Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1125 Let's fight with buddies 1

Professor Douglas was about to ask, but Ye Tian raised his hand to stop him.

At this moment, he had turned around, his eyes fixed on a brown-yellow ant resting on Jason's arm, and his expression looked serious.

"Please wait a moment, Professor Douglas, we are very close to the real burial place of the Lima treasure, and I will announce the answer soon!

But before I do that, I have to deal with a problem, and a very deadly one that could endanger us all.

Jason, just stay in this position, it's best not to move, don't disturb the ant on your arm, that's where the trouble lies! "

Ye Tian said in a low voice, and walked towards Jason.

Hearing this, a gleam of joy flashed across the faces of everyone at the scene! Without exception!

It's not easy! This guy Steven is finally going to reveal the answer!

That is to say, the treasure of Lima, which has disappeared for nearly two hundred years, will soon reappear in the world, and it is in the hands of people like myself, which is really exciting!

After the brief surprise, everyone couldn't help being a little stunned!

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their heads to look at Jason, and looked at the brown flying ant on his arm. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and a little bit of fear!

What is the origin of that huge brown-yellow ant with a pair of transparent wings? How could Steven be so cautious, as if he was facing a formidable enemy!

Judging from Steven's current performance, the threat posed by the brown-yellow ant seems to be no less than those terrifying human-catching vines before, or even worse!

The cameras of the three live TV groups also followed, and they pointed at the brown-yellow ant one after another, and each took a close-up shot, presenting it in front of everyone on the live broadcast end.

Jason froze in place, half-raised his arms, not daring to move! His eyes were fixed on Ye Tian, ​​and on the brown-yellow ant on his arm, his eyes were full of fear and doubt.

Although he didn't know the origin of this brown-yellow ant and what kind of abilities it possessed, he knew very well in his heart that it was absolutely not easy for Steven to treat it so seriously!

Perhaps as Steven said, this little brown-yellow guy is very deadly, just like the sapphire poison dart frog I've seen before!


What is the origin of this brown-yellow ant with wings? Is it very dangerous? Are you exaggerating a bit? "

Logan asked curiously, keeping his voice low, lest he disturb the brown ant.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the famous South American army ant, one of the coldest and most ferocious killers in the tropical rainforest, which can sweep and kill all creatures that stand in front of them!"

With that said, Ye Tian had already walked to Jason's side, and began to carefully observe the brown-yellow army ant.

Hearing his words, no matter whether the members of the joint exploration team in the rainforest scene or the people watching the live TV broadcast on the live broadcast end, they were completely blown away!

"Oh my god! It's army ants. I know this kind of creepy ants. They are almost fearless. They dare to challenge and devour any kind of creature! It's like the sickle in the hand of death!"

"I'll go! No wonder that guy Steven is so cautious, this is a marching ant! Anyone who sees it doesn't have weak legs, and he did a good job if he didn't turn around and run away!"

While exclaiming, many people had expressions of fear on their faces.

Especially the members of the joint exploration team who were on the scene stared at the brown-yellow army ant with wide eyes, full of fear and fear! He almost ran away!

"Don't be too nervous, and don't be afraid. This is a male ant with no attack power. It is a pacifist among army ants and a beast among beasts!

There is only one idea in their brains, that is to mate with the queen, and they have been working hard to produce the next generation all their lives, and they have no thoughts or spare time to do other things!

In order to ensure that they have enough energy and strength, the worker ants will support the male ants. During this period, the male ants live a fairy life of wearing clothes, stretching out their hands to eat, and opening their mouths. They don't have to do anything except mate!

However, once the energy is exhausted and they can no longer mate, the male ants become useless things that get in the way and occupy the place. The soldier ants and worker ants will kill them and use them as food to nourish the colony!

This should be a newly born male ant, looking for a new ant colony, and then joining it in order to perform its natural duties, enjoy a sexual life, produce offspring, and finally die! "

Ye Tian raised his head and said jokingly, relieving the tense atmosphere of the scene.


There was a sudden burst of laughter at the rainforest scene, and everyone laughed, overjoyed!

The faces of the beauties in the joint exploration team turned red in an instant. While covering their mouths and laughing coquettishly, they rolled their eyes at Ye Tian and cursed secretly!

"Bah! What a stinking hooligan, too shameless!"

Amidst the laughter, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly relaxed a lot, and everyone was no longer so nervous and fearful!

The same goes for countless live broadcast terminals, which were completely overwhelmed by bursts of laughter.

Of course, there was a lot of swearing mixed in with the laughter, all of which, without exception, came from the female audience.

After the laughter fell, Kevin from NBC immediately came up with the cameraman and said excitedly:

"Steven, let me explain to you about the army ants! Many people have only heard about how terrifying army ants are, but they have never seen this frightening creature, and neither do I.

Now that we have encountered this kind of rainforest killer, of course we can't miss this opportunity. It can be seen that you know a lot about army ants, so it's perfect for you to explain it! "

Ye Tian did not refuse the proposal, he nodded with a smile and said:

"It's better to be respectful than obedient, so let me explain about the army ants, so that everyone can learn more about this terrible rainforest creature, so that if you encounter it in the future, you can also be on guard.

Army ants, also known as legion ants, are mainly distributed in the Amazon rainforest of South America and Africa, and some have also migrated to the tropical rainforests of North America and the Asian continent, with a wide range of distribution!

Perhaps one of the creepiest ants, they are not only plentiful, but once they choose a direction, they strike straight, sweeping and killing anything that gets in their way!

They are also highly social and hierarchical creatures, with a clear division of labor within the group and each performing their own duties. They hug each other when they rest at night, forming an amazing ant ball!

Army ants do not build nests, they are on the move almost all the time, compared to ants with fixed nests, army ants are nomads who are good at traveling,..."

Facing the camera lens, Ye Tian talked eloquently, introducing this terrifying ant to people.

Following his explanation, the members of the joint exploration team present at the scene, as well as the countless viewers on the live broadcast, have a deeper understanding of the army ants!

At the same time, the horrific lethality of this top killer in the tropical rainforest also makes everyone feel creepy and terrified!

"An ant ball made up of tens of millions, or even tens of millions of army ants, is definitely the most magnificent spectacle of life that a group of creatures can create. It is impossible for anyone to see it and remain indifferent!

But this is also the most frightening and terrifying scene. Anyone who sees such an ant ball should flee without hesitation. The farther the better, that is the most correct way to deal with it! "

Ye Tianyu warned earnestly, ending this popular science explanation.

"Wow! This thing is really scary!"

"An ant ball made up of tens of millions of army ants is terrifying to think about! Not to mention meeting those guys and fighting with them, that's a boring job, only a fool can do that kind of thing!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the rainforest, and everyone in the joint exploration team was frightened by Ye Tian's words.

The same is true in front of countless live broadcast terminals, everyone has a creepy feeling.

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice sounded again, reaching everyone's ears.

"There are male ants here, so obviously, somewhere in this rainforest, there must be a group of army ants, or even several groups or more.

For the sake of safety, I plan to find these army ants first, determine their location, and then go to explore Lima's treasure, which is safer!

I don't want to encounter that kind of situation. When I was exploring Lima's treasure, I rashly stood in the way of marching ants and became their target! "

"That's right, Steven, it is indeed necessary to determine the location of these army ants, otherwise no one can feel at ease, these guys are too dangerous!"

Professor Delgado echoed, and the others nodded frequently, without any disagreement.

"Next, I will explore the location of these army ants alone, everyone can stay here and enjoy the scenery, Matisse and the others will protect everyone's safety!

I believe it won't be long before I return here. At that time, let's explore the treasures of Lima together and complete the mission of this joint exploration operation! "

Ye Tian said with pride, with excitement in his tone.

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us here, we will be able to protect everyone and ensure everyone's safety!"

Mathis replied in a deep voice, and did not ask to explore with Ye Tian.

He has great trust in Ye Tian's ability, and following him will not only be of no help, it may even become a burden!

The same goes for everyone else at the scene, they all chose to trust Ye Tian unconditionally.

Because he is the god of the rainforest! The series of things that happened before is the best proof!

After a little tidying up his equipment, Ye Tian immediately stepped out, followed the army ant that flew from Jason's arm, and walked into the dense rainforest on the left side of the team!

The moment he entered the rainforest, he cheered secretly, with an incomparably bright smile on his face.

Army ants! Let's fight together with buddies!

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