus of work gradually shifted to the action of exploring the treasures of Lima!

In such a fulfilling and busy life, time passed by little by little, and it was already mid-June.

On June 18th, the New York spring auction season ends!

This is another perfect auction season, Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company made a lot of money! It made countless people dumbfounded and envious to the point of madness!

Next, it's time to go to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima!

It is entirely conceivable that it must be a treasure hunt that shocked the world!

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