Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1135 The Cave in the Darkness

After cheering, Professor Douglas immediately said impatiently

"Steven, since the life-size golden statue of the Virgin Mary has appeared, there is no doubt that the treasure of Lima must be hidden in the cave behind the waterfall at the discovery corner cliff!

From the discovery of America by Columbus until now, there has only been one life-sized golden statue of the Virgin Mary, without a semicolon. It is the best proof of Lima's treasure, and it is a priceless treasure!

That golden statue must be as beautiful and generous, solemn and elegant as in the legend, radiating holy light! I really want to see that statue and see those dazzling gold and silver treasures immediately!

When can we hang off the cliff and enter that cave? Hope you establish a safe foothold soon so we can get into that cave, honestly we can't wait! "

As soon as Professor Douglas finished speaking, before Ye Tian could answer, Kevin from NBC TV took over the conversation and said loudly excitedly

"Steven, this moment is too shocking, I am ready, I can descend at any time, enter that cave, and present the golden statue of the Virgin Mary in front of everyone!

Of course, there are other dazzling gold and silver treasures! I'm sure the whole world will be blown away when the golden statue of the Virgin Mary hits the TV screen! "

"Gentlemen, please be safe! The interior of this cave is relatively large. I am currently near the entrance of the cave, and what I can see is relatively limited. There are many places inside that I haven't had time to explore yet!

In those corners deep in the cave where the sun does not shine, no one knows whether there are any dangerous creatures hidden, such as highly poisonous species like the sapphire poison dart frog, so we have to be careful.

For the sake of safety, I plan to investigate the situation in the cave first, and then let you down after confirming that it is safe here. I believe it will not take long. Please wait patiently for a while! "

Ye Tianqing's clear voice came from the walkie-talkie, reaching everyone's ears on the top of the cliff and on the live broadcast!

Hearing this, what can the people on the top of the cliff do?

They can only continue to wait patiently, no matter how urgent the mood is, there is no way!

Unless they suddenly grow a pair of wings, they can ignore Ye Tian's words, fly directly down the cliff with wings, fly into the cave where Lima's treasure is hidden, and witness the fascinating scene with their own eyes!

Unfortunately, there are no birdmen here!


It's okay for you to investigate the situation in that cave. It is for the safety of everyone in the joint exploration team. It is beyond reproach and necessary!

But I want to ask you, don't touch any of the treasures in the cave. Every treasure there has extraordinary historical and cultural research value and is a historical evidence!

Those treasures are very important to Costa Rica and to the whole of Central and South America. They are treasures for studying the history and culture of Central and South America, and they must not be damaged in any way!

I have informed Flores of the discovery of the Lima treasure. After receiving the news, they immediately sent a large number of police to Cocos Island to strengthen the security here!

Some of these policemen took seaplanes and some took ships. I believe it will not take long to arrive at Cocos Island to ensure the safety of Lima's treasures! Keep everyone safe too! "

Professor Delgado picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly, his face flushed with excitement, and his voice was a little trembling.

Of course, he was somewhat worried and somewhat regretful!

What he was worried about was that Ye Tian might destroy the scene in the cave, or accidentally damage an antique artwork. That would be a pity, and it might even cause irreparable damage!

Unfortunately, why wasn't he the first to enter that cave? Why not Costa Rican? How wonderful it would be!

"Hahaha, don't worry, Professor Delgado, and all the other people on the top of the cliff and at the live broadcast end, you don't have to worry about the safety of these babies in the cave!

Don't forget, I am not only a top professional treasure hunter, but also a top expert in antique art appraisal. I know how to protect antique art!

I know very well the value of these antique works of art in the treasures of Lima, and I will not touch these treasures before the brigade enters the cave! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his tone full of confidence.

Regarding what he said, no one would doubt it. This guy is right. He is the top expert in the identification of antique works of art. It is no exaggeration!

"That's good, Steven, with your professionalism, I believe you can do your best!"

Professor Delgado continued, secretly relieved.

Afterwards, everyone on the top of the cliff began to check their equipment and prepare to descend into the hidden cave. Everyone was excited, excited and full of anticipation!

In the cave in the middle of the cliff, Ye Tian was still staring at the golden statue of the Virgin Mary a few meters ahead, but his mood had calmed down a lot.

In his eyes, the statue not only radiated the inherent dazzling light of gold, but also radiated a gorgeous red light, which accurately revealed the age it came from.

This is a golden statue from the early 19th century. The Virgin Mary is elegant and generous, with her hands spread forward, her head slightly tilted to the right, and lovingly gazing ahead, revealing a holy flavor!

The sculpture is very detailed, body posture and facial expressions are all lifelike, very vivid, even the clothes on the Virgin Mary are carved very carefully, giving people the feeling of fluttering with the wind!

Obviously, this is a work by a master artist, with extraordinary artistic and cultural value, and the nearly twenty layers of enchanting halos surrounding it are the best and most accurate proof!

It's a pity that Ye Tian didn't know that it was the work of that top art master, and there is no relevant written record in history!

If you look carefully at this golden sculpture, you may find some clues, and maybe you can verify who the master artist who shaped this sculpture is!

When he just swung into the cave, Ye Tian had already quickly seen through the sculpture, and he had a clear understanding of its structure, knowing that it was a hollow golden statue.

This was already in his expectation, and he was not surprised. Even if it was hollow, it would cost hundreds of kilograms of gold to create this life-sized sculpture, which is not a small amount of work!

If it was a solid sculpture, it would cost at least a few tons based on the specific gravity of gold!

Even if Captain Thompson and his gang of pirates are exhausted, it is impossible to raise this golden sculpture to a height of more than 100 meters in the air, and then hide it in this cave!

When looking through, Ye Tian did find a mark at the bottom of the sculpture, which should be left by the master artist who created this sculpture!

It's a pity that Ye Tian didn't know that mark, so he had no way of knowing who the artist who left the mark was!

He also has no intention of continuing to explore, that is the work of Professor Delgado and Professor Douglas, and they must be very happy to explore the hidden history behind this information!

In addition, Ye Tian is also very clear that once this golden statue of the Virgin Mary is found, it will immediately become a national treasure of Costa Rica and will be strictly protected. No one can touch it, including himself!

After admiring the sculpture for a while, Ye Tian looked away and looked elsewhere.

The interior space of this cave is very large, the area near the entrance of the cave is only tens of square meters, like a spacious living room!

However, this is a living room with strange rocks, and there are not many flat places. There are many stalagmites of different sizes and heights distributed on the roof, ground and sides of the cave!

These stalagmites hang upside down, stand upright, or protrude from slanted thorns; some are sharp, some are round, some are like animals, and some are like birds, with different postures and strange things, which is very beautiful!

From time to time, there are drops of water falling on the roof and sides of the cave, one drop on the ground or on the stalagmites, and the sound is clear and melodious, quite pleasant!

Especially in this quiet cave, it sounds more flavorful, like the sound of nature!

After falling to the ground, these water droplets will immediately shatter, and then gather together to form a small stream, which slowly flows into the depths of the cave!

Ye Tian's eyes followed the stream, looking deep into the cave!

The further the line of sight extends, the dimmer the light becomes!

After more than ten meters, it was already pitch black. Under visual conditions, it was impossible to see the situation inside the cave clearly, and I didn't know what was hidden in the darkness!

But for Ye Tian, ​​neither distance nor darkness is a problem.

He turned on the perspective again, and began to explore the depths of the cave shrouded in darkness.


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