Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1120 Don't worry, die

"I'm going! What happened in front? Those Colombians seem to have been attacked. This sound is really scary!"

Cook asked in a low voice, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Cook and a dozen of his men had just climbed over the first mountain, and were exploring along the road traveled by the joint exploration team! Careful one by one! Be very cautious!

The guys who broke into the trap set by Ye Tian and were about to fall into hell were the Colombians that Cook and the others were talking about!

When they found the right treasure hunt, they met the Colombians and knew they existed!

Of course, those Colombians also know why Cook and the others are here!

Everyone has the same purpose, they are all here for the treasure of Lima, and they are going to follow the tripartite joint exploration team and wait for the opportunity to snatch the treasure of Lima. There is no good person at all!

Before the Treasure of Lima appears, everyone can live in peace and harmony, there is no need to fight to the death, it will only let others take advantage of it!

When the Treasure of Lima reappears in the world, everyone will have to rely on their own abilities. Only the winner who laughs at the end can return home with a full load and leave this isolated overseas island with the Treasure of Lima!

After meeting with this group of Colombians, Cook made a wise choice, let those Colombians go ahead, and he led his men to follow.

In this way, if there is any danger or ambush ahead, those Colombians will be the first to bear the brunt, not my own group!

The distance between Cook and the Colombians has always been kept at 30 to 50 meters. Because of this, they can clearly hear the screams from the rainforest.

"It shouldn't be an ambush, I didn't hear the gunfire! Those Colombians may have broken into the trap set by Steven's bastards, or they were attacked by some kind of rainforest creature!"

A bodyguard said in a low voice, the analysis was fairly accurate.

"Let's go! Let's go and see what happened. Everyone must be more careful, that bastard Steven is too insidious and ruthless! He can do anything!"

Cook whispered to a dozen of his subordinates with a serious expression.

"Okay! Boss!"

Several bodyguards nodded in response,

Then he stepped out and cleared the way ahead.

Cook and the rest of the guys followed, tiptoeing and cautiously moved forward together.


The extremely shrill screams still kept coming, and it was creepy to listen to!

In the rainforest ahead, the guys who were drawn by the four vines were all thrown into the air, flew straight back or to the side, and smashed into other companions or other places.

Under the forceful blows of those canes, the jackets on their bodies did not have any blocking effect, and were directly smashed to pieces. The parts of their bodies that were pumped quickly swelled up, and blood gushed out!

The two guys who walked ahead to open the way were the most unlucky. Not only did they suffer heavy blows to their bodies, but their faces were also not spared!

Both of their faces were torn apart by rattan like steel whips, and one of the eyeballs even burst open, dripping with blood, it was too horrible to look at!

To put it bluntly, these are skin traumas, although they look very tragic, they are not fatal!

What really killed these Colombians were the extremely poisonous and extremely sharp wooden thorns on the rattan!

These Colombians are not wearing Kevlar body armor or stab-proof clothing, so there is no defense at all!

The moment the rattan came into contact with the body, those sharp wooden thorns smeared with poison pierced deeply into their bodies like a broken bamboo!

The poison of the sapphire poison dart frog invaded their bodies immediately, began to flow rapidly with the blood, and quickly spread to the whole body, crazily eroding the bodies of these guys and devouring their lives!

The few Colombians flying in the air dripping with blood, before their bodies hit the ground, bruises appeared on their faces, which was a sign of severe poison in their bodies!


The screams in their mouths never stopped, like a cuckoo crying blood, extremely shrill!

Under the first wave of attacks, five Colombians were hit, and they were all sent flying by the four powerful and extremely hard canes.

The other three Colombians who were a few steps behind were relatively lucky and had the good fortune to escape the first wave of attacks!

In the face of a sudden attack, their reaction can be described as very fast!

The comrades in front were hit by four ferocious vines, and the moment they flew into the air, the three guys immediately rushed to the ground like lightning, trying to avoid the life-threatening vines that swept over them!

They did successfully avoid the sweeping vines, but who would have thought that there were even more vicious traps on the ground, waiting for them to fall into their own traps!


Amidst the shrill screams, all three of these guys were hit, and none of them survived!

Taking advantage of their tendency to dive rapidly and their own weight, those sharp wooden thorns hidden under the fallen leaves and coated with poison, pierced directly into their bodies without any hindrance at all!

In an instant, these three guys were nailed to the ground by those vicious wooden thorns, their hands, chest, abdomen, thighs and many other places were stabbed! Even the face!

It was dripping with blood again, and there was another scream of pain!

Compared with their companions flying in the air, the three Colombians who had escaped before were even more unlucky and in a more miserable situation at this time!

But regardless of the sequence, the fate of these Colombians is the same, all that awaits them is death! Become the fertilizer that nourishes this tropical rainforest!

"Bang bang...!"

There were several muffled noises one after another, and those flying in the air finally landed, hitting the ground heavily one by one.

At this time, the poison of the sapphire poison dart frog has spread rapidly, gradually eroding their minds and devouring their souls!

Coupled with the heavy blows suffered on the body, the combination of the two made them even more miserable!

After landing, these guys have no chance to stand up again!

All of them held their heads with their hands, rolled wildly on the ground, screamed, and waited for death to come. For them, that might be a relief!

In the blink of an eye, this originally quiet and dark tropical rainforest has become a hell on earth!

Scarlet blood was scattered all over the place, and there were extremely shrill screams everywhere. Even the air was filled with the smell of death. The scene was so tragic that it was impossible to look directly at it!

When Cook and the others rushed here, what they saw was such a scene, which made each of them feel terrified and filled with fear!

Seeing Cook and the others, the several Colombians who were dying on the brink of death immediately began to ask them for help, even if the hope was very slim!

Life is so good, no one wants to die, and these Colombians are no exception!

"Help me! Please! Anything you want, as long as I have it!"

"For God's sake, save us!"

Listening to these desperate prayers and seeing the miserable conditions of those Colombians, Cook and the others couldn't help shivering, with cold sweat dripping down their backs!

"Boss, look at the state of these Colombians. All of them have darkened faces, exposed veins, bleeding from the seven orifices, and even the blood is almost turning black. It is obviously a symptom of severe poison in the body!

There is no doubt that these Colombians have all been poisoned, and it is the kind of deadly poison that can kill you if you touch it. We must not get close to it, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond, then we will be in big trouble!

This should be a deadly trap carefully arranged by someone. Those vines and wooden thorns hidden under the fallen leaves are the weapons used to launch the attack. As for the poison used, I don't know! "

One of Cook's bodyguards quickly explained, "It sounds pretty good, and the analysis is basically correct!"

While explaining, this guy's expression has become very dignified, and his eyes are full of fear and fear.

The same goes for the rest of them, including that guy Cook, their eyes are full of fear, and they can't hide it at all!

The scene in front of me is too tragic, the guy who set up the trap is too ruthless! Definitely a devil who regards human life like nothing!

Facing such a scene, facing such an opponent, who doesn't feel fear?

"There is no doubt! This is definitely a trap set by that bastard Steven, and only that damn New York bastard can do such a crazy thing and be so ruthless! Killing people is like slaughtering chickens!"

Cook gritted his teeth and said, his voice was a little trembling.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the dying Colombians, shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I'm very sorry, guys! We're not doctors, so we can't help you. I think you can also feel that the poison you've been poisoned is too severe, and there's nothing anyone can do about it!

Don't talk about us, even if God comes down, he can't save you! Die at ease, guys, we will avenge you and kill Steven that damn devil! "

Hearing these words, the eyes of several Colombians were suddenly ashamed, and they were completely desperate!

These Colombians knew very well that their lives were coming to an end, dying in this dark and humid tropical rainforest was worthless!

"Fuck U! You fucking Yankees, I'm waiting for you in hell! I'm pretty sure I'll see you bastards in hell before long!"

Before dying, a Colombian gritted his molars and cursed viciously, his words were full of anger and unwillingness!

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