Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1119 Life-killing rattan

Everyone gradually calmed down. Regardless of whether there was resistance in their hearts, everyone could only accept the reality, and all looked at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for him to point out a new direction of exploration.

After finishing the arrangement and pausing for a while, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the direction of our next exploration will be changed. We will no longer follow the route indicated by the Gisler treasure map, and explore to the southeast.

The treasure burial site located in the southeast of Mount Jimenez is well known. There is nothing there. History has already proved this point. The unlucky Gisler is a lesson from the past!

I will lead you over Mount Jimenez and explore the Cape of Discovery. I can tell you very clearly that the treasure of Lima is buried in a place on the way, which is very hidden!

Before long, you will see the famous treasure of Lima, see the life-size golden icon, and countless dazzling gold and silver treasures! At that moment, the whole world will be shocked! "

Before the words fell, the scene was already fried.

Except for the many armed security personnel in charge of vigilance, almost everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team exclaimed wildly!

"My God! The Lima treasure is actually in the direction of the discovery corner. I'm afraid no one has ever thought of it. No wonder no one has found this pirate treasure in the past two hundred years!"

"Wow! That's great! This guy Steven finally told the general direction of Lima's treasure. It's really not easy. Trying to get some information out of this guy's mouth is almost as difficult as reaching heaven! "

While all exclaimed, many people in the joint exploration team were already beaming with joy, almost flying with excitement, their eyes shining brightly.

At this moment, they seem to have seen the dazzling gold and silver treasures of Lima Treasure, and the various gemstones that radiate charming light! And other priceless treasures!

This scene is simply beautiful to the extreme, it is fascinating, and it also makes people dizzy with happiness!

"Steven, what are you waiting for? Let's set off, I really want to see Lima's treasure immediately, and I don't want to wait for a second!"

"That's right, Steven, let's go, I believe everyone here can't wait!"

Everyone said aloud, everyone was very excited and eager.

Among them, several historians, including Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado, were the loudest and most excited.

One by one wished they could grow wings and fly directly to the burial site of Lima's treasure.

However, everyone did not get the answer they wanted, and they had to continue to suffer for a while.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone in the joint exploration team, then smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, don't be impatient. Before setting off, I want to emphasize some things. This is related to the success or failure of this joint exploration operation, and it is also related to everyone's safety. I have to say.

The route we will walk and the tropical rainforest we will pass through have almost never been explored. Before coming to Cocos Island, I checked some information and found no relevant written records.

That is to say, we will have nowhere to go in the next exploration. We must open roads across the mountains, build bridges when encountering waters, and overcome all the difficulties we encounter until we find the treasure of Lima!

The tropical rainforest behind must be more primitive. No one knows whether the road is easy to walk. According to my estimation, the possibility of easy walking is not high, otherwise it would not be inaccessible for hundreds of years!

The road is the first problem we face, in addition to this, there is another problem, no one knows what kind of creatures are in the rainforest behind, whether there is a deadly danger!

In the next exploration operation, everyone must be more vigilant and careful to prevent accidents. I don't want to see anyone injured in this rainforest, and I believe everyone is the same! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but fell silent, and almost everyone showed a dignified expression on their faces!

After a short pause, Professor Delgado said loudly:

"Steven, it's up to you to decide what everyone should do next. I believe you have a way. Not only can you lead everyone to find Lima's treasure, but it can also ensure everyone's safety!"

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to Professor Delgado, and then said loudly:

"Of course! This joint exploration operation was initiated by our brave and fearless exploration operation, so we have the responsibility to ensure everyone's safety, and we also have this confidence!"

Regarding these words, no one doubted them, and everyone's safe arrival here is the best proof.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian began to make arrangements.

"Charlie, you are still serving as outposts, open the way in front of the joint exploration team, and investigate the situation ahead. If you find any danger or abnormality, notify everyone immediately, start to act, and pay attention to safety!"

"Okay, Steven, don't worry, we will definitely find a relatively safe way for everyone to pass safely!"

Charlie nodded confidently, and another armed security officer responded in the affirmative.

Afterwards, Ye Tian pointed out the direction and let Charlie and the others start exploring from there.

Charlie, who was fully armed, nodded immediately, walked forward with another security guard, and began to climb Mount Jimenez.

Immediately afterwards, the members of the Joint Exploration Team also started to move into the more primitive tropical rainforest ahead one after another. Everyone in the team was full of energy and full of expectations!

In a blink of an eye, everyone's figures disappeared, completely submerged in the dark tropical rainforest.

At the same time, on the first hill that the joint exploration team passed before, the seven or eight sneaky figures just now had already groped their way to the mountainside.

Unknowingly, these guys have stepped into the vicious trap set by Ye Tian himself, and also entered the eternal hell!


A guy in front accidentally stepped on a dead branch on the ground, making a crisp sound, which seemed very abrupt in the quiet depths of the rainforest!

Hearing the sound, the faces of these guys changed immediately, and their eyelids twitched accordingly, like a few frightened birds!

Before they could make a follow-up reaction, or even scream, the situation had changed suddenly.


Suddenly there was a whistling sound from the side, which was extremely sharp!

It was the sound made by some kind of object cutting through the air at high speed. It was not difficult to distinguish, and these guys could also hear it!

Accompanied by a sharp whistling sound, four vines with a diameter of about ten centimeters suddenly popped out from the nearby jungle at high speed, and lashed straight at these guys!

Each of these vines is about four or five meters long, and when stretched out, it is enough to sweep across the entire path, almost any dead angle on the horizontal plane!

Moreover, the texture of these canes is extremely hard, and when they are pulled out after being fully charged, they are like four steel whips, and their lethality is quite astonishing!

If you are hit by this kind of rattan, it is inevitable that the tendons will be broken and fractured. Even if you wear body armor or avoid vital parts, they will cause a lot of damage to the attacked!

But that is an ordinary rattan, although the lethality is strong, it is within the tolerable range, except for a little pain, it should not cost you your life!

The four rattans drawn at high speed in front of him are different. They are the rattans processed by Ye Tian himself. They are four lethal killing weapons, just like the scythe of death!

On each of these four vines, there are more than a dozen extremely sharp wooden thorns! The top of each wooden thorn is black, exuding the breath of death!

"Be careful!"

Suddenly there was a shout in the rainforest, coming from those sneaky figures.

At the same time as they heard the sharp whistling sound, they also saw the four vines coming at high speed, and immediately shouted in horror, trying to dodge!

However, it's too late!

Almost in an instant, these four life-threatening vines, like life-threatening vines from hell, had already lashed at them fiercely, and began to reap life frantically!


The sound of the cane being drawn on the human body is extremely loud, and it hurts when you hear it, and it is very frightening!


The shrill screams rang out crazily and spread throughout the rainforest.

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