Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1121: Catching Vine

As Ye Tian expected, the tropical rainforest leading to the discovery corner of Cocos Island is more primitive, the vegetation is denser, and the road conditions are more complicated!

There are also some tropical rainforest creatures that have never been seen before, appearing in everyone's field of vision and in front of countless viewers on the live broadcast!

There are both animals and plants, beautiful, ordinary, or even ugly, but each creature has extremely strong vitality, and it is growing vigorously in this tropical rainforest! Unrestrained!

Every time a new creature is discovered, everyone's eyes will be brightened, and they will be very happy!

Especially the biological experts who were in the joint exploration team or in the live broadcast rooms of several TV stations were even more excited and yelled like crazy!

Walking in the depths of this rainforest, everyone in the joint exploration team was very cautious, lest something unexpected happen, and before they knew it, everyone's speed also slowed down a lot.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the altitude of the joint exploration team had climbed from the previous 300 meters to nearly 400 meters, and the peak of Mount Jimenez was within easy reach!

When you climb to the top of Mount Jimenez, you will be able to see Cape Discovery on the east coast of Cocos Island, as well as the vast and far-reaching Pacific Ocean!

The real burial place of Lima's treasure is in that direction. It won't be long before this world-famous pirate's treasure will reappear in the world and shock the whole world!

Ye Tian looked up at the top of Mount Jimenez, then looked away, and continued to walk forward, trekking in this dark tropical rainforest!

At this moment, Charlie's voice suddenly came from the earphones, sounding a little nervous.

"Steven, let everyone be more vigilant, we found a lot of trapping vines, distributed near the peak, in a wide range, growing quite vigorously, it can be said to be everywhere!

Some people-catching vines seem to be hundreds of years old. The branches are thick and spread for tens of meters. They hang between the trees, making it difficult for people to pass through them, which is very dangerous! "

Hearing a large area of ​​trapping vines appeared in front of him, Ye Tian's expression suddenly changed, becoming very dignified, even a little ugly!

"Fack! How can there be such a horrible thing as a man-catching vine here? And it is distributed in a large area. This is probably the reason why this tropical rainforest is so inaccessible!

I will remind everyone to pay attention, Charlie, and you have to be more careful yourself, don't be entangled in the vine as prey,

If you encounter any unexpected situation, please notify us immediately! "

"Understood, Steven, just don't worry, we will never become food for the trapping vines, and become nutrients for their growth!"

Charlie's voice came from the headset again, full of confidence.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian stopped immediately, and turned around quickly, ready to notify everyone in the joint exploration team, so that everyone should be vigilant and beware of the attack of the man-catching vine!

As soon as he turned around, he saw at a glance that the boy Logan suddenly raised his right foot and kicked a piece of old vine protruding from the bushes by the roadside!

The protruding part of the old vine is about ten centimeters long, clinging to the ground like a dead branch, mixed with other fallen leaves and dead branches, it looks very inconspicuous, and there is no danger!

When passing there before, Ye Tian didn't notice the old vine, and neither did Matis and the others!

Seeing this scene at this time, Ye Tian's face changed drastically, and he shouted directly:

"Logan, don't kick that old vine, it's a trapping vine, it's very dangerous!"

While shouting, he rushed towards Logan at high speed like a fired shell, holding a sharp jungle machete in his hand.

Although Logan heard the warning, it was too late!

Just as the warning sound reached his ears, his right foot had already kicked the old vine with considerable strength.

Looking at the vine that looked like a dead branch, it was not kicked away by Logan. It was like a poisonous snake that had been sleeping for a long time, and it came back to life in an instant, and quickly entered the state of predation.

Logan's right foot had just hit the target, and before he could take it back, the trapping vine launched a counterattack, rolling directly towards Logan's ankle, very fast, like lightning!

As the predation action unfolded, the part of this man-hunting vine hidden in the bushes quickly stretched out! It looks stronger and stronger!

In addition, two old vines appeared a little farther on the right side of the team, and rushed towards this side while sticking to the ground, and went straight to Logan, who looked stunned and terrified.

Don't even think about it, these three old vines are all derived from the same man-catching vine, and they are located in different positions next to each other! According to each side!

When preying, no matter which one of the old vines finds the prey, the other two will come to support immediately, and together they will take down the target prey, and then have a delicious meal!

And this is only what I can see, God knows how many branches are in the invisible bushes and under the fallen leaves, maybe they are also rushing here, and they are going straight to the unlucky Logan!

"My God! Catcher Vine!"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, from other members of the joint exploration team.

While exclaiming endlessly, everyone immediately stopped in their tracks, and panic appeared on everyone's face!

Under the fear, some people couldn't even move their legs and began to tremble!

Countless live broadcasts are another scene, and the pot is blown up in an instant!

"Oh my God! Cocos Island actually has the legendary trapping vine, and it was encountered by a tripartite joint exploration team. They are too unlucky. Could it be that Steven's luck has run out?"

"Wow! I hope that guy is safe and sound, it's creepy to think about being attacked by a man-vine!"

Different from other people's reactions, upon hearing Ye Tian's loud warning, the armed security personnel in charge of security immediately looked around vigilantly, each holding a jungle machete, ready to respond at any time!

Among them, Matisse and Peake followed Ye Tian closely, each carrying a jungle machete, and rushed towards Logan at high speed! Very quick response!

"Fack! This thing is wrapped around my ankle! Damn it!"

Logan exclaimed loudly, his face full of fear.

At this time, the old vine that he just kicked had already been wrapped around his ankle, and quickly spread to his calf!

Once the trapping vine tightly wrapped around his calf, the next step would be to pull him into the bushes, and then there would be a gluttonous feast!

Although he was very frightened, Logan's mind was still relatively clear, and he did not lose his mind or run away in a hurry due to fright! Stand firmly on the ground with both feet, resisting!

The boy's reaction was very quick, and he pulled out the jungle machete he was carrying with him in a blink of an eye, and slashed at the ground fiercely, straight for the creepy old vine that was sliding fast on the ground!

At the same time he was swinging his knife towards the ground, Ye Tian had already rushed there at high speed. Taking advantage of the tendency of rushing forward, he swung his knife directly towards the trapping vine on the ground. The force was like a wind and thunder, unstoppable!

Following closely behind, Matisse and Pique rushed to the other two old vines rushing towards this side respectively. The cooperation between the three was very tacit, and they also trusted each other very much!


With two crisp sounds in succession, the jungle machetes in the hands of Logan and Ye Tian hit the targets one after another, impartially!

Under the attack of the sharp jungle machete, the fast-sliding man-catching vine on the ground was instantly chopped into three sections without any hindrance!

The three separate sections of the catching vine, one still wrapped around Logan's ankle, are quickly climbing towards the calf! The other section is wriggling on the ground, which looks quite weird!

The last section of the catching vine stopped, and then quickly shrank back into the bushes, like a repelled poisonous snake, it was frightening to watch!

After the successful attack, Ye Tian quickly stood up straight like a spring, holding a jungle machete, staring vigilantly at the bush on the right side of the team, ready to respond at any time!

That boy Logan was still swinging his knife, chopping up the trapping vine on the ground in a vengeful manner, cursing non-stop!

"Go to hell! You damn thing, you want to prey on me, and there is no way! I will tear you into pieces!"

At this moment, Logan was so scared that he almost peed his pants, his eyes were full of fear.

If he was swept away by these arresting vines, what kind of result would he face? Logan knew very well in his heart that there would be absolutely no bones left!

Thinking of that kind of result, Logan's legs began to tremble non-stop, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he was terrified!

At the same time, the jungle machete in his hand swung faster and more powerfully. He wished he could chop the trapping vine on the ground into pieces!

After allowing the kid to vent for a while, Ye Tian finally said:

"It's almost done, Logan! Retreat to the middle of the line, and then carefully remove the vine on the ankle. Fortunately, your kid is wearing special combat boots, otherwise you will suffer!"

Hearing this, Logan chopped two more viciously, and then stopped.

"Okay, Steven, thank you, this thing is really scary, it scares the buddy to death! It's a close call!"

Logan said fearfully, looking at Ye Tian with gratitude in his eyes.

"You're welcome, I promised before that I will ensure your safety, let you enjoy a perfect trip to explore the pirate treasure, and then leave Cocos Island with all your tail!

Now that I have promised, then I will do it, ensure your kid's safety, and take you back, otherwise, Betty can't spare me, I don't want to see Betty sad! "

Ye Tian said jokingly, his expression relaxed a lot.

On the other side, Matisse and Peake had already completed their attacks, and each swung their knives to cut off the other two branches of the trapping vine!

Catcher vines rely on their keen sense of touch to prey. Once they are cut off, they will lose contact with the target, and the attack will naturally stop!

After losing the attack target, the three man-catching vines immediately retracted and disappeared into the dense rainforest again, as if they had never appeared before!

Matisse and Pique, who finished the sniping, slowly retreated with jungle machetes in hand, still maintaining a high state of alert!

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