Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1068 Super Yacht

After walking a few steps forward, Flores hurried up from behind.

After walking to Ye Tian's side, he immediately lowered his voice and said:

"Steven, the Leshun super yacht in front is yours? Don't tell me that you plan to take this super yacht to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima. This is too extravagant!"

As he said that, he pointed to the super yacht not far ahead, his eyes full of envy!

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"This super yacht does not belong to me, but I leased it from San Diego, USA. How about it? Does it look good? The yacht of the German Leshun brand is still very good!

I am indeed planning to go to Cocos Island on this superyacht to explore the treasures of Lima, and it will be the sea life base and entertainment base for the Intrepid Explorations employees during this exploration operation!

This super yacht reserves a lot of food and fresh water, as well as mellow wine, etc., as well as a set of top entertainment equipment, allowing people on the yacht to enjoy the carnival in the Pacific Ocean!

In my opinion, the act of exploring treasure should be full of joy, in addition to being fresh and exciting! The action of exploring treasures and enjoying life are not contradictory, they can be combined! "

"Wow! The money is too big! You are here to explore the treasure, it is purely a super luxurious sea trip, it is so enviable! It's nice to have money!

Compared with this Leshun super yacht, the exploration ship provided by us in Costa Rica is not worth mentioning. It is so broken that it cannot be broken any more.

Let's go out to sea to explore the treasure together. You ride a super yacht and move forward amidst laughter and clinking! Others can only take that broken ship, how embarrassing they are! "

"Hahaha, I've already thought about this situation, don't worry, there are about 40 to 50 guest rooms on this super yacht, which can accommodate 70 to 80 passengers, and the space is very spacious.

If everyone likes and is willing, everyone in the joint exploration team can live on this Leshun super yacht to experience the real yacht life.

As for the slightly dilapidated passenger ship, let it be used as a transport ship, responsible for transporting materials and various exploration equipment, so that it can be considered to make the best use of it! Not wasted! "

"This proposal is really great, Steven, I will tell the members of the other two exploration teams later,

They must be very happy, who doesn't like to go out to sea on a super yacht?

Seeing such superior conditions, I am a little moved. I really want to go out to sea to explore the treasures of Lima with you, but I still have a lot of things at hand, and I can't do without them! "

"It's okay, there may be a chance in the future, let you experience the fun of exploring and treasure hunting!"

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already stepped onto the floating pier where the super yacht was located.

Jason and two company employees, who were standing next to the yacht, immediately walked up to him.

Charlie and Peter, who were in charge of security, did not move. Both of them were very vigilant, staring at the movement on the sea, ready to respond at any time.

Walking closer, Jason immediately smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, Steven, how is it? This Leshun super yacht looks very good, right? Among the super yachts of about 120 meters, it is definitely the top yacht!"

As he spoke, Jason raised his hand and gestured towards the super yacht beside him, with a fascinated expression.

"This Lesun superyacht is really good, not worse than the superyacht we rented in San Juan, Puerto Rico before, it must be very pleasant to live on it!"

Ye Tian looked at the yacht parked beside him, nodded with a chuckle, and gave Jason a fist bump.

"That's right! We visited several yacht clubs in San Diego before we found this superyacht and chartered it. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the best superyacht in San Diego!"

"Okay, let's get aboard and see what's going on inside this superyacht"

With that said, Ye Tian walked towards the boarding ladder on the floating pier not far ahead.

The rest of the people followed immediately, everyone was very excited, their eyes full of anticipation.

Especially Logan, who was so excited that he was almost floating!

Soon everyone was on board the superyacht and spread out to admire and learn about the interior of the yacht.

During this process, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective and gave this super yacht a thorough physical examination. From the bridge deck to the bottom of the ship, he saw every corner of it thoroughly!

This is a super yacht that has been built for less than a year. The number of sailings is limited. The hull, various mechanical equipment, and communication equipment are all in good condition, just like new!

Even the Airbus helicopter parked on the apron of the flybridge deck and the two high-speed feeder boats placed in the stern garage are almost brand new equipment!

There is no problem with the rest of the boat, it is very strong and safe, and there are no safety hazards in sight!

The fuel, food and fresh water stored in the yacht are very sufficient, fully enough to meet the needs of this Cocos Island exploration operation, and more than enough!

For the sake of safety, Ye Tian also took a look at the food and fresh water stored in the yacht, all kinds of drinks, and all kinds of entertainment equipment, etc.!

In every area he passed, he saw through everything, very carefully, without missing a single thing!

What Jason said before is correct, every material on board has gone through extremely strict security checks, and there is no problem!

After confirming that the super yacht was safe and there were no hidden dangers, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze, ended the perspective, and then returned to the main deck living room of the yacht!

At this time, fifteen minutes had passed since everyone boarded the super yacht.

In these fifteen minutes, all the luggage and a large number of weapons and equipment that followed them to the port of Caldera have been transported to the yacht by everyone and put away in different categories!

Everything is ready, now wait for tomorrow to come, and then sail out of the port and go to Cocos Island to explore the famous treasure of Lima!

Entering the living room on the main deck, after gathering everyone on the yacht, Ye Tian said:

"This is a very nice superyacht! It will take us to Cocos Island in the next joint exploration operation, and it will also be our life and logistics base in the Pacific Ocean!

I believe that in this exploration operation, we will not only find the treasure of Lima, but also shock the world! A very pleasant and memorable time spent on this superyacht too!

From now on, until we sail away tomorrow, we will all live on this super yacht. If it is not necessary, it is best not to leave the yacht, and there is nothing to do in the port outside.

Everyone can leave now and go to their respective rooms to clean up and wash up. After about 20 minutes, everyone will come to the restaurant on the second floor of the yacht to enjoy the first lunch on this super yacht! "

"Okay! Steven"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and then scattered and left, going to their respective rooms with great interest.

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave Jason a few more instructions, and took Logan out of the living room!

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