Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1096: A Sea of ​​Blood

The sea is still calm!

The exploration fleet and those ships in the rear are far away from each other, with a distance of several hundred meters between them! Everything is the same as before, nothing has changed!

On the Leshun super yacht, many security personnel of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company are on high alert, watching the ships parked hundreds of meters behind, ready to respond at any time!

Matisse and the others stood on the swimming platform at the stern of the yacht, closely watching the situation on the sea surface and the bottom of the sea.

In the boat garage behind them, there are several sets of deep diving equipment. All the equipment has been adjusted, and they can go deep diving to support Ye Tian and the others in the deep sea!

Of course, there are also some essential underwater weapons in the boat garage!

Time passed by little by little, and the atmosphere in the air became more and more tense!

Suddenly, there was a burst of excitement in the earphones.

"Guys, according to the positioning information sent back from the bottom of the sea, Steven is returning from the bottom of the sea 300 meters away at high speed, swimming towards where Cole and the others are!

It can be seen that Steven did not encounter any danger, and neither did Cole and the others. It will not take long for them to meet up and return to the yacht soon! "

The one who reported the situation to everyone was an employee of the Fearless Exploration Company. This kid was staying in the cabin of the yacht, staring at the monitoring equipment arranged in the cabin!

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of cheers on the yacht!

"Great! As expected of Steven, the ocean is his world!"

Many people on the ships hundreds of meters behind the fleet were also closely watching the situation on the sea, with nervous expressions and worried eyes.

"I don't know if Sanchez and the others have found Steven's bastard? It would be great if they found it! It's best to take down that bastard, then the treasure of Lima belongs to us!"

"Where did the group of sharks that appeared on the sea ahead go? They won't go to the bottom of the sea, right? I hope this doesn't happen, it's too dangerous!"

Many people on those ships were discussing, some were full of expectations, some were worried!

While they were talking, there was a sudden exclamation in people's ears, with a bit of fear in their tone.

"Everyone, look ahead,

Something seems to have happened in the sea! "

With these shouts, everyone looked towards the sea ahead.

Not far in front of the sea, which was originally calm and waveless, suddenly seemed to be boiling, with waves churning, water splashing, and from time to time, various fish jumped out of the sea in panic. The scene was very lively!

Looking at the sea a little further away, it is still calm and there is no change!

Obviously, there must be something happening under the surface of the sea, and it's not a trivial matter.

However, none of the people staying on these ships knew what happened there, so they could only guess wildly with their imagination, guessing everything!

"Sharks, there are sharks, and a lot of sharks!"

The exclamation sounded crazily again, covering every ship in this sea area.

At the same time, everyone saw such a terrifying scene!

Tall, sickle-shaped shark dorsal fins emerged from the sea in front of them, cleaving the waves in the sea, appearing and disappearing, and moving at high speed!

Seeing this unique shark dorsal fin, people who know a little bit about sharks immediately understand that it is one of the top killers in the ocean, the dorsal fin of the hammerhead shark, and there is no semicolon!

There is no doubt that swimming in the sea ahead is none other than the top killer hammerhead shark in the ocean! And it's a group of big hammerhead sharks!

Thinking of this, many people couldn't help but their legs became weak, and they couldn't stand upright. They almost knelt on the deck. Everyone's eyes were full of fear!

What is happening under the sea, people don't dare to think about it, and they don't have the courage to face it!

But since the matter has already happened, they have no choice but to face it!

Almost at the same time as the dorsal fin of the sickle-shaped shark appeared, people also discovered that the clear blue water was turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye!

What stained that sea red? Do you still need to ask? It must be blood, and a lot of blood!

Everyone staying on these boats was completely shocked by the scene in front of them. Everyone had a dumbfounded expression, trembling all over, and the fear was to the extreme!

Some guys even slumped down on the deck, already frightened to the point of collapse!

"Oh my god! Where did all these hammerhead sharks come from? It's scary! What are these vicious bloodthirsty creatures attacking?"

Many people have such doubts in their minds, and most of them have already guessed the answer, but no one wants to admit it!

Some guys are even fantasizing that things might not be as they imagined, which is great!

However, reality soon ruthlessly shattered their illusions.

The sea ahead suddenly broke open, and a guy wearing a black diving suit, holding a diving thruster, and soaked in blood suddenly jumped out of the sea and appeared in front of everyone!

As soon as he jumped out of the sea, this guy hissed and roared, his voice was full of despair and fear, like a cuckoo crying blood!

"Help me, save me! Sharks, there are sharks in the sea, they are attacking everyone crazily, the cause of all this is..."

While calling for help loudly, this guy's mouth, nostrils, and eyes were all spraying blood, looking horrible!

Just as he was about to continue speaking, angrily accusing the culprit of all this, a bloody mouth suddenly appeared behind him, biting towards his waist swiftly and fiercely!

In the next moment, the people on the nearby ships heard an extremely terrifying and extremely scary voice!


The buddy who just jumped out of the sea was instantly bitten in the waist by a giant hammerhead shark, directly biting it into two ends, the scene was extremely bloody!

Immediately afterwards, the broken buddy fell into the sea, and his unfinished accusation was completely swallowed up by the bright red sea water!


All the ships moored in this sea area heard an exclamation of extreme fear, and the people were completely frightened crazy by the extremely bloody scene in front of them!

In the United Exploration Fleet a few hundred meters away, many people holding binoculars to observe the situation here were also so frightened by this scene that they broke into a cold sweat and were terrified!

On the Leshun super yacht, Matisse held up the binoculars to observe the situation here, and said quickly through the headset:

"Guys, be vigilant, those guys in the distance are being attacked by a group of big hammerhead sharks, it can be seen that many of them died!

Under such circumstances, those guys may lose their minds and attack us. Everyone must be on guard at all times and be ready to fight back at any time! "

"Understood, Mattis!"

There was a booming response from the earphones, and every voice was full of fighting spirit.

At the bottom of the sea more than 20 meters away from the super yacht, Ye Tian has already swam from a distance at high speed, and returned to the bottom of the sea where the pirate ship is.

The first thing he did when he came back here was to turn on the X-ray and quickly see through the seabed on both sides of the pirate ship to see if there were any treasures that he missed!

Unfortunately, what he saw was the same as what he saw on the pirate ship before!

Except for some gem-quality corals, there is nothing of value in this seabed, so it is not worth wasting time here!

After confirming this, he immediately retracted his gaze and ended the perspective!

After doing this, he said through the wireless earphones in the full-face mask diving goggles:

"Guys, we can get out, everything is done, the gang who are hiding in the dark and sneaking on us are gone!

Let me emphasize again, what happened on the bottom of the sea, let it stay on the bottom of the sea forever, no one should tell it, it's good for everyone, understand? "

"Of course, Steven, we know what to do!"

Cole's voice came from the headset, and the other two guys responded.

After the words fell, the three of them swam out of the pirate ship and swam towards Ye Tian!

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