Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1069 Charming Night

In the evening, Professor Douglas led the Columbia University exploration team, a total of eight people, to Puerto Caldera.

They had arrived in San Jose three days ago and were still staying at the Intercontinental Hotel.

During this period, they communicated with colleagues from the University of Costa Rica and the Central Museum, while preparing for this exploration operation, waiting for the day when they set sail to sea!

In the afternoon, after returning to San Jose, Flores immediately rushed to the Intercontinental Hotel to inform them.

The ship that the tripartite joint exploration team will take to sea tomorrow is a super yacht rented by Ye Tian, ​​not the dilapidated passenger ship before!

After hearing the news, everyone at Columbia University was naturally rejoiced and overjoyed!

Professor Douglas immediately decided to leave the San Jose Intercontinental Hotel, rush to Caldera Port, and board the super yacht in advance.

Regarding his decision, Ye Tian had no objection, and readily nodded in agreement.

In this trip to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima, the exploration team from Columbia University's School of History undoubtedly had the purest purpose!

The reason why they participated in this joint exploration was to study the secrets of Lima's treasure and to study the bloody history. They did not involve economic interests, and there was no threat!

If not, Ye Tian would not have chosen them!

There are many museums and comprehensive universities in the United States who want to participate in this joint exploration, and you can choose anyone! It doesn't have to be Columbia University!

It is precisely because they are only for academic research results and do not ask to be divided into treasures, and because it is Betty's alma mater, Ye Tian chose Columbia University!

The real thing to be wary of in this exploration operation is the exploration team sent by the Costa Rican government. Apart from a few scholars and experts, there are also many guys with ulterior motives!

When they came to the port of Caldera and saw the Le Shun superyacht moored at sea, the group of the School of History of Columbia University was immediately stunned.

When they boarded the yacht in the shuttle boat and saw the situation inside the yacht, their eyes were not enough. Everyone kept admiring everything around them, and their eyes were full of fascination!

Compared with the young people in the Columbia University exploration team, Professor Douglas and Johnson who lead the team are obviously knowledgeable,

They soon came to their senses.

As soon as his mind regained consciousness, Professor Douglas expressed emotion.

"Good evening, Steven, you are such a luxury! You actually rented such a luxurious super yacht and used it as an exploration ship!

The price of this super yacht must exceed 100 million, right? The rental fee must also be staggering! I have to say, it's nice to have money, and you can spend it as you like! "

"Good evening, Professor Douglas and Professor Johnson, it's a pleasure to see you again, in the next joint exploration operation, I hope we can cooperate happily!

There is no contradiction between exploring treasures and enjoying life. If possible, I am willing to provide you with the best conditions, so that you can enjoy this journey with laughter!

You guessed it right, Professor Douglas, this super yacht is indeed expensive, as high as 250 million U.S. dollars, and the rental fee is quite astonishing! But great value for money!

This super yacht has a total of 58 rooms, enough to accommodate all of us. The facilities are top-notch and can create the most perfect sea living environment for everyone! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and shook hands with two Columbia University professors.

"I have also participated in many field archaeological activities, but to be honest, this is the most extravagant one. I am full of expectations for the next action. I hope this is a perfect exploration action!"

Professor Johnson also expressed a few words of emotion, his eyes were still somewhat shocked, and he was also very excited.

"Of course, Professor Johnson, I'm sure, as long as the Lima treasure is indeed buried on Cocos Island, then we will find it and shock the whole world!

Needless to say, this must be a perfect exploration operation! Maybe we can find other pirate treasures buried on the island, and get even bigger surprises! "

"I hope so, that is undoubtedly the most perfect result!"

After chatting for a while, Professor Douglas called the other people over and began to introduce them one by one.

The first one introduced was a 28-year-old blonde beauty, about 1.7 meters tall, well-proportioned, and quite sexy!

"Steven, this is Joyner. The doctoral student I am leading is also my teaching assistant. She specializes in Latin American history. After confirming the joint exploration of Lima's treasures, I added her to the list of exploration teams!"

As soon as Douglas finished speaking, Ye Tian already stretched out his right hand to greet this blonde beauty enthusiastically.

"Good evening Miss Joyner, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, you're a beautiful lady, welcome to Lima's treasure hunt, hope you enjoy the trip!"

"Mr. Steven, good evening, I have known you for a long time, I am also very happy to meet you, thank you for your compliment, you are a gentleman! I am very much looking forward to the start of the operation to explore the treasures of Lima!"

Joyner said politely with a smile on her face, and shook hands with Ye Tian.

While saying these words, she was also looking Ye Tian up and down, her eyes full of curiosity!

This is the extremely lucky, ruthless, and extremely greedy guy in the legend? I can't see it at all!

At this moment, he looked more like an elegant gentleman than a vicious thug!

Not only Joyner, but several other guys in Columbia University's exploration team were also looking at Ye Tian non-stop, everyone was very curious!

Next, Professor Douglas introduced several other people.

Without exception, these guys are all from Columbia University's School of History, and they all study and study Latin American history!

Among them are doctoral students, teaching assistants, and master students! Either a student and assistant of Professor Douglas, or a doctoral student of Professor Johnson!

Next, Ye Tian also started to introduce his subordinates, introducing David, Jason, Logan, and several others to each other.

After everyone got to know each other and greeted each other, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Everyone, please come with me, take your luggage, and go to see your rooms. I have arranged your rooms on the third floor of the yacht, next to each other, and the scenery is beautiful!

After a short rest in the room, you come to the flybridge deck, where there is a sea feast waiting for you, everyone can enjoy wine and food, and enjoy the joy! "

After speaking, Ye Tian turned around and walked towards the stairs, ready to take Douglas and the others upstairs.

At this moment, the scene suddenly burst into cheers.

"Wow! A feast at sea! And a dinner on the flybridge deck of this superyacht, so much to look forward to!"

Whooping cheers were Joyner, and several other young guys, everyone was so excited that they could rush to the bridge deck immediately and start the night of carnival!

Professor Douglas and Professor Johnson were relatively more stable. They didn't cheer loudly, but just nodded with a smile, and their eyes were quite excited.

After cheering, Professor Douglas and the others picked up their luggage and several boxes containing archaeological research tools, and followed Ye Tian and Mathis to the third floor of the yacht.

Next, it will be a fascinating night!

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