Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1095 Maybe I Can Still See the Blue Sky

Ye Tian's eyes were extremely cold, without the slightest warmth, like looking at a dead person, and he took one last look at the guy who was rushing towards the sea!

Then he withdrew his gaze, continued to operate the full-wet diving thruster, and pushed towards the next target!

"The idiot behind you rushed to the surface of the sea. I don't know what choice you will make. Are you so stupid? I hope there is something new!"

Looking at the guy struggling to swim not far ahead, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a cruel smile!

He is still ready to use the previous attack method! Cut through the skin of the idiot in front with a diving knife, and then leave the battlefield to the fierce and bloodthirsty hammerhead sharks behind, let them slaughter as much as they want!

The next thing I have to do is to step aside quickly, and enjoy an extremely rare group fight between humans and sharks on the premise of ensuring my own safety! That scene must be wonderful!

But unfortunately, he still failed to get his wish!

Just when Ye Tian drove the diving thruster and rushed to the next target quickly, and was about to launch an attack, the idiot in front suddenly turned around and looked this way in despair!

The moment he saw Ye Tian, ​​that guy knew what kind of fate he was about to face.

Like the idiot who rushed to the sea at top speed before, this guy also made the same decision without any hesitation!

Rush to the surface of the sea at the fastest speed, and take a desperate fight!

Only in that way, maybe we can win a chance and escape from the sky! If you stay in this seabed, there is only a dead end, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving!

Make a decision, this guy immediately put it into action!

Before he acted, he stared at the blood-red eyes, and took a last look at Ye Tian who was rushing at high speed. His eyes were full of unforgettable hatred, but also full of despair and fear!

Immediately afterwards, the buddy quickly adjusted his body posture, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and rushed to the surface of the sea resolutely!

His rising speed is very fast, like a shell fired from its chamber! With a tragic momentum!

"Yeah! Another self-defeating fellow! No one can save this idiot! To hell!"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, the smile on his face was extremely cold.

The last two idiots both chose to rush to the surface of the sea,

Trying to gain a chance of life, I don't know what choice those idiots in front will make, will they make the same choice?

Without a moment's pause, Ye Tian continued to drive the diving propeller, held a special diving knife, and led the group of extremely fierce hammerhead sharks, and quickly rushed forward!

What happened behind, many people in front saw very clearly!

Steven, the damn bastard, is so ruthless and vicious! It's like a devil!

Judging by his posture, it is obvious that he intends to kill everyone, leaving no one alive! Let this seabed become everyone's graveyard!

Seeing Ye Tian rushing at high speed with a murderous aura, and seeing the group of hammerhead sharks with big mouths full of fangs, everyone fell into the abyss of despair, and their fear reached the extreme!

The shadow of death has completely enveloped these guys, and it will come soon!

what to do? How to escape this seemingly certain death situation? How do you avoid being snacked on by a pack of great hammerhead sharks and being torn to pieces by those vicious creatures?

In desperation, these guys are using their brains to find a way to escape!

As Ye Tian expected, many people chose the same method as those two idiots before, rushing to the surface of the sea as fast as they could to win a chance!

As it stands, this seems to be the only way! Although it is extremely dangerous, it is better than being buried in the belly of a fish and becoming shark feces!

As long as he can reach the surface of the sea alive, that is the greatest victory! As for diving decompression sickness and so on, I can't take care of it now!

Better to die than to live! It's the same everywhere!

Do it when you think of it, there is no time to hesitate!

These people took action immediately, and they quickly changed their strategy of slowly rising, urging the diving thrusters in their hands or swinging their legs vigorously, and quickly rushed to the surface of the sea!

While acting, each of them stared at Ye Tian and the sharks rushing at high speed with their blood-red eyes, gnashing their teeth with hatred, and there was endless fear in their eyes!

Human beings are contagious creatures, especially in the face of desperation, emotions and behaviors are highly contagious!

When these people rushed to the sea resolutely, trying to escape from this hellish bottom, the rest of the guys who hadn't made a decision and were still hesitating were inevitably infected!

At this point, sanity no longer exists!

Even though they understand that the rapid ascent is bound to be fatal, and few people can survive, but everyone has a bit of luck, maybe they are the one who survived!

Besides, what can I do if I don't float up quickly? Are you waiting to die in this seabed?

Will that devil, Steven, be merciful, take the initiative to stop, and let everyone go? That's impossible! Unless the sun comes out from the west!

run away! Maybe I can still see the blue sky!

In the blink of an eye, everyone took action, scrambling to be the first to rush towards the sea, lest they fall behind others and become the target of attack!

When dozens of people took the same action and began to rise desperately, the pictures they painted with their bodies were like fireworks blooming in a grand festival, with thousands of arrows firing together, it was spectacular!

The target of the attack had disappeared from the front, Ye Tian had to stop!

While stopping the attack, he quickly adjusted his body posture and the speed of the submersible propeller, let himself suspend in the sea water, and began to appreciate this rare and spectacular scene with a sneer on his face!

That's fine, you're looking for your own death, and if you die, you can only blame you for being a bit too reckless! The buddy didn't do anything, let alone hurt anyone, so don't find him!

In the blink of an eye, the group of guys in front had already floated up more than ten meters quickly, and the two guys who rushed to the surface of the sea first even rushed up more than 30 meters!

It's time, the killing is about to begin!

A cruel smile appeared on Ye Tian's face, and then he inserted the special diving knife back into the scabbard.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately began to change direction, preparing to evacuate the seabed as quickly as possible.

In the next time, this place will become an underwater hell, a killing field where hammerhead hammerhead sharks rampage wildly! The waves of blood will surely roll over!

From the depth of 60 to 70 meters, you can quickly float up to 30 meters! If it is not for super physical fitness, or experienced diving professionals, not many people can withstand such a terrifying change in water pressure!

Even if there are some of those idiots who are able to hold their breath and rush to the surface of the sea, it is impossible for all of them to be!

As long as one person can't withstand the change of water pressure and vomits blood in the sea, then the end of all of them will come, and the god of death will tightly strangle everyone's throat and drag them into hell!

Without waiting for the slightest, while turning his body around, Ye Tian has already pushed the speed of the full-wet diving propeller to the highest!

A strong stream of water immediately spurted out from the tail of the submersible thruster, passed against Ye Tian's chest, and sprayed straight back.

In the next instant, Ye Tian, ​​driven by the submersible thruster, rushed forward at high speed, aiming at the bottom of the sea where the previous pirate ship was!

Cole and the others are still waiting there. They must go back there to meet them first, and then float to the surface and return to the joint exploration fleet!

Seeing him start to move, the group of hammerhead sharks and the two huge green turtles around them all followed him, ready to follow him out of here.

Suddenly, the group of big hammerhead sharks stopped! Started to spin around in place quickly, one by one became very excited!

Their eyes are also changing, instantly becoming very bloodthirsty and cold!

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian still didn't understand!

There is no doubt that among those guys who floated up quickly, some people must have been unable to withstand the drastic change in water pressure and vomited blood in the sea water!

Hammerhead sharks, like other sharks, are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood. Even a small drop of blood cannot escape their extremely keen perception!

"Get ready for the cruelest and bloodiest slaughter! A bunch of damn fools! The gates of hell have been opened for you!"

Ye Tian sneered and said to himself, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

At the same time, he also began to swing his legs vigorously, in order to increase his swimming speed, and leave this seabed and this killing field as soon as possible!

In a blink of an eye, he swam quickly over the shark group and rushed straight into the distance.

Behind him, a group of great hammerhead sharks quickly identified the source of the bloody smell, which was in the water about thirty meters above their heads.

The group of hammerhead sharks who were insanely stimulated by the smell of blood immediately abandoned Ye Tian, ​​one by one, staring at the blood-red eyes and opening their bloody mouths, they charged straight up!

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