Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1128 Breaking into Jedi

As we got closer to the cliff of Discovery Point, the light in front of everyone gradually became brighter, and the sound lingering in our ears became richer and clearer!

There are the melodious chirping of various seabirds, the sound of waves beating the shore, and the loud noise of waterfalls pouring down from a high place and hitting the sea. Every sound is very beautiful!

The sea breeze is constantly blowing from outside the rainforest, gently blowing on everyone's face, instantly blowing away the dampness and stuffiness that is unique to the depths of the rainforest, making people feel refreshed!

When everyone strode out of the rainforest and came to the top of the cliff at Discovery Point, the scenery in front of them also changed, and the vision suddenly opened up! Everyone's spirit can't help but lift up.

The dark and humid tropical rain forest has disappeared, and what appears in front of everyone is the vast and far-reaching Pacific Ocean, which is blue, clear and endless, and its beauty is fascinating.

Before the footsteps stood still, there was a sound of exclamation and praise from the top of the cliff.

"Wow! It's so beautiful. I never realized that the sea is so beautiful!"

"I finally left the rainforest. I like the sun, the sea, and the feeling of being unrestrained and embracing the world! It's great!"

Ye Tian looked back at the guys who were expressing emotions behind him, and said with a smile:

"That's because you have just walked out of the rainforest, and the environment around you has changed suddenly. In addition, this place is condescending and has a wide view, and the refreshing feeling is even stronger!"

"That's right, Steven, it's just a refreshing feeling, it's really great!"

Professor Douglas echoed, with a rather excited expression.

Next, everyone stood side by side a few meters away from the cliff of Discovery Point, and began to admire the beautiful scenery in front of them, temporarily forgetting about exploring the treasures of Lima.

There were a few curious guys in the exploration team, who even took a few steps forward to the edge of the cliff, and boldly probed out to observe the situation below the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, these guys quickly retracted their heads, patted their chests and stepped back one by one, all of them looked terrified.

Obviously, they were all intimidated by this extremely steep cliff with a height of more than 180 meters!

This is no better than a viewing platform of a skyscraper hundreds of meters high, without any protection measures on the edge of the cliff,

If it is not a professionally trained rock climber, anyone standing there will have weak legs and tremble with fear!

Maybe a gust of sea breeze blowing from the side will cause the person standing on the edge of the cliff to lose his balance and fall from the cliff of more than 180 meters.

If an animal, even a domestic pig, rushed out of the tropical rain forest behind, it might frighten the person standing on the edge of the cliff and make him stumble and fall!

No matter what the reason is, once you fall from this cliff, you will face only one result, that is death, basically no one can be an exception, unless God favors him!

Although there is the Pacific Ocean below the cliff, but falling from this height, even the soft water surface will become as hard as a rock, capable of destroying everything!

There is a waterfall more than 30 meters away on your right.

The stream that forms the waterfall originates from the main peak of Mount Jimenez and flows here through a large tropical rainforest, bringing a lot of clear fresh water.

After flowing here, that stream will come to an end!

Next, it will rush out from the top of the cliff, forming a waterfall about two or three meters wide. sea ​​surface.

Standing on the top of the cliff and looking down, the sea surface where the waterfall falls is covered with large and small eddies, which is mysterious and unpredictable, and the color of the sea water is slightly different from that of the place.

Obviously, it was a deep pool created by a waterfall over many years, and no one knew the exact depth!

After admiring the scenery for a while, Ye Tian pointed to the waterfall on the right, and said to everyone with a smile on his face:

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's go over there and see what's going on over there, and then we can move!"

"Okay, Steven, let's go and have a look together. To be honest, I can't wait, I wish I could fly off the cliff and see Lima's treasure!"

Professor Douglas nodded in response, his expression extremely excited.

"Who isn't! The treasure of Lima, which has disappeared for a hundred or two hundred years, is about to reappear in the world through our hands, and the thick fog covering it is about to be lifted by us. It's exciting to think about it!"

Professor Douglas echoed, with the same excitement.

While talking and joking, everyone walked over to the waterfall, one by one cautiously, but very excited.

At this time, the countless live broadcast terminals are completely boiling.

"Wow! It seems that the treasure of Lima has not escaped, and it is likely to fall into the hands of this guy, Steven. It must be an astronomical wealth, and it will definitely make people crazy!"

"I really envy this guy, Steven. He is extremely lucky. How did the treasure map of Lima Treasure fall into his hands? God really favors this guy!"

While people were exclaiming, Kenny's voice reached Ye Tian's ears again, informing him of the situation in other places on the island.

"Steven, listening to communications and GPS positioning information shows that Cook and his gang of idiots have already begun to climb Mount Jimenez, and the route is the same as the route you have traveled.

About 50 meters behind them, followed a group of Peruvians, about a dozen, about the same number as Cook and others. Some of these guys came from the army and police, and they were quite powerful! "

"A group of idiots who don't know how to live or die, let them follow and see if they are lucky enough to pass through the man-hunting vine rainforest, I hope God will bless them!

Even if they pass through the trapping vine rainforest, there is still a big meal waiting for them to taste, and when those idiots come to us, I believe there will be few people left! "

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, his words were full of murderous intent.

After a short pause, Kenny's voice came again.

"The guys who crossed Mount Iglesias before have now entered the area between Mount Iglesias and Mount Jimenez, and started searching from south to north.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they will find the traces of the joint exploration team, or the traces left by Cook and his idiots, and catch up from behind.

Those other guys with ulterior motives have also launched a search, looking for the traces of your passing, each of them is very persistent, and they are quite determined not to give up until they reach their goals! "

"Don't pay attention to those idiots, they just came here to die, trying to grab Lima's treasure from Lao Tzu, they really want to go blind, there is no door!

Continue to monitor the communication of those idiots, keep an eye on their locations, if there is any change, remember to notify immediately, we will treat those idiots well!

You can also move, drive the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid to the high seas facing Cape Discovery, and let Raymond and the others be ready to take off at any time and come to support us! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer in a low voice, and began to plan for the next move.

"Understood, Steven, we will set sail right away, heading towards the high seas beyond Cape Discovery! Ready to cooperate with you!"

Kenny responded excitedly, almost flying at the sound.

Afterwards, the kid reported some other situations before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian sent instructions to the United Exploration Fleet moored at Weaver Bay to set sail to leave Weaver Bay, bypass the northern tip of the island, and sail towards Discovery Point.

After receiving the order, the Joint Exploration Fleet took action immediately, several ships lifted anchor one after another, and slowly sailed away from Weaver Bay!

At the western foot of Mount Jimenez, Cook and his idiots who followed were trekking hard in the rainforest. Everyone was cautious, lest they step into the trap set by Ye Tian!

Even with such care, they unknowingly broke into the Jedi and stepped into the gates of hell!

While marching, a guy in this team stretched out his hand and gently pushed aside a vine protruding from the nearby bushes, ready to move on!

At this moment, the situation has changed suddenly!

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