Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1124 Where is the Treasure

The joint exploration team finally climbed to the top of Mount Jimenez without any risk. At the moment of reaching the top, everyone couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and the tension was somewhat relieved.

After standing still on the peak, everyone looked towards the east in unison.

That is the direction where the discovery corner of Cocos Island is located, and the real burial place of Lima's treasure that Ye Tian said is in that direction.

Looking through the gaps in the rainforest, you can only see the vast forest sea and the rippling blue waves in the distance, the vast and far-reaching Pacific Ocean, and you can't see the shadow of the Discovery Horn at all, let alone the burial site of Lima's treasure!

But everyone's eyes are extremely burning, full of hope and expectation, and everyone's face is filled with bright smiles!

"Steven, where is Lima's treasure buried? Can you tell everyone now? You guys don't want to keep it a secret, do you?"

Professor Douglas came over and asked in a low voice expectantly.

"Hahaha, Professor Douglas, you know me better, that's right, it's not time to reveal the mystery, and the real burial location of Lima's treasure needs to be kept secret for the time being!

Don't be impatient, I believe that it won't be long before you can see the famous treasures of Lima and those dazzling gold and silver treasures. I am very sure about this!

What I can tell you is that the treasure of Lima is buried somewhere ahead, where it has been sleeping for a long time of one or two hundred years, waiting for us to discover it! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, then raised his finger and pointed forward.

"Hey! I knew this was the result, so it's unnecessary to ask! Your mouth is so strict, you don't leak a word!"

Professor Douglas sighed and said angrily.

"Let's not talk about this, Professor Douglas, let's continue on our way. To be honest, I'm always a little uneasy staying here, and I always feel a creepy feeling!

Next, we should go down the mountain. There are still many trapping vines on the way down the mountain, which are also dangerous. It is not at all easier than going up the mountain. It is better for us to leave here early! "

Ye Tian changed the topic and pointed in the direction of going down the mountain.

"You're right, let's leave this ghostly place quickly, looking at those terrifying man-catching vines, I feel terrified!"

Professor Douglas nodded and said,

Still with a terrified expression on his face.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stepped forward and led the team down Mount Jimenez.

Seeing him start to move, the rest of the joint exploration team followed suit. Everyone immediately collected their emotions and followed quickly!

The following has been downhill, and the altitude of everyone is constantly decreasing. At the same time, the number of people-catching vines around is also constantly decreasing.

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and the joint exploration team had reached the halfway up the mountain at an altitude of more than 200 meters.

At this time, looking at the jungle around you, you can hardly see those frightening trapping vines. There are only one or two in the field of vision, and the distance is relatively far away, so there is no threat.

Seeing this situation, everyone raised the heart in their throats and finally put it back in their stomachs, and their tense nerves relaxed.

"Charlie, how's the situation ahead? Is there still a trapping vine?"

As Ye Tian walked forward, he asked about the situation ahead through the earphone.

"No more, Steven, there is no such damn thing in front of us, we should get out of the range of the man-catching vine!"

Charlie's voice came from the earphones, revealing a taste of joy.

"It's great! I finally got rid of that horrible thing. It's worth celebrating! What's even better is that no one in the entire joint exploration team was harmed! It's absolutely a miracle!"

Ye Tian pretended to cheer, with a bright smile on his face.

Of course, it wasn't all acting, he was really happy, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief!

After cheering, he said through the headset:

"Charlie, we are getting closer and closer to Lima's treasure. You must not let down your vigilance. You must maintain a high level of alert. Who knows what terrifying things will be encountered in the future! You have to guard against it!"

"Understood, Steven, we will be more careful!"

Charlie responded confidently, and ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, turned to face everyone in the joint exploration team, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you the good news. We have successfully walked out of the area where the vines were distributed. No one was injured. Except for Logan, no one else was attacked,..."

Before the words were finished, there were already excited cheers at the scene.

"God bless! It's a miracle that I walked out of this trapping vine rainforest alive. My nerves are about to snap! There is no doubt that this is awesome enough for me to brag about for a lifetime!"

"I can't believe that we are unscathed! Steven, thank you for bringing everyone out of that damned rainforest safely, you are the real god of the rainforest, you are awesome!"

While cheering, many people in the joint exploration team expressed their gratitude to Ye Tian. Everyone looked at him, not only full of gratitude, but also somewhat shocked!

How on earth did this guy Steven do it? It's simply amazing. Could it be that he is really the god of the rainforest, omnipotent in this tropical rainforest, like walking on the ground?

The same question lingered in the minds of countless viewers on the live broadcast, and even those enemies who hated Ye Tian's immortality.

Steven and everyone in the joint exploration team passed through this hell unscathed. No matter how you look at it, this is a miracle!

And this is an incomparably real miracle that happened before everyone's eyes, without any doubts! It is definitely not those illusory legends, this is the most shocking!

Will those who follow them be so lucky to perform this miracle again, and pass through this hell of trapping vines safely? I'm afraid not necessarily!

It is even more likely that those unlucky ones who ventured into this hell will be ruthlessly devoured by the terrifying trapping vines, leaving no bones left, and turning them into nutrients that nourish this tropical rainforest.

Thinking of that terrible scene, many people on the live broadcast end couldn't help but tremble with fear! He even began to mourn in advance for those who were destined to die in advance!

In the depths of the rain forest on the east side of Mount Jimenez, the cheers gradually subsided, and Ye Tianqing's clear voice sounded again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's continue to set off and move along the ridge to the direction of the Discovery Point. The treasure of Lima is waiting for us ahead, and the exciting moment is coming soon.

Although we have already escaped from the distribution range of the trapping vines, we still need to concentrate and not relax our vigilance. No one knows if there are other dangerous rainforest creatures ahead!

As before, in the next exploration operation, I will lead the way, and everyone will follow me, so that I can rest assured and ensure everyone's safety! "

"No problem, Steven, we listen to you and follow you!"

Everyone responded in unison, without any objection!

At this time, everyone in the joint exploration team has great trust in Ye Tian, ​​and they are sure that he can protect everyone! Lead everyone straight to the burial site of Lima's treasure.

Even those guys with ulterior motives in the team chose to trust Ye Tian unconditionally and act together with him!

Of course, they have no other choice.

"Okay! Come with me, everyone, and discover the treasure of Lima together!"

With that said, Ye Tian turned around and walked forward, starting to walk along the ridge towards the discovery corner.

Compared with before, the next section of the road was much easier, and there was no danger, so the speed of the joint exploration team was also accelerated a lot.

Unknowingly, the joint exploration team has trekked deep in the rainforest for nearly 20 minutes.

Suddenly, there was a burst of seagulls chirping in everyone's ears, which came from the sky above our heads, and it was very clear!

Immediately afterwards, another sea breeze with a slightly fishy smell gently blew on everyone's faces!

In addition, there was a faint sound of water, which sounded like the sound of a waterfall falling from a high place and hitting the sea!

It's just that the height difference is too large, and the tropical rainforest absorbs most of the sound, so the sound that reaches everyone's ears is relatively small!

Could it be that the joint exploration team has reached the seaside? Headed to Discovery Point Cliffs? Where is Lima's treasure? Could it be hiding in the sea?

Such questions arose in everyone's minds, and they all looked at Ye Tian in unison.

At this moment, Jason's voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"Hey! Why are there ants here? And are they flying ants?"

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