Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1127 Perfect Treasure Location

"Steven, it's not that we didn't suspect the Discovery Point Cliff. We have explored this cliff by helicopter more than once before, but found nothing!

There are no caves on this cliff at all. How could Captain Thompson hide Lima's treasure here? Couldn't your treasure map be fake too? "

Professor Delgado said puzzledly, even a little disappointed in his eyes.

In his view, this joint exploration operation may be about to fail, and everyone will get nothing and work in vain, just like the previous operations to search for Lima's treasure!

Ye Tian glanced at the historian, then smiled and said:

"Professor Delgado, the treasure map of the Lima Treasure in my hand is undoubtedly true, I am very sure of this, and I will soon present a strong proof.

Everyone has a lot of questions in their hearts, and they are all doubting the authenticity of this treasure location. Next, I will answer these questions one by one. You can listen patiently! "

"Okay, Steven, we're all ears"

Everyone responded in unison, all looking at Ye Tian expectantly.

Afterwards, Ye Tian began to answer questions.

"Continuing the topic just now, let's talk about the exact hiding place of Lima's treasure on the cliff of Discovery Point. Everyone must have heard the sound of the waterfall, this sound is really beautiful!

Discovery Point Cliff Waterfall is one of the largest waterfalls in Cocos Island, and it is also the waterfall with the largest drop. From the top of the Discovery Point cliff, it falls straight to the sea, with a height of more than 180 meters, which is very spectacular!

The cave that hides the treasure of Lima is just behind the cliff waterfall at Discovery Point, in the middle of the cliff, more than 80 meters away from the top of the cliff, and more than 100 meters away from the sea, perfectly covered by the waterfall.

Although Cocos Island is small in size, it is covered with tropical rainforest, with abundant rainfall, with an average annual rainfall of up to 25 feet, waterfalls abound, and there are even more than 70 waterfalls during the peak of the rainy season!

It is precisely because of the abundant fresh water resources that those famous pirates chose this place as a supply station, and coupled with the complex and changeable terrain here, they regarded it as an ideal place to bury gold and silver treasures!

Originating from the main peak of Mount Jimenez and flowing through a large tropical rainforest, the Cape Discovery Cliff Waterfall has an unusually large amount of water. Even in the dry season, I am afraid that the flow has never stopped. Anyway, I have never seen relevant records.


The cave hidden behind the waterfall is naturally impossible to be discovered. Even if you fly a helicopter to observe the waterfall, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find the clues, and you have to worry about it!

I don’t know how Captain Thompson found this cave hidden behind the waterfall. I can guess that maybe he was very lucky and found the cave when the waterfall stopped.

There is also another possibility that one of his gang of pirates just happened to know the existence of this hidden cave and told Captain Thompson, so it became an ideal place to hide Lima's treasure! "

"That cave is actually hidden behind the waterfall. It's so secret! No wonder we didn't find it. If there is no real treasure map, no one would be able to find it!"

Professor Delgado said with emotion, a bit of remorse flashed in his eyes.

All the other Costa Ricans were the same, everyone was a little bit remorseful, but there was nothing they could do about it.

If his own country discovered this cave earlier, the treasure of Lima would completely belong to Costa Rica, and it would be due to Steven!

It's good now, I can only stretch my neck and be slaughtered! Watching the ruthless guy like Steven wielding a big knife and severing half of Lima's treasure, he felt heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do.

That is gold and silver treasures worth hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars. It is heartbreaking to think about it. Who would be willing to part with it?

"Even though Captain Thompson and the others were very lucky to catch up with the rare dry season of the Discovery Point Cliff Waterfall, how did they transport the treasure of Lima into that cave?

You must know that the cave behind the waterfall is more than 80 meters away from the top of the cliff, and the terrain is extremely steep. One or two hundred years ago, this was an almost impossible task!

The distance from Weaver Bay to here is not too short, crossing the entire island, not only the terrain is very undulating along the way, but also dangerous, it must not be easy to transport the treasure of Lima here!

Taking these factors into consideration, Captain Thompson and the others don't seem to have to choose this place to hide Lima's treasure in this cave! The project is too big! It's too much trouble!

Everyone knows that since killing the Spanish governor and seizing the treasure of Lima, Captain Thompson and his gang have become the target of public criticism and the target of countless people.

Given the current situation of Captain Thompson and the others, they might not dare to stay on Cocos Island for a long time and hide Lima's treasure calmly. For them, escape is the first priority! "

Professor Douglas then asked, his eyes full of doubts.

This is also the answer to the question that everyone wants to know. Hearing Douglas' question, everyone immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone, then said with a light smile:

"Everyone can imagine, if it is confirmed that this mysterious and unusual cave does exist, Captain Thompson and his gang of pirates still care whether the waterfall is dry or whether it is a dry season?

This is a tropical rainforest, with trees and dead branches all over the place. They only need to spend a little effort to temporarily change the flow of the stream on the top of the cliff, and let the waterfall rush out of the cliff from other places!

After they transport all the treasures of Lima into the cave and hide them well, they can restore the stream to its original state and let the waterfall pour down from its original position, perfectly covering the cave behind the waterfall."

"Yes, it's not difficult to do, and it doesn't take much time"

Professor Douglas nodded and agreed with Ye Tian's explanation.

The rest of the people also nodded frequently without any objection.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Similarly, after confirming that this cave really exists, Captain Thompson and the others don't need to carry boxes full of gold and silver treasures across the mountains and trek here!

Without a doubt, that is the stupidest way! Not only is it time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it also poses a great safety hazard. Anyone with some brains will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

Captain Thompson only needs to bring a few men and necessary equipment, land from Weaver Bay, and the light vehicle can quickly pass through the rainforest on the island and head for this side! Don't bring any treasure!

After they arrived at Discovery Point, changed the direction of the stream, and determined the location of the cave, they could send a signal to let their pirate ship bypass Cocos Island and come to Discovery Point.

Although the sea conditions at Discovery Cape are very complicated, large ships cannot dock, but the small sampan has no problem. They can use the small sampan to transfer Lima's treasure little by little, and transport it to the sea at the bottom of the cliff.

The pirates at the top of the cliff can use the rope to slowly descend along the cliff and enter the cave, and then use the rope to hoist Lima's treasures into the cave in batches and hide them!

This operation can be said to save time and effort. If everything goes well, it will probably take half a day. Captain Thompson and the others can perfectly hide Lima's treasure, and then walk away!

Why did Captain Thompson kill all his men later? It goes without saying that it must be for the sake of keeping secrets. With his viciousness and viciousness, how could he allow the pirates under him to leave with a secret? "

"I'll go! This operation is really awesome, it's so seamless! It's an eye-opener!"

Logan exclaimed directly, dancing excitedly.

The rest of the people were the same, while being shocked by Ye Tian's words, they also became more excited!

Each of them is eager to try, wishing to grow a pair of wings immediately, fly down the cliff of Discovery Point, fly into the cave hidden behind the waterfall, and let the treasure of Lima reappear in the world!

At that moment, it must be extremely perfect and moving, and the whole world will be shocked by it!

"Steven, does this mean that we also have to change the flow of the stream next to it so that the waterfall rushes out of the cliff from another place?

Next, everyone will be a spider man, use the rope to slowly hang down the cliff, and enter the cave to explore! It's a bit difficult! "

Professor Delgado asked in succession, his face full of excitement.

"That's right! We are indeed planning to change the flow direction of the stream next to it and let the waterfall rush out from other places. It shouldn't take long to complete it. We have brought all the relevant equipment!

If you can withstand the huge impact of the waterfall and do not change the flow direction of the stream, you can follow us and experience the feeling of flying over the wall, it must be very exciting! "

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and said jokingly.

"Forget it quickly! Our old bones can't stand the toss, it's a waterfall falling from a height of 80 or 90 meters, and it only takes one stroke to kill us!

It's better to change the direction of the stream, and then slowly hang down into that cave to explore the treasure of Lima, which is obviously safer. There is plenty of time, so don't be in a hurry! "

Professor Delgado shook his head with a smile and said, he chose the safest way.

"Okay, let's use this method, which is indeed safer. Matisse and I can withstand the impact of the waterfall, but you don't have this ability.

Let's go to the edge of the cliff to see the specific situation, and then we can split up. You have lunch and recharge your batteries. Let's cast a temporary embankment! "

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out and walked towards the cliff at Discovery Point.

The rest of the people followed closely behind, all beaming with excitement, their eyes full of anticipation.

"This is a downhill road, everyone must pay attention to your feet, don't slip or lose your footing, I believe no one wants to take a roller coaster and fly out of the cliff at Discovery Point!"

As Ye Tian marched, he reminded the others loudly.


Everyone laughed out loud, and the voice was very hearty!

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