Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1126 Treasure on the Cliff

After about twenty minutes, Ye Tiancai reappeared and returned to the joint exploration team.

Before he could stand still, Jason couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, have you found the army ant colony? How many are there? Where are those scary guys, are they far from us?"

This kid asked several questions in a row like a cannonball, with a bit of fear in his tone!

Like him, the others were also very concerned about the answers to these questions, and they all stared at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone quickly, then smiled and replied:

"As I expected, there are two groups of army ants nearby, one group is located in the depths of the rain forest about 100 meters to the left of the team, and the other group is located about 150 meters to the right rear of the team.

The size of these two groups of army ants is not small. The first group has about three to four million ants, and the second group is even larger, probably more than five million. They are densely packed and look very scary.

Both groups of army ants are in motion. Fortunately, they are not moving in this direction. They should not threaten everyone's safety, nor will they affect the next exploration.

So, everyone can rest assured and continue to explore the treasures of Lima with me, without worrying about encountering those terrifying army ants and becoming their delicacy! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to indicate the direction, with a look of relief, his performance was perfect and impeccable!

But in the depths of his eyes, there was a bit of complacency, and a bit of murderous intent.

Like the sapphire poison dart frogs we met before, these two groups of army ants deep in the rainforest have no resistance to the spiritual power released from his eyes, and they are also flocking to them!

Under the clairvoyance, these two groups of ferocious army ants were easily subdued by him, and turned into his little brother, as well as an incomparably sharp biological weapon in his hands.

After subduing the two colonies of army ants, he used these terrifying rainforest killers to set up traps at two key positions in the rear, waiting for those guys with ulterior motives behind the joint exploration team to fall into the trap.

Once someone boldly breaks into the two traps and encounters those army ants, there is only one result waiting for them, that is death, they will instantly turn into a pile of bones and become food for the army ants!

Don't know which fools will be the lucky ones,

Enjoy this special treatment, is it Cook and his gang of idiots, or idiots from elsewhere? Very worth looking forward to!

But no matter who it is, the result is the same, and death is inevitable!

Ye Tian hadn't finished speaking, but everyone at the scene had already exclaimed.

"My God! There are actually two colonies of army ants, and they are both so large, up to several million. Fortunately, we didn't run into them, otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

"Isn't it! If we encounter those horrible guys, we will have to run away, and we will never even think about exploring Lima's treasure. We are lucky to escape!"

The same is true for countless live broadcast terminals, and the exclamation rang out.

"I'm going! There are actually two colonies of army ants, and both are as many as several million. What a terrifying scene it is to gather so many army ants together. It's creepy to think about!"

"The joint exploration team escaped these two groups of marching ants by chance, and they are safe and sound! I don't know the fate of those who followed behind, whether they are also so lucky? It is probably difficult!

If they encounter these two groups of army ants unfortunately, the scene is unimaginable! It must be extremely tragic, it is a living hell on earth, I hope God bless those guys! "

The exclamation quickly fell, and everyone's emotions quickly calmed down. Everyone felt relieved, took a long breath, and relaxed a lot!

Next, Ye Tian introduced the situation that was detected, some were true and some were false, some were false and some were real.

After introducing these situations, everyone immediately returned to the topic.

"Steven, can I tell you now the real burial location of Lima's treasure? We are now only 20 or 30 meters away from the cliff of Discovery Point!

Don't tell me that the treasure of Lima is buried on the cliff of Discovery Point, or buried in the sea under the cliff. If that's the case, it will be too difficult to explore! "

Professor Delgado asked excitedly, his eyes fixed on Ye Tian, ​​his eyes full of expectation.

The rest of the people at the scene counted one by one, and they all behaved the same. Everyone stared at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes were extremely burning, full of expectation, waiting for his answer!

Ye Tian looked at the excited guys in front of him, then nodded with a light smile and said:

"Bingo! Your guess is very correct, Professor Delgado, the treasure of Lima is indeed buried on the cliff of Discovery Point, which is more than 180 meters high!

If it weren't for such a Jedi, how could it have been safely buried in Cocos Island for a long time of one or two hundred years, successfully evaded the search of countless pirates and professional treasure hunters, and remained until now?

The legends that have been passed down for a long time in history, such as the shadow of an eagle in the setting sun, the mysterious cave that will surface after the tide ebbs, etc., are probably the smoke bombs released by Captain Thompson! "

Not surprisingly, the rainforest site exploded directly.

"My God! The treasure of Lima is actually buried on the cliff of Discovery Point. How did Captain Thompson and the others do it? That is the highest and most dangerous cliff in Cocos Island! It's unbelievable!

How did Captain Thompson transport so much gold and silver treasures here, and then put them into the burial site on the cliff? In their time, this was almost an impossible task! "

"It's no wonder that no one has been able to find the Lima treasure in the past one or two hundred years. It turns out that this batch of dazzling gold and silver treasures are hidden on the cliffs of Discovery Point. Who would have thought of it?

Even if someone thought about it, they probably wouldn't have the ability to explore the 180-meter-high cliff! There are not many people with this ability today! "

Not only the rainforest scene, but countless live broadcasts were also completely drowned out by exclamations.

"I can't believe that the treasure of Lima is actually buried on the cliff of Cape Discovery. I have studied the topography of Cocos Island. It is too steep. How could it be the place where the treasure is buried?"

"Wow! The answer is finally revealed, but it's such a surprise! I'm sure there must be some articles in it, and that guy Steven still hasn't said anything!"

While people were exclaiming, the three TV stations had found relevant video materials, and presented the extremely steep and precipitous cliff at the corner of discovery on the TV screen and in front of countless people!

It is a cliff with a height of more than 180 meters. The top of the cliff is a dense virgin tropical rainforest, green and green, and the bottom of the cliff is the rough Pacific Ocean, which is unpredictable!

From the top of the cliff to the bottom of the cliff, the entire cliff is like a knife and an ax chiseling, straight down to the sea, extremely smooth, and almost no point of strength can be seen. Even the most skilled rock climbers may not dare to challenge this cliff!

It is such a cliff that is almost a Jedi, but it was conquered by a group of crazy pirates one or two hundred years ago, and the famous treasure of Lima was hidden on this cliff!

This sounds so unreal, like a myth, people can't believe it!

But it was that guy Steven who said these words, which made everyone have to believe it!

Although that guy is very hateful and cruel, but he always keeps his word, everyone knows this, there is no doubt about it!

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